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答题说明:(1)选择题部分的答案请在答题卡上相应的字母中间划横线,如[A]。 (2)主观题的答案写在答题纸上相应的位置。 注意事项:答案写在试卷上一律不给分。 I.Vocabulary and Structure(45points,1.5foreach)

Directions:There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,C,D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 1.He is an artist, so these economic terms are not familiar _______him. A.with B.of C.to D.on

2.Did Peter fix the computer himself?——

He_______, because he doesn’t know much about computers. A.hasitfixed B.hadfixedit C.haditfixed D.fixedit

3.It’s the training that he had as a young Man _______made him such a good architect. A.that B.what C.which D.has

4.You must remember to _______all your belongings out of this office today. A.fetch B.take away C.bing D.take

5.They became friends again that day.Until then, they ______to each other for nearly tow years. A.didn’t speak B.hadn’t spoken C.haven’t spoken D.haven’t been speaking 6.do you change the cell for your watch?

A.How many B.How often C.How little D.How soon

7.The criminal always paid _______ cash , so the police could not track him down. A.on B.by C.for D.in

8.It is impossible to_______ with a person whose methods are completely opposed to your own . A.cooperate B.correspond C.compete D.compare 9.The number of the people

Who ____cars _______increasing.

A.owns,are B.owns,is C.own,is D.own,are 10.It’s important that the plan ______a head of schedule. A.should fulfill B.fulifilled C.fulfill D.befulfilled

11.There was no much time left , so the teacher just talked about the topic. A.in detail B.in brief C.in short D.in all

12.______to the doctor right away, he might have been alive.

A.If he went B.Were he gone C.Should he have gone D.Had he gone

13.He will surely finish the job on time _______ he’s left to do it in his own way. A.in that B.so long as C.in case D.as far as

14.Many companies are seeking to exploit and develop the rich Natural _______in western regions.

A.sources B.resources C.materials D.power

15.his sister, Jack is quiet and does not easily make friends with others. A.Dislike B.Unlike C.Alike D.Liking

16.Can you the TV set for me so that it is not too bright ?


A.switch B.balance C.change D.adjust 17.No one except Jack and Tom ______ answer.

A.konw B.knows C.is knowing D.are known

18.Some local companies are making great efforts to ______with foreign companies for a share of the market.

A.connect B.combine C.compete D.compare

19.______such heavy pollution already, it may now be too late to clean up the river. A.Having suffered B.Suffering C.To suffer D.Suffered 20.As it turned out to be a small party,we ______so formally. A.needn’t dress up B.did not need have dressed up C.did not need dress up D.needn’t have dressed up 21.Do you need any help,Lucy? Yes,the job

Is ______I could do myself.

A.less than B.more than C.no more than D.not more than

22.In order to finish the task in time,we must agree______ the specific readers. A.with B.at C.to D.in

23.______he referred to in his article was unknown to the general readers. A.That B.What C.Whether D.Where 24.He did have a lot of facts To_______ his arguments.

A.back up B.bring out C.count on D.confine to

25.His movie won several awards at the film festival, _______was beyong his wildest dream. A.which B.that C.where D.it

26.He would rather _________such dishonest business deals. A.to resign than to take part in B.resigning than to take part in C.resign than take part in D.to resigning than taking part in 27.Last week,only two people came to look at the house, _______wanted to buy it.

A.none of them B.both of them C.none of whom D.neither of whom 28.He is an outstanging

Lawyer,_______,he sould have a high status in society. A.therefore B.because C.however D.andthan

29.______yourbook, and do the work first. You may read it later. A.Put out B.Put away C.Putup D.Puton 30.It is not difficult to teach _______students. A.smart B.fashionable C.sensitive D.vital II.Cloze Test (15points,1for each)

Directions:there are 15 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A,B,CandD. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWERSHEET with a single line through the center.

Shopping for chothes is not the 31 experience for a man as it is for a woman. A man goes shopping because he needs something. His purpose is settled and decided in 32 . He knows what he wants, and his objective is to find it and buy it; the price is a secondary33 . All men simply


walk into a shop and ask for what they want. If the shop has it in 34 , the salesman promptly produces it, and the business of 35 it on proceeds at once. And if all 36 well, the deal can be and often is completed in less than five minutes, With 37 chat and to everyone’s satisfaction.

Now how does a woman go out buying clothes? Her shopping is not always 38 on needs. She has 39 fully made up her mind what she wants, and she is only “having a look 40 .” She is always open to persuasion. Indeed she gets great store by what the saleman tells her, ever by what comanions tell her. She will try on any number of things. Uppermost in her mind 41 the thought of finding something that everyone thinks suits her. 42 to a lot of jokes, most women have an excellent sense of value when they buy clothes. They are always on the look out for the unexpected 43 . Faced with a roomful of dresses, a woman may easily 44 an hour going from one rail to another ,often retracting her steps, before selecting the dresses she wants to try on. It is a laboring process, but apparently a(n) 45 one. Most dress shops provide chairs for the waiting husbands.

31.A.similar B.different C.same D.time-consuming 32.A.detail B.advance C.time D.mind

33.A.matter B.thing C.objective D.consideration 34.A.sale B.stock C.store D.supply

35.A.putting B.testing C.examining D.trying 36.A.is B.goes C.happening D.being 37.A.hardly B.no C.nor D.seldom

38.A.decided B.put C.depended D.based 39.A.nevertheless B.already C.never D.yet 40.A.round B.about C.at D.for 41.A.was B.is C.were D.are

42.A.According B.As C.So as D.Contrary 43.A.bargain B.fashion C.style D.mode 44.A.use B.cost C.spend D.need

45.A.worthwhile B.tolerant C.enjoyable D.tiresome III.ReadingComprehension(45points) SectionA(30points,2foreach)

Directions:There are three passages in this part. Each of the three passages is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,CandD. You should decide on the best choice mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWERSHEET with a single line through the center.

Questions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage:

Colds are very common. The symptoms(症状)of the common colds include a sore throat, runny nose, stuffed-upnose(塞鼻子), and tiredness. Colds are caused by viruses(病毒),but scientists cannot explain the exact cause. Over dozens of years, scientists have tried to do different experiments to find the cure. Their findings are university the same——— there is no cure. Many people, however believe that they know the cause of and cures for the common cold. For example, they believe that it is possible to get a cold if we get chilled, if we get extra tired, or if we are too close to a person with a cold. In other words, if we want to prevent catching cold, we should stay warm and dry, we should avoid getting too tired, and we should not be in close contact with people who have colds.


Meanwhile, there are probably hundreds of “cures” thoughout the world for the common cold. For example, the following suggestions are popularin quite a number of societies: (1)drink plenty of water, (2)get extra rest; (3) take a lot of vitamins(维生素); (4)take aspirin(阿司匹林); (5)keep warm, and soon.

Each year people spend a lot of money on cold medicines---pills, liquids, lozenges(含片). But these medicines do not cure colds,they can only relieve cold symptoms. In other words, they make us feel better. Although our human beings cannot cure colds, we have desired to improve our health. Perhaps one day we can find out the ways of curing the common colds. As an ordinary person,we do not know whether the day to find the cure is close to us or not. 46.The passage is mainly about______

A.looking for the cause of the common cold B.introducing some cures for the common cold C.some general knowledge about the common cold D.new medicines for curing The common cold

47.According to the passage, people with colds feel_________ A.Stuffy B.tired C.thirsty D.dizzy 48.To prevent catching cold, you__________ A.should go out on a rainy day

B.should not wash your hair in cold weather

C.should not keep away from a person who has a cold D.should not eat too much

49.Which of the following is NOT a “cure” for the commocold? A.Take a lot of vitaminC B.Drink plenty of water C.Getmorerest D.Put on as many clothes as possible 50.Which of the following is TRUE about the common cold? A.There are no medicines that can cure colds.

B.There are hundreds of symptoms of the common cold. C.Many people know what causes the commoncold. D.Scientists are close to finding a cure for colds.


Being happy is just like being fit, with a new guidebook saying you need to practice the skills needed to get this emotion, a little every day, and remain happy even during the darkest time.

“Road-testing Happiness: How to be Happier” by Sophie is a self-help book. “Being happy is something you need to focus on, it doesn’t come as a matter of course.” Scott said. “you always need to make an effort, even if your each the point of saying, you still need to keep focuing and working on the things that made you happy.” Scott also said the book was born out of her interest in the human’s mind as well as how difficult she found it to cope after her mother died of cancer two years ago.

“I was always interested in psychology, but a lot of happiness books don’t tell the fact that you can be happy if your life isn’t going according to plan. The key is managing expectations .” She says, “In the book , I focused on what were the things most likely to make people happy, the ones with the most scientific research.” And before you start thinking that being happy is yet another task and then feel guilty when you don’t do it, Scott said the road to a positive outlook


begins with very easy, small steps.

“Women today feel overloaded(超负荷): they’ve got to be thin,got to have a career,got to have a perfect relationship and the last thing you need is to be thinking you’ve got to be happy all the time.” she said. But it is import ant to improve your quality of life. Stop rushing around and filling each moment of the day with things to do, and then sit down and think about your life and how you’re feeling. The things I got out of this were not things that take a lot of effort: feeling more grateful for the things I’ve got; modifying my reaction to situations and people. It’s about changing small habits, more tinkering around the edges instead of overhauling your life.” 51.By saying“ being happy is just like being fit”, the author really means_______. A.people should practice how to remain happy B.people should spend more time to work out C.keepinghappy is the key to continue our life

D.it’s difficult for people to keep happy all the time

52.Why is Scott unsatisfied with the happiness book written by other writers? A.They are not based on psychological analysis B.There is a lack of scientific facts in these books C.He wants to show his book is the greatest one D.They haven’t offered readers completed solutions

53.What should we do if we want to remain to be happy in Sott’s opinion? A.Force ourselves to burst into laughter everytime B.Lower our expectations for ourselves sometimes C.Read more books about out psychological activities D.Think that happiness is a very important task to do 54.In the last paragraph, Scott suggests that_____

A.People should sit down and think of their childhood B.people shouldn’t work so hard and be so overloaded C.people should chang their attitudes towards daily life D.people should take their quality of life for granted

55.Which of the following can best reflect Scott’sopinion?

A.Happiness lies in our contentment B.Happiness originates from our success C.A smile always makes a young man D.Laughing can make you become fat

Question 56 to 60 are based on the following passage:

For a long time women with HIV(艾滋病病毒) were ignored because the focus was totally on HIV men. The gay community(同性恋社区)was very much in sight and vocal(呼声高的)and successfully got support for its cause. Now we are rapidly approaching the point where about one half of all AIDS cases in the world are women. But no one is taking this dangerously high level of infection(感染) among women seriously enough.

Women usually have a worse time dealing with HIV than men do. In most cases, the woman is taking care of children as well as her sick partner. She may not even have time to take care of herself. The HIV-positive woman ends up shouldering the family as well as her own personal problems. Men, however, are usually the ones who have insurance, income and access to doctors. They get care. Women often do not.

The discrimination(歧视) against HIV-positive women is simply terrible. They are likely to




