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一种基于PKI体系的USB Key认证客户端的设计研究
摘要:由于互联网所具有的广泛性和开放性,决定了互联网不可避免地存在着信息安全隐,进行身份认证就是必须的安全措施。本论文比较分析了常见的身份认证的方式的优缺点,并在此基础上讨论了USB Key认证方式的原理、特点,以及PKI体系的认证过程,重点上从软件设计和硬件设计两个角度完成了基于PKI体系下的USB Key认证客户端,对于提高身份认证技术的安全性具有一定的借鉴意义。
关键词:身份认证;UEB Key;PKI体系;认证设计
中图分类号:TP393文献标识码:A文章编号:1009-3044(2008)23-930-02 Design Research of Authentication Client Based on USB Key under PKI System ZHOU Hua-xiang
(Changsha Commerce & Tourism College, Changsha 410004, China)
Abstract: Due to universality and opening of the Internet,there're many hidden troubles of
information security in the network, so, identity authentication has becomed the necessary measure to ensure the security. This paper compared and analyzed the relative merits of common classes of
identity authentication, and on the basis of analysis, the authentication principle and its characteristics, and the authentication processing were also discussed, and after that, the identifying technology of USB Key with PKI system was designed from software and hardware detaily. All these design work and theory analysis is significative for enhance the security of the identifying authentication. Key words: Identity authentication; USB Key; PKI System; Technology design 1 引言
一种基于PKI体系的USB Key认证客户端的设计研究