Chapter 1 Introduction What is linguistics? 什么是语言学 [A] The definition of linguistics Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language (对语言进行的科学研究) Process of linguistic study: ① Certain linguistic facts are observed, generalization are formed; ② Hypotheses are formulated; ③ Hypotheses are tested by further observations; ④ A linguistic theory is constructed. [B] The scope of linguistics General linguistics普通语言学: the study of language as a whole从整体研究 1.Phonetics: the general study of the characteristics of speech sounds (or the study of the phonic medium of language) (How speech sounds are produced and classified) 2.Phonology: is essentially the description of the systems and patterns of speech sounds in a language. (How sounds form systems and function to convey meaning) 3.Morphology: the study of the way in which morphemes are arranged to form words (how morphemes are combined to form words) 4.Syntax: the study of those rules that govern the combination of words to form permissible sentences (how morphemes and words are combined to form sentences) 5.Semantics: the study of meaning in abstraction 6.Pragmatics: the study of meaning in context of use Sociolinguistics: the study of language with reference to society Psycholinguistics: the study of language with reference to the workings of the mind Applied linguistics: the application of linguistics principles and theories to language teaching and learning Anthropological linguistics, neurological linguistics; mathematical linguistics; mathematical linguistics; computational linguistics [C] Some important distinctions in linguistics ① Prescriptive vs. Descriptive 规定性与描写性 ② Synchronic vs. Diachronic 共时性与历时性(现代英语多研究共时性) The description of a language at some point in time; The description of a language as it changes through time. ③ Speech and writing 言语与文字 Spoken language is primary, not the written ④ Langue and parole 语言和言语 Proposed by Swiss linguists F. de Sausse (sociological) Langue: refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community(指一个话语社团所有成员共有的语言系统) Parole: refers to the realization of langue in actual use(指语言在实际运用中的实现) ⑤ Competence and performance 语言能力与语言运用 Proposed by the American linguist N. Chomsky (psychological) Competence: the ideal user’s knowledge of the rules of his language.(理想的语言使用者关于语言规则方面的知识) Performance: the actual realization of this knowledge in linguistics communication.(这种知识在语言交流中的具体实现) What is language? 什么是语言 [A] The definition of language Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. (语言是一个具有任意性、用于人类交流的语音符号系统。) a) System: combined together according to rules (根据规则组合在一起) b) Arbitrary: no intrinsic connection between a linguistic symbol and what the symbol stands for(语言符号和符号所代表的事物之间没有内在的必然的联系) c) Vocal: the primary medium is sound for all languages (所有语言的首要媒介都是声音) d) Human: language is human-specific (语言是人类所独有的) [B]Design features (unique properties): the defining properties of human language that distinguish it from any animal system of communication (识别特征是指人类语言区别于任何动物交际系统的本质特征) ①Arbitrariness(任意性) There is no logical or natural connection between a linguistic form (either sound or word) and its meaning. While language is arbitrary by nature, it is not entirely arbitrary.(意义和语音之间没有什么逻辑的联系;虽然是任意性的,但并非完全任意) a) echo of the sounds of objects or activities: onomatopoeic words (拟声词) b) some compound words (某些复合词) ②Productivity(能产性,创造性) Language is productive in that it makes possible the construction and interpretation of new signals by its users. (Creativity or open-endedness) ★③Duality(双重结构性,两重性或二元性) Language is organized at two levels or layers simultaneously. The lower or basic level is a structure of sounds which are meaningless. The higher level is morpheme or word (double articulation)(语言是一个系统,包含两组结构或者两个层面。在较低/基本层面存在着语音结构,其自身没有什么意义;较高层面存在着意义单位;结构的双重性/语言的双层性) ④Displacement(跨时空性,移位性) Language can be used to refer to contexts removed from the immediate situations of the speaker (refer to past and future time and to other locations) ⑤Cultural transition(文化传递性) While human capacity for language has a genetic basis (everyone was born with the ability to acquire a language), the details of any language system are not genetically transmitted, but instead have to be taught and learnt. The above 5 properties may be taken as the core features of human language. Chapter 2 Phonology 音位学 [A] The definition of phonetics(语音学) Phonetics: the study of the phonic medium of language: it is concerned with all the sounds that occur in the world’s languages.(是指对语言的语音媒介进行的研究,它关注语言世界中的所有语音) Articulatory phonetics: the study of how speech sounds are made, or articulated.(发音语音学) Acoustic phonetics: deals with the physical properties of speech as sound waves in the air.(听觉语音学) Auditory (or perceptual) phonetics: deals with the perception, via the ear, of speech sounds.(声学语音学) [B] Organs of speech (发音器官) Voiceless:清音 when the vocal cords are spread apart, the air from the lungs passes between them unimpeded. Voiced (Voicing): 浊音when the vocal cords声带 are drawn together, the air from the lungs repeated pushes them apart as it passes through, creating a vibration effect. All the English vowels元音are typically voiced (voicing). The important cavities: The pharyngeal cavity 咽腔 The oral cavity 口腔 The nasal cavity 鼻腔 其他部位:Lips唇1, teeth齿2, teeth ridge (alveolus)齿龈3, hard palate硬腭4, soft palate (velum)软腭5, uvula小舌6, tip of tongue舌尖7, blade of tongue舌面8, back of tongue舌后9, vocal cords声带10 [C] Orthographic representation of speech sounds:Broad and narrow transcriptions (语音的正字法表征:宽式/窄式标音) IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet/Association国际语音协会/国际音标) Broad transcription: the transcription with letter-symbols only (代表字母的符号) Narrow transcription: the transcription with letter-symbols together with the diacritics (变音符) E.g.: [l]?[li:f]--? a clear [l] (no diacritic) [l]?[bild]--?a dark [l] (~) [l]?[help]--?a dental [l] ( ) 表示送气[p]?[pit]--?an aspirated [ph](h) [p]?[spit]--?an unaspirated [p] (no diacritic) [n]?[?b?tn]?a syllabic nasal [n] (?) [D] Classification of English consonants(英语辅音的分类) In terms of manner of articulation 根据发音方法分 (the manner in which obstruction is created) ①Stops闭塞音: the obstruction is total or complete, and then going abruptly [p]/[b], [t]/[d], [k]/[g] ②Fricatives摩擦音: the obstruction is partial, and the air is forced through a narrow passage in the month [f]/[v], [s]/[z], [∫]/[з], [θ]/[δ], [h] (approximant) ③Affricates塞擦音: the obstruction, complete at first, is released slowly as in fricatives [t∫]/[dз] ④Liquids流音: the airflow is obstructed but is allowed to escape through the passage between part or parts of the tongue and the roof of the mouth [l]?a lateral sound; [r]? retroflex ⑤Glides滑音: [w], [j] (semi-vowels) Liquid + glides + [h]? approximants ⑥Nasals鼻音: the nasal passage is opened by lowering the soft palate to let air pass through it [m], [n], [η] By place of articulation根据发音部位分 (the place where obstruction is created) ①bilabial双唇音: upper and lower lips are brought together to create obstructions [p]/[b], [w]?(velar) ②labiodentals唇齿音: the lower lip and the upper teeth [f]/[v] ③dental齿音: the tip of the tongue and the upper front teeth [θ]/[δ] ④alveolar齿龈音: the front part of the tongue on the alveolar ridge [t]/[d], [s]/[z], [n], [l], [r] ⑤palatal腭音: tongue in the middle of the palate [θ]/[δ], [t∫]/[dз], [j] ⑥velars软腭因: the back of the tongue against the velum [k], [g], [η]