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05 布局靓丽出众

攻略一 结构与表述布局靓丽.示例(一)

题型示例 首段:说明回信目的 回复询问信常用于回复对方询问有关中国文化习俗、礼仪或学校活动等方面的书信体应用文 有关的信息 尾段: 表达祝愿或邀请对方体验某习俗或活动 ▲表述策略 开头句夺人眼球

1.Delighted to know you show great interest in ... (某文化习俗/活动), I am writing to inform you of some relevant details.

很高兴得知你对……兴趣浓厚, 我写信告诉你相关细节。

2.Learning that you are interested in ... (某传统文化/活动),I'd like to/am writing to share with you some details.

得知你对……很感兴趣, 我想/写信告诉你一些细节。

3.As for your last letter asking about ..., I'm delighted to tell you something in detail. 对于你在上封信中问及的……, 我很高兴地告诉你一些详细的情况。 篇中句靓丽出彩

4.The dumpling is a traditional food in China, which has a long history.

主体段落:具体介绍与礼仪、文化习俗或学校某活动 谋篇布局 满分攻略


5.It is the activity that adds to our understanding of the history and development of our city.


6.Through this activity I realize that small things can make a real difference. 通过这次活动我认识到小的事情也会起到重要的作用。 结尾句韵味无穷

7.I'm convinced you will have a good time/enjoy yourself. 我相信你会玩得开心。

8.Do come to China and experience the traditions and customs in person. 务必来中国亲自体验这些传统风俗。

先补写后背诵,同时注意过渡衔接词汇的使用 (2018·全国卷Ⅰ满分作文) Dear Terry,

How is everything going? It's great to learn you are invited to a Chinese friend's home. As for some Chinese table manners, ①Here_is_some_relevant_information (下面是一些相关信息).

Firstly, arrive on time or a little earlier because being punctual is considered polite in China. Besides, if you'd like to bring a gift, ②fresh_fruits_will_be_a_good_choice (新鲜的水果将是不错的选择). Most importantly, at table, it is the elderly who are usually the first to eat since they are well respected in China. If they insist on asking you to eat first, just go ahead.

③Just_relax_and_you_will_enjoy_yourself (放松,你会玩得开心的).

Yours, Li Hua


攻略二 结构与表述科布局靓丽.示例(二)

题型示例 谋篇布局 首段:自我介绍,说明要询问的活动或某情询问信是针对某项活动或相关情况,请求收件人或收信机构介绍所询问的信息的书信体应用文 况 主体段落:提出要询问的某项情况或某项活动的几个方面的问题 尾段:希望对方回复,表示感谢 ▲表述策略 开头句夺人眼球

1.I have seen your advertisement and I'd like to know something more about your six-week English course.


2.I'm writing to see if it is possible for you to provide me with information regarding/concerning ...


3.I wonder if you could provide some specific information about ... 我想知道你是否能提供一些关于……的具体信息。

4.I wonder/am wondering if you could/would let me know something about ... 不知道你是否能够告知有关……的情况。 篇中句靓丽出彩

5.I would like to know how much I have to pay for the course and whether accommodation is included.

我想知道我上这个课程需要付多少钱,是否提供食宿。 6.Another point I am not certain about is ... 我还不确定的另外一点是……


