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Part Ⅰ Vocabulary and Structure 1 For miles around me there was nothing but a desert, without a single plant or tree _____. A. on earth B. at a distance C. in sight D. in place 2. This case is quite _____ today with the great development of science and technology. A. common B. general C. simple D. alike 3. _____ the dog, we should have reached our destination in time. A. Because of B. In spite of C. But for D. In case of 4. Lucy changed her major from physics to computer, _____. A. with hopes to be able to locate employment more easily B. hoping she can easily get a job C. with the hope for the ability to find a better job D. hoping to find a job more easily 5. That tree looked as if it _____ for a long time. A. hasn't watered B. didn't watered C. hadn't been watered D. wasn't watered 6. Though the long-term _____ cannot be predicted, the project has been approved by the committee. A. affect B. effect C. effort D. afford 7. One must live in the United States for five years in order to _____ citizenship. A. appeal to B. accept C. approve of D. apply for 8. Can you tell me _____ ? A. who is that gentlemen B. that gentleman is who C. who that gentleman is D. whom is that gentle man 9. Only in this way _____ progress in your English. A. you make B. can you make C. you be able to make D. will you able to make 10. It's a fine day. Let's go fishing, _____ ? A. won't we B. will we C. don't we D. shall we 11. The building _____ roof we can see is the Western Church. A. its B. which C. whose D. who's 12. The first software of Windows _____ by Bill Gates became very popular with computer lovers immediately. A. made B. had made C. was made D. had been made 13. I could easily have imagined her _____ him as a man of fine quality. A. thinking B. regarding C. talking D. admitting 14. He has no choice but _____ to see him. A. to go B. go C. going D. goes 15. _____ left before the meeting, it doesn't seem likely that they will come. A. In such a short time B. Only such a short time C. With such a short time D. Without such a short time 16. She listened carefully _____ she might discover exactly what he wanted. A. so as that B. in case C. providing D. in order that 17. I remember her and her brother _____ to our office. A. coming B. to come C. come D. to have come 18. I don't think anyone can accuse her _____ not being frank. A. with B. in C. of D. at 19._____ , the people in the flooded areas could not have rebuilt their homes. A. If the Party didn't offer its timely help B. Hadn't the Party offered its timely help C. Should the Party offered its timely help D. If the Party offered its timely help 20. The moon shines brightly, as if it _____ light by itself. A. gave off B. gave away C. gave up D. gave in 21.It is highly _____ that the project will be of great use in solving the water pollution problem. A、probably B、possibly C、likely D、certainly 22.You should be _____ of yourself for telling such a lie. A、afraid B、sorry C、ashamed D、regretful 23.Obviously the steak is overdone. I can hardly _____ it.

A、swallow B、chew C、eat D、taste 24. His newly published novel, _____ spoken of by both experts and common readers, is a great success. A、exactly B、awfully C、highly D、appropriately 25.You might consider _____ work before you decide what you want to do. A、lifelong B、present C、permanent D、temporary 26.At least six times since the end of the last ice age, the Mississippi River has dramatically altered its _____. A、course B、road C、way D、channel 27.The purpose of this program is to measure students’ _____ to learn instead of their present achievement. A、determination B、capacity C、process D、attitude 28.Words failed to _____ her excitement when she was told she had won the first prize in the music competition. A、explain B、convey C、conduct D、transmit 29.Please write your name in the _____ space at the top of the form and then hand it back to me. A、empty B、bare C、blank D、hollow 30.There will be a series of _____ on the British legal system in our department. A、speeches B、classes C、address D、lectures 31.It is the _____ for the bride’s father to pay for the wedding. A、custom B、habit C、hobby D、pattern 32.The refrigerator will be sent to your house within three days free of _____. A、expense B、charge C、payment D、cost 33.Creating a new festival may seem an unusual way to celebrate history and culture, but we are _____ all creating new festival every year. A、in fact B、in a word C、in general D、in turn 34.If you don’t want to be down and out, you’d better try your best to _____ the fast pace of modern society. A、make up for B、live up to C、keep up with D、put up with 35.None of us expected Doctor King to _____ at the meeting. We thought he was still in America. A、turn down B、turn off C、turn to D、turn up 36.The plain silver ring was her favorite; it was _____ to her form her great-grandmother. A、handed out B、handed down C、handed over D、handed in 37.On seeing the old lady crossing the road, she _____ her car immediately. A、pulled up B、pulled down C、pulled in D、pulled off 38.Glass-fiber cables can carry hundreds of telephone conversations _____. A、at length B、at the moment C、at the same time D、at intervals 39._____ this sad event, we have cancelled the 4th of July celebrations. A、In regard to B、In light of C、In line with D、In terms of 40.This kind of vegetable is extremely expensive in winter because it is _____. A、out of season B、out of fashion C、out of date D、out of order 41.The courses at our school are very different from _____ at your school. A、that B、those C、which D、if 42.The meeting began two hours ago, but so far no decision _____. A、had arrived by B、has arrived at C、had been arrived by D、has been arrived at 43.There is some doubt _____ Julia can pass her driving test tomorrow. A、whether B、that C、which D、were canceled 44.I’m very tired and I don’t think I feel like _____ shopping today. A、to go to B、to go C、going to D、going 45.Mary should have put the fish in the refrigerator. I bet it _____ uneatable by now. A、becomes B、has become C、will become D、had become 46.– Did Richard mend the roof himself? – No, he _____ because he doesn’t like to climb a ladder. A、hadn’t mended it B、had it mended C、mended it D、had mended it 47.Being watched by a lot of people, Alison felt very nervous, _____ what to say. A、didn’t know B、not knowing C、and doesn’t know D、not know 48.Not only _____ a pay increase, they want reduced hours as well. A、do nurses want B、nurses want C、are nurses wanted D、nurses are wanted

49.Nurses are wanted No tree could be seen here five years ago, but now over 60% of this district _____ covered by trees and greens. A、are B、has C、have D、is 50.It is important that she _____ a record of everything she does in the experiment. A、keep B、must keep C、keeps D、will keep 51.Human beings differ from animals _____ they can use language as a tool to communicate with each other. A、for that B、in that C、for which D、in which 52.There are now over 8000 students in the college, almost _____ there were six years ago. A、as many as three times B、there times as many as C、three more times than D、as three times many as 53.It was _____ I left my hometown and moved to Hangzhou . A、ten years ago that B、the years since C、ten years when D、for ten years since 54._____ he sand storm, the train for Beijing would not have been delayed for thirty-two hours. A、In spite of B、Because of C、As for D、Without 55.Alone in a strange country, Malian was so devoted to her study that she felt _____ lonely. A、all but B、nothing but C、everything but D、anything but 56.It is common knowledge that cotton cloth, _____ in hot water, tends to shrink. A、it is washed B、when washed C、washing D、to be washed 57.Man cannot live without food _____ than plants can grow without sunshine. A、any more B、more or less C、not more D、no more 58.In modern society, knowledge is to us _____ water is to life. A、like B、as C、what D、that 59.Why do those rich people steal things _____ they could easily afford to buy them? A、that B、because C、if D、when 60.What you said was true. It was, _____, a little impolite. A、nevertheless B、otherwise C、thus D、furthermore Part 2 Reading Comprehension Passage One Testing has replaced teaching in most public schools. My own children’s school week is focused on pretests, drills, tests, and retests. I believe that my daughter Erica, who gets excellent marks, has never read a chapter of any of her school textbooks all the way through. And teachers are often heard to state proudly and openly that they teach to the state test. Teaching to the test is a curious phenomenon. Instead of deciding what skills students ought to learn, helping students learn them, and then using some sensible methods of assessment (评估) to discover whether students have mastered the skills, teachers are encouraged to reverse the process. First one looks at a test. Then one draws the skills needed not to master, say, reading, but to do well on the test. Finally, the test skills are taught. The ability to read or write or calculate might imply the ability to do reasonably well on standard tests. However, neither reading nor writing develops simply through being taught to take tests. We must be careful to avoid mistaking preparation for a test of a skill with the acquisition of that skill. Too many discussions of basic skills make this fundamental confusion because people are test obsessed rather than concerned with the nature and quality of what is taught. Recently many schools have faced with what could be called the crisis of comprehension or, in simple terms, the phenomenon of students with grammar skills still being unable to understand what they read. These students are good at test taking, but they have little or no experience reading or thinking, and talking about what they read. They are taught to be so concerned with grade that they have no time or ease of mind to think about meaning, and reread things if necessary. 61.What does the writer say about his daughter? A、She teaches in a middle school. B、She reads many good books. C、She does well on tests. D、She is proud of her way of learning. 62.What are students encouraged to do nowadays at school? A、To master basic reading skills.

B、To learn how to deal with tests. C、To read well in order to pass tests. D、To master all kinds of skills. 63.Which of the following statements would the writer agree with the most? A、The nature and quality of subjects are more important than marks on them. B、Teachers should force students to learn to red and write and calculate well. C、Good preparation for standard tests is necessary for students. D、Most students are clear about how to acquire basic skills. 64.What do students do when they are test obsessed? A、They pay attention only to tests. B、They hate tests very much. C、They try to avoid rereading things. D、They often join in discussion. 65.What kind of students does the writer dislike most? A、Students with poor test marks and without creative thinking. B、Students active in thinking yet unable to talk about what they read. C、Students who are too well prepared for any test. D、Students unable to understand what they read. Passage Two Questions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage: Eye contact is nonverbal (非语言的) technique that helps the speakers ―sell‖ their ideas to an audience. Besides its persuasive powers, eye contact helps hold listeners’ interest. A successful speaker must maintain eye contact with an audience. To have good relation with listeners, a speaker should maintain direct eye contact for at least 75 percent of the time. Some speakers focus only on their notes. Others look over the heads of their listeners. Both are likely to lose audience’s interest and respect. People who maintain eye contact while speaking, whether from a podium or from across the table, are regarded not only as exceptionally friendly by their target but also as more believable and earnest. To show the power of eye contact in daily life, we have only to consider how passers-by behave when their glances happen to meet on the street. At one extreme are those people who feel obliged to smile when they make eye contact. At the other extreme are those who feel uncomfortable and immediately look away. To make eye contact, it seems, is to make a certain link with someone. Eye contact with an audience also lets a speaker know and monitor (观察) his listeners. It is, in fact, essential to analyze an audience during a speech. Visual feedback (视觉反馈) from the audience can indicate that a speech is boring, that the speaker is talking too much about a particular point, or that a particular point requires further explanation. As we have pointed out, visual feedback from listeners should play an important role in shaping a speech as it is delivered. 66.What does the writer believe about a speaker’s eye contact? A、It makes the speaker closer to his audience. B、It makes the audience lose the interest in his speech C、It makes the audience frightened of him. D、It makes listeners see the speaker more clearly. 67.What does the word “target” (Para.1) refer to? A、Speakers B、Listeners C、Friends D、Objects 68.Why does the writer give the example of passers-by in Paragraph 2? A、To show that people are not comfortable with eye contact from strangers. B、To show that strangers can get to know each other easily through eye contact. C、To prove the point that people look more friendly with direct eye contact. D、To prove the point that eye contact plays a role in social communication. 69.What does the writer imply about visual feedback in the last paragraph? A、It can make the speaker adjust his speech. B、It can make the speech more informative. C、It may discourage and stop the speaker. D、It may cause the speaker make less eye contact. 70.What is the main point of the passage? A、Eye contact is a good way to attract the audience.

B、It is necessary to maintain direct eye contact with the audience. C、Eye contact is important to a successful speech. D、A speaker’s eye contact is more important than his notes. Passage three In the past, operations were difficult. Until the middle of the eighteen fifties, surgery was very dangerous. Many patients died after even the smallest operations. This was because bacteria entered the cuts in the patients’ bodied and started infection. In some countries, up to 90 percent of patients died from infection after operations. In 1865, however, Joseph Lister, a British surgeon, found an answer to the problem. He used an ―antiseptic‖ during and after operations. This killed the dangerous bacteria and most of his patients lived. Since then, surgeons have used antiseptics in all operations. Surgery has developed in many important ways since the day of Joseph Lister. Today, when patients go to hospital for an operation, they can expect the best treatment, in clean and hygienic conditions. 71. Operations were difficult and dangerous until_______. A.1850 B. the middle of 1850 C. the middle of the fifties of the eighteenth century D. the middle of the fifties of the nineteenth century 72. In the passage, surgery means__________. A. The performing of an operation B. cure C. treatment D. medicine 73. In the past, up to 90 percent of patients died after operations mainly because__________. A. bacteria entered the cuts in the patients’ bodies and infection took place B. the conditions in hospitals were bad C. the skill of surgeons was not so good D. there were no good medicine at that time 74. Which topic of the following best suits the passage? A. Operations were difficult in the past B. The devotion of Joseph Lister to medical science C. Surgery has become safer D. Developments in surgery 75. Joseph Lister was________. A. a Frenchman B. a German C. an Englishman D. an American Passage four Some 4000 Americans ambitions to become physicians are studying for their M. D. s abroad. Many were rejected by U.S. medical schools simply because there was no room. Last year, for example, some 13,000 of 35,000 would-be physicians who applied to U.S. schools were accepted. Of those who were turned down, well over 600 are trying the foreign route. But gaining admittance to a good foreign school may be a problem. British medical schools give priority to Britons , and Canada’s world-renowned McGill University School of Medicine takes only a handful of well qualified Americans annually. But several schools do welcome U.S. medical students---if they can master the local language. More than 500 Americans are enrolled in the Belgian universities at Brussels and Louvain , for example. Some 800 attend the Italian University at Bologna; 175 at Rome. Mexico’s Autonomous University of Guadalajara numbers 1,300 gringos among its 4,000 students. Despite difficulties abroad, many Americans complete their medical educations, and manage to win the respect of their professors and classmates. One second-year student at Louvain has a simple explanation for those successes: ― Anyone who comes here to be motivated. You have to learn a new language, the school is constant hard work, and it’s difficult to get back into the States to practice‖. Before they can intern or practice in the United States, graduates of foreign schools must pass a special examination required by medical-education authorities. The tough test is designed primarily to weed out those who are unable to speak English or whose medical education is not up to U.S. standards. 76. Which of the following is true about U.S. would-be physicians? A. America medical schools have superfluous applicants B. language is a big problem all the American students applying to foreign medical schools have to face. C. Graduates from both American and foreign medical schools should take the same test before practice D. As many as one-third of last year’s applicants of medical schools are now applying to foreign schools 77. Which is following is true about foreign medical education ? A. A lot of foreign medical schools do not welcome U.S. students simply because they have to consider the applicants form their own countries first. B. To enter foreign medical schools is much easier than to gain admittance into American medical



