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(1)cross 是动词,across和through是介词。 They crossed the river by the boat. (2)across “横穿,横过”,指的是从物体的表面上穿过。 I swam across the river 20 years ago. (3)through“贯通,直穿,透过”,指的是立体空间中的穿过。 They walked slowly through the woods.

The sunshine shone in the bedroom through the window. 练习:

1)Go__________the road, and you will see the post office on your left. 2)The sunlight comes___________the glass. 3)Be careful when you ____________the street.

15 in a way, in this way, by the way , on the way (1)in a way “在某种程度上;在某种意义上”。 In a way, it is a good book. (2)In this way “用这种办法”。

In this way, you can speak English well. (3)On the way “在路上,在途中”。

On the way home my father told me a story. (4)By the way “顺便说”。

By the way, have you seen the film before? 练习:

1)______________,do you have any idea where the post office is? 2)She is _______________to the park.

3)The work should be done _____________. 4)__________,he was right.

16. Stop to do sth , stop doing sth

(1)stop to do sth 停下来去做某事。

As soon as the teacher left, students stopped to talk. (2)stop doing sth 停止做某事。

The students stopped talking as soon as they saw the teacher. (3)stop ....from doing sth 阻止、、、做、、、 Please stop them from playing fire. 练习:

1)we should ______________(cut) down trees.

2)He watched TV for half an hour.At 8:00 he________________(do)his homework. 3)He_________________(watch) TV and began to read English.

17 take part in , join in , join

(1)take part in “参加”,指的是参加群众性活动或会议,并在其中起一定的作 用。

These days, students take part in many activities. (2)join “参加,加入”,指的是加入组织、团体、党派等,成为其中的一员。

He joined the army in 1998 and joined the Party the next year. (3)join in “参加某活动”,后面跟的宾语一般是表示竞赛,游戏,娱乐等活动 的名词,常用语join sb in (doing )sth的短语中。 Everyone should join in the game. Let’s join them in the game.我们和他们一起玩游戏吧。 练习: 1)I will never forget the day when I __________the Party. 2)All the students are happy to__________the interesting school activities. 3)Will you__________us______________a game of cards? 4)I hope you will all ______________the discussion. 18 be familiar to , be familiar with (1)be familiar to “某事对某人是熟悉的”,主语一定是sth。 Your name is very familiar to me. (2)be familiar with “某人对某事是精通的、熟悉的”,主语一定是sb。 He has become familiar with the city. 练习: 1)I___________very____________________the song because I have listened to it for many times. 2)The photo________________me. 19 few , little, a few, a little 否定“几乎不” 肯定“一些” few a few 修饰可数名词 little a little 修饰不可数名词 There is little bread in the fridge.I will go and buy some . There are a few books on the desk. There are few books on the desk. 练习: 1)这些书没几本容易倒我能够读懂。 Very____________of books care easy enough for me . 2)我们没有从他们那里得到什么帮助。 We got__________help from them. 3)进来喝点威士忌。 Come in and drink_____________whisky. 4)我的时间很宝贵,我只能够给你几分钟。 My time is precious. I can only give you _____________minutes. 20 have gone to , have been to , have been in (1)have gone to “去了”,可能在途中或在目的地,人还没回来。 My father has gone to Shanghai and will be back in a week. (2)Have been to“到过”,曾经去过某地,现在人已经回来了。 He has been to Shanghai three times. (3)Have been in+地点+一段时间“在某地停留了一段时间”。 He has been in Hangzhou for three years. 练习:

1. Mike and his parents __________ the north for half a year. 2. Mum is not at home now. she _________ the shop. 3. ______ you ever ___________ kunming ? Never. 4. Where _____ you ______ these days? 5. Has Jim arrived yet?

Yes, he _______________here for several days.

6. Where is Peter? I don’t know where he __________________. 7. Hi Jim! Where _____ you ______? Li Lei is looking for you.


1 see , look, watch,read, notice


Look! What are they doing?

⑵see指的是视觉器官有意识或无意识的看到的物体,强调看的结果,意为“看 见,看到”。如看医生see the doctor,看电影see a film。

I looked but saw nothing.

⑶watch“观看、注视”,指的是以较大的注意力观看。常用于看比赛watch a match,看电视watch TV。

His father often watches TV in the evening.


Don’t read in the bed. [5] notice“注意到,看到”,指的是有意识的注意,含有从不注意到注意的变化。 He noticed a purse lying on the ground. 练习:

1.They are going to __________ a football match this afternoon. 2.Li Lei is __________ a letter from his parents.

3.The teacher asked us to __________ the blackboard. 4.What can you__________ in the picture?

5.Don’t___________out of the window as you are having an important lesson. 6 She__________that there was a little man under the tree.

2 be made of, be made from, be made into

(1)be made of “由、、、、制成”,指在成品中可以看出原材料,如木制的桌椅、家具等,其制作过程只发生了物理变化。 The chair is made of wood.

(2) be made from “某物由、、、制成”, 指制成的东西完全失去了原材料的外形或特征,或原材料在制作过程中发生了化学变化,在成品中已经无法辨认。 Wine is made from grapes.

(3) be made into “某种原料、、、、可以制成某种成品”, 指某种原料被制成某种产品,与be made of / from正好相反。be made into的主语是原料,其后跟产品。 Grapes can be made into wine.


(1)The vase______________wood,it is very light to carry. (2)The oil _______________the seed.How wonderful! (3)Can such kind of leather____________________shoes?

3 as well as , not only...but also....不仅、、而且、、、;既、、、又、、、

(1)as well as 连接两个并列的主语时,谓语动词和as well as 前面的主语保持 一致。

The students as well as the English teacher are going to take part in the meeting. (2)Not only...but also...连接两个并列的主语时,谓语动词和but also后面的主 语保持一致。

Not only the students but also the English teacher is going to take part in the meeting. 练习:

1)The children____________their parents are having a meeting at the school playground now.

2)_________the students__________their parents are having a meeting at the school playground.

4 in front of, in the front of (1)in front of “在、、、、的前面”,两者不在同一整体即范围外。 There is a big tree in front of my house. (2)In the front of “在、、、的前面”,两者在同一整体即范围内。 There is a big desk in the front of the classroom. 练习:

1)The driver is __________the bus.He is driving the bus now. 2)___________the house,there are some apple trees.

5 spend , pay , take, cost

★spent 钱 + on sth

Sb(人) + spend{ 时间 + with sb (花时间与某人一起度过) 时间 +(in)doing sth 1)I often spend the holiday with my parents.

2)I often spend two hours doing my homework every night. (介词in可以省略) 3)I often spend two hours on my homework every night. ★ paid

pay +钱+for sth (人+buy sth for sb) sb(人){

pay for sth (人+buy sth for+钱)

I paid five yuan for the book. =I bought the book for five yuan. I paid for the book. ★ took

It+takes / took +sb+时间 +to do sth (it是形式主语,to do sth是真正的主语)

It took me two hours to read this book.

It takes her half an hour to go to school on foot every day. ★ cost

Sth(物) + cost + sb +钱 / too much


( )1.I want to spend my birthday_______my best friends.

A.on B.in C.with D.at

( )2.My mother often spends about one hour ________meals.

A.cook B.cooking C.to cook D.to cooking

( )3.We spent two hours _______the meeting.

A.on B.in C.with D.at ( )4. How long do you usually spend ______ your homework every day?

A.do B. doing C. to do D. to doing

( ) 5.He________two hundred yuan for this book.

A spent B paid C took D cost 练习二:.他花一年的时间写完这本小说。

He ______ one year ______ writing this novel.


1).You shouldn’t ________ too much for clothes.

2).Don’t ________ too much time playing computer games. 3).The magazine ________ 20 dollars. It’s not very cheap. 4).It ________ me twenty minutes to walk to school each day. 6 lay, lie 动词原形 过去式 过去分词 现在分词 laid Laying Lay下蛋;产卵;放置 Laid Lay Lain Lying Lie位于;躺 lied Lied lying Lie撒谎 练习: 1)The hen __________ an egg yesterday. 2)I __________ it on the table. 3)The supermarket __________ in the center of the city. 4)He is __________now. 5)The child __________to the teacher about his reason for being late. 6)The hens began _____________eggs in October.



