【脏象:内脏表现于外的生理功能和病理现象,通过观察 这些现象可以推测内脏的状态】 序号 1 术语 脏象 IST visceral manifestation 2 脏象学说 visceral manifestation theory 3 4 5 脏 腑 脏腑 viscus bowel viscera and bowels 6 五脏(心、肝、脾、肺、肾) 7 六腑(胆、胃、大肠、小肠、膀胱、三焦) 8 9 10 阳脏 阴脏 五脏应四时 yang viscus yin viscus xx Xx Xx five zang-organs corresponding six bowels six fu organs five viscera five zang organs zang organ fu organ zang-fu organs == ISN == to four seasons 11 四时五脏阴阳 12 五脏化液 Xx Xx yin-yang of four seasons and five zang-organs secretions transformed from five zang-organs 13 五脏所藏 Xx substance stored in five zang-organs 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 心 肝 脾 肺 肾 心包、心包络 21 22 23 心气 心血 心主身之血脉 24 心主血脉 Xx Xx Xx Xx heart qi heart blood heart governing blood and vessels heart governing blood and vessels 25 心藏神 Xx heart storing spirit heart liver spleen lung kidney pericardium heart liver spleen lung kidney == 26 27 28 29 心主言 心者生之本 心恶热 心为阳中之太阳 Xx Xx Xx Xx heart governing speech heart being root of life heart being averse to heat heart being greater yang within yang 30 心常有余 Xx (1)heart qi being liable to hyperactivity; (2)heart fire being liable to hyperactivity 31 肝生于左 Xx liver qi begins circulation from the left 32 33 34 35 36 风木之脏 肝气 肝血 肝主疏泄 肝主升发 Xx Xx Xx Xx Xx viscus of wind and wood liver qi liver blood liver governing free flow of qi liver governing rise and dispersion 37 38 39 肝藏血 肝主血海 女子以肝为先天 Xx Xx Xx liver storing blood liver governing the sea of blood liver being innate basis of women 40 肝主身之筋Xx liver governing tendons and
中医英语:chapter 11中医药名词术语【脏象】(五脏)