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A. is B. are C. was D. were

( )41. He has never visited the Great Hall of the people, _________? A. hasn't he B. has he C. does D. doesn't he ( )42. _______ is the population of China?

A. How much B. How many C. How many people D. What

( )43. She thinks she can get there on time, ________ she? A. can B. doesn't C. can't D. does

( )44. -- You seem to like sweets. --________ ,I buy sweets every week. A. So do I B. So I do C. So am I D. So I am

( )45. ________ wonderful music it is! I like it very much. A. What B. How a C. What a D. How

( )46. _________ picture books in class, please. A. Not read B. No read C. Not reading D. Don't read

( )47. --Is Jim at school today? -- No, he's at home ______ he has a bad cold. A. because B. if C. though D. until

( )48. -- You are not going out today, are you? --_______ I want to go shopping. A. Yes, I'm B. No, I'm not C. Yes, I am D. No, I am ( )49. The teacher asked me ________ I needed any help. A. whether B. that C. what D. which

( )50.-- The problem is too difficult, can you show me ______ , WangLe? -- Sure. A. what to work it out B. what to work out it C. how to work it out D. how to work out it

( )51. I want to know if they _____ the spring sports meeting next month. If they ___ it, I must get ready for it.

A. hold, will hold. B. will hold, hold C. hold, hold D. will hold, will hold



( )52. I'll let you know as soon as he _________.

A. comes back B. will come back C. is coming back D. come back

( )53. Our teacher told us the earth ________ round the sun all the time. A. moved B. travels C. going D. circle ( )54. She asked me ________.

A. where did I live B. where did you live C. where I lived D. I lived where ( )55. Could you tell me _________?

A. how old is your son B. that he will come here soon.

C. whether is it fine tomorrow. D. who is going to speak at the meeting ( )56. We bought Granny a present,_______ she didn' t like it. A. but B. and C. or D. so

( )57. Kentucky is the state _________ Lincoln was born in. A. when B. where C.-who D. which

( )58. ________ he was very ill, he still went on working.. A. Because B. For C. Though D. /

( )59. The farmer was very thankful to the doctor ______ treated his son. A. what B. which C. who D. whose

( )60. Here are the photos _______ in Beijing.

A. who are taken B. that took C. which I was taken D. that were taken ( )61.-- How beautiful your skirt is! --____________.

A. Oh, no B. I don't think so C. You are welcome D. Thank you ( )62.m I can help you with your English. --_____________. A. You are a good man B. You are so kind C. That' s very kind of you D. That' s right

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( )63.-- Hi, Lucy. We won the match yesterday. --_________! A. Congratulations B. Excuse me C. No problem D. Never mind ( )64. -- Happy New Year! --_________

A. Thank you B. So are you C. The same to you D. I!m happu, too ( )65 .-- Will you be free tomorrow? --___________ A. OK B. Yes, I am C. I have no idea D. All right

( )66.-- Don't play football in the classroom. --___________. A. No, I don' t. B. Sorry, we won't do it again. D. Why don' t we.9 D. Yes, we won' t do it again. ( )67. -- What's the date today? --___________ A. It's a fine day B. It's Friday

C. It's on Christmas Day D. It's June 26tb

( )68 .--Would you give me some water,9 --____________ A. Yes, I would B. Certainly C. No, thanks D. Yes,please. ( )69. -- Thanks for asking me to your party. --__________ A. Never mind B. Don't say so C. My pleasure D. Yes, please ( )70. -- Excuse me, ____________ to the nearest bookshop, please? -- Go straight and take the second turning on the left.

A. where the way is B. which the way is C. where is the way D. which is the way ( )71 .-- Bob, would you like to come to our dinner party? --__________ A. Yes, I would B. Yes, I' d love to C. No, I wouldn' t D. No, I don't go ( )72.-- Is Mr Smith really very ill? --________. He's in hospital. A. I don't think so B. No, he isn't C. I hope so D. I'm afraid so ( )73.-- Hello! Is that Mr Wang speaking? --Yes,____________?

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A. who' s that B. who are you C. I' m speaking D. I' m Mr Wang ( )74. --_______________? -- Orange, I think. A. What is it B. How is the food

C. What colour do you think it is D. Is there any fruit around here ( )75. -- Oh, no, we've missed the 8 o'clock train! --________ . There's another one in half an hour.

A. You're right B. That's all right C. You're welcome D.Don' t worry ( )76.-- Which do you prefer, oranges or apples? -- __________ . I' d like bananas.

A. Yes, both B. Neither, thank you C. Sure, I would D. No, please ( )77. -- How do you get on with your classmates? --____________ A. Very well B. Well done C. That's OK D.I'm well

( )78.--____________? -- We are looking for a pair of sports shoes.

A. What do you do B. What do you like C. Can I help you D. Do you need help ( )79.-- My brother fell off this bike and hurt his leg. --____________ A. That's too bad B. He may be too careles C. He should be careful D. Sorry to hear that

( )80. -- What are you going to do next Sunday? --_____________ A. I' m sorry B. Here you are C. I' ve no idea D. That' s all right ( )81.It’s about fifty _______ from here to my school.

A. minutes’ walk B. minute walk C. minute’s on foot D. minutes’ on foot ( )82.Hurry up, please. There is only __ time left. A. a little B. little c. a few D. few

( )83.The Changjiang River is longer than _____ in China.

A. all the rivers B. any river c. any other river D. any other rivers ( )84.The Brown flew to Kunming __ a sunny morning. A. on B. in C. for D. at



( )85.We found it difficult _______ there on time.A. get B. to get C. getting D. got

( )86. Don’t spend _______ time on computer games. A. too much B. much too C. too many D. many too

( )87. _____ Chinese people are ______ hardworking people. A. /,/ B. a,/ C. The, the D. the,a

( )88. I’d like to have a nice room ____.A. live b. to live C. to live in d. live in

( )89. Can you tell me ________?

A. what are they doing that for B.why they are doing for C. why are they doing that D. what they are doing that for ( )90. To a doctor, the most important thing is _______. A. to save b. saving C. to saving D. saved

( )91. Three years ____ a long time for us students. A. are B. be C. is D. have been

( )92. The film __________ for ten minutes when we got to the cinema. A. had already been on B. had already begun C. have already been on D. have already begun

( )93. I’m sorry to have kept you ________ for a long time. A. wait b. to wait c. waiting D. to be waiting

( )94. The number of the people in the world ______ growing faster and faster. A. is b. are C. have D. were

( )95. We should do ___ the teacher told us. A. because B. like C. as D. since ( )96. This book is worth _____.A. to read it b. reading it C. reading D. to read

( )97. Not only his parents but also his sister ________ the museum.





