话题24文学与艺术 (Literature and art)
I. 课前自主复习本话题作文相关词汇和短语
? 1.诗(总称);诗意 ? 11. drama n. ? 2. (长篇)小说 ? 16. represent vt. ? 3. novelist n. ? 13. background n. ? 4. adapt vt. ? 14. adj.原创的n.原作 ? 5. literature n. ? 15. n. 艺术 ? 6. n.角色;人物 ? 16. n. 艺术家 ? 7. fiction n. ? 17. sculpture n. ? 8. classic adj. ? 18. gallery n. ? 9. literary adj. ? 19. adj. 典型的; ? 10. essay n. ? 20. adj. 有价值的 ? 21. 相声 ? 26.在……中担任主角 ? 22. 京剧 ? 27.作为……而著称 ? 23. (书)出版 ? 28.在……中受欢迎 ? 24. 以……为基础 ? 29.当代文学 ? 25. 以……为背景 ? 30.民间文学 句型模仿
1. have a strong interest in 对……有强烈的兴趣 自小汤姆就对绘画有着强烈的兴趣。
Tom painting when he was a child
2. the art of Chinese folk paper cutting中国民间剪纸艺术, with a history of具有……的历史 我国的民间剪纸艺术超过1, 000多年的历史, 闻名全世界。
The art of Chinese folk paper cutting
II. 语篇欣赏与运用
Beijing Opera, 200 years, is very popular in China. (京剧在中国很受欢迎,历史悠久,有200多年的历史)。During the Qing dynasty, the emperor (对??有强烈的兴趣)local operas. (18世纪末), to celebrate the emperor’s 80th birthday, local opera troupes(戏班子) from different parts of China came to Beijing to perform for him. Four famous troupes from Anhui Province remained in Beijing after the celebration and gradually (一种新剧种慢慢形成了,被称为京剧。)
Task 实战演练,用前面所学技巧,写一篇相类似的作文。
为了弘扬中国茶文化,你就读的国际学校举办“中国茶,知多少”英语正文比赛。请你根据以下信息卡,写一篇关于白茶的英语短文参赛。 白茶
(中国六大茶类之一) 名字由来:因呈银白色而得名 主要产地:福建、台湾 历 史:最早出现于北宋
特 点:形如银针,外形优美;口感甘甜;年份越久,功效越好
功 效:常饮有益健康,可预防高血压等疾病,还可以辅助治疗牙痛和发烧等 参考词汇:针 needle, 高血压high blood pressure, 牙痛toothache, 发烧fever 【评分标准】 句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。
划分信息点 白茶
(中国六大茶类之一) 名字由来:因呈银白色而得名 主要产地:福建、台湾 历 史:最早出现于北宋
特 点:形如银针,外形优美;口感甘甜;年份越久,功效越好
功 效:常饮有益健康,可预防高血压等疾病,还可以辅助治疗牙痛和发烧等 参考词汇:针 needle, 高血压high blood pressure, 牙痛toothache, 发烧fever 白茶(中国六大茶类之一) 名字由来:因呈银白色而得名
White Tea, which gets its name from its silver white colour, is regarded as one of the six major Chinese tea types. 主要产地:福建、台湾 历 史:最早出现于北宋 转换语句:
Dating back to the Beisong Dynasty, White tea has a long history and it is mainly
grown in Fujian and Taiwan 特 点:形如银针,外形优美;口感甘甜;年份越久,功效越好
1.白茶因优美的如银针的外形, 甘甜的口感和医药功效而著名。 2.年份越久,功效越好(the+比较级,the+比较级)
White Tea is famous for its beautiful silver-needle-like shape, its sweet taste and its medical effects.The longer it is preserved, the better effect it has. 功 效:常饮有益健康,可预防高血压等疾病,还可以辅助治疗牙痛和发烧等.高血压 high blood pressure
辅助治疗牙痛和发烧:缓解牙痛和发烧的疼痛 relieve the pain of toothache and fever
White Tea is good for health if drunk frequently and can be used in preventing diseases like high blood pressure and helping relieve the pain of toothache and fever.
White Tea, which gets its name from its silver-white colour, is regarded as one of the six major Chinese tea types. Dating back to the Beisong Dynasty, White tea has a long history and it is mainly grown in Fujian and Taiwan. White Tea is famous for its beautiful silver-needle-like shape, its sweet taste and its medical effects. The longer it is preserved, the better effect it has. White Tea is good for health if drunk frequently and can be used in preventing diseases like high blood pressure and helping relieve the pain of toothache and fever
历史: 1) 传统的民间艺术,历史悠久,起源于1000多年前;
2) 清朝时期开始盛行,是人们日常生活的一部分。
种类: 1) 三种:用于装饰、宗教和设计; 2) 用于装饰的剪纸使用最为广泛。
现状: 1) 送礼佳品,深受外国友人喜爱; 2) 有30多家经营剪纸的商店,产品远销东南亚。
高考英语话题作文之24 文学与艺术 (Literature and art)