正文中的一级标题用14号times New Roman 加粗,标题在某一页的开始,段前就不再另1. Introduction
外空行,只段后一行即可。所有标题左对齐 Idioms are thought of as the core and essence of language and culture. Any language which has a long history is abundant in idioms. Many of the words often contain enough philosophical and incisive theories for people to study and they become an important part of modern English (Zhang, 2009, p. 8). For example: “As a man sows, so he shall reap” APA格式:每级标题can be translated into “种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆”, “To strike while the iron is hot” is translated 下的正文首段不缩进 as “趁热打铁”, “A long road tests a horse’s strength and a long task proves a man’s heart” can be translated into “路遥知马力, 日久见人心”. Nowadays, with the prospering of international communication, the activity of idiom translation has become especially frequent and important. However, idioms are strongly combined with specific culture, which often leads to great difficulty in translation. Thus, studying the relations between idioms and a few important cultural aspects such as historical backgrounds, geographical conditions, social customs, religious beliefs, etc. will help us to understand the cultural elements in idioms. Since culture plays so important a role in intercultural communication, the cultural factors in different languages have been attracting more and more attention of linguistic scholars. In order to make intercultural communication more successful, many scholars have become interested in the study of cultural similarities and differences encoded in different languages. The study of cultural factors in different languages is of significance in 正文中的一级标题用14号times New Roman intercultural communication as well as other disciplines such as linguistics, language 全部正文内容使用加粗,段前两行,段后一行。所有标题左对acquisition, etc. word1.5倍行距,12号Times New Roman 从引will expound the cultural differences 齐。正文中所有标题中只有第一个词的首字This paper between Chinese and English 言那页开始标页码,页母,冒号和破折号后第一个词的首字母,及idioms and explore the role of culture plays in understanding of idioms. 码居中对齐。 专有名词必须大写,其余小写 APA格式:每级标题下的正文第二段开始,以后每段都缩进五个字符。 2. The cultural backgrounds in idioms Idioms as a special form of language carry a large amount of cultural information. They are the heritage of history and the product of cultural evolvement. Generally speaking, Idioms
come from society, culture and history; they are included in everything and related to 二级标题及以下标题使用12 号times New Roman加粗,段前一行,然后回车正常行距书写正文。 society’s life and play an important role in culture. 2.1 The definition of culture Culture is a large and extremely complex concept. Some foreign scholars estimate that no less than 200 definitions for “culture” have already been cited in the academic field, some of which are concerned with the material products of the people; others deal with those 正文不出现作者姓,spiritual aspects shared by people living in certain communities; still others focus both on 则在括号中,作者姓,beliefs and practices of a society. He defines, “culture is that complex whole which 年份,p.页数 includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society” (Luo, 2005, p. 27). Chinese scholar Ke (2000, pp. 142-143) states in his article Cultural Pesuppositions and Misreading “that most anthropologists agree on the following features of culture: 1) Culture is socially acquired instead of biologically transmitted. 2) Culture is shared among 正文出现作者姓,括the members of a community instead of being unique to an individual. 3) Culture is 号中写(年份,p.页码)或(年份,pp.symbolic. Symbolizing means assigning to entities and events meanings which are external 起止页码) to them and not able to be grasped by themselves alone. Language is the most typical
symbolic system within culture; 4) Culture is integrated. Each aspect of culture is tied in with the other aspects”. 2.2 The definition of idiom
Idioms are the crystallization of language. Without idioms, our language would become dull and dry, whereas an appropriate use of them in our speech and writing will add to the strength and vividness of our language. 以后内容已省略.......
The definition of idiom in The Oxford English Dictionary is that idiom is a form of expression, grammatical construction, phrase, etc, peculiar to a language; a peculiarity of phraseology approved by the usage of a language, and often having a signification other than its grammatical or logical one (2004, p. 873 ).
These definitions indicate that some English idioms are composed of several words (from two words to many words) and some are even made of a complete sentence.
Therefore, English idioms, in a broad sense, may include idiomatic phrases, proverbial sayings, and some slang expressions (Yu & Guo, 1999, p. 170).括号中两个作者中间加& 2.3 The relationship between idiom and culture
Language is closely related to culture and can be said as a part of culture. From a dynamic view, language and culture interact with each other and shape each other. Language is the carrier of culture, which in turn is the content of language.
Idioms have their own cultural intention. Learning idioms without considering the cultural factors will be futile and even misunderstanding, since we can not get the exact information it conveys.以后内容已省略.......
One researcher (Grayson, as cited in Murzynski & Degelman, 1996, p. 135) identified four components of body language that were related to judgments of vulnerability.
在找不到作者原书无法进行直接引用时,可间接引用。如Grayson的原书找不到,但是Murzynski & Degelman在他们书中引用过,则可以在括号中标出(原作者,as cited in 后再写引用过原作者话的作者名字(即Murzynski & Degelman),年份,p. 页码)即可,在文章最后的参考文献中要写你能找到书的学者名字,即Murzynski & Degelman。
3. The cultural differences between English and Chinese idioms
As an essential part of the language and culture, idioms are characterized by their concise 一级标题(如3.)和二级标expressions, rich and vivid, involving geography, history, religious belief, living 题(如3.1)后可以是一段内容,但至少三行。三级标题conventions and so on.
(如3.1.1)后至少两段内容。 3.1 From living surroundings 每级标题之间必须有内容 Culture is a complicated system of knowledge, beliefs and customs, etc. However, natural environment including geographical position, climate, and ecological condition is
something that plays a contributory role in the formation of a culture. Idioms maintain close ties with people’s living surroundings and the culture where they are created. 3.1.1 Geographical environment
Idioms are closely related to people’s labor and life, people in particular culture need words to name and explain objects in their culture(Zhang, 1997, p. 45). Britain is an island country. Its navigation was in the lead in history (Zhang, 1999, p. 67).
On the other hand, Chinese people live in the Asian continent. Most people can’t lead their lives without land. 以后内容已省略......... 按APA规范,同一作者的不同文献可用出版年份来3.1.2 Climate
区别,如: Climate is another factor in the living surrounding. In Britain, “east wind” comes from the northern part of the European continent. It symbolizes “chilly” and “unpleasant”. So Englishmen hate it. However, Englishmen like “west wind”. It brings spring to Britain. The west wind blows from the Atlantic Ocean as warm as Chinese east wind and brings voluminous rain to this area.
In a word, different living surroundings may produce different idioms and different cultures.
APA格式中3到5个作者的作品,引用格式如下: 第一次引用:
According to educational psychologists, raising children is a responsibility of the entire community (Franklin, Childs, & Smith, 1995).
To be successful, “communities must be willing to take this responsibility” (Franklin et al., 1995, p. 135).
3.2 From religious belief后几段已省略。本页只为说明论文的结构,故省略了其中很多段落。
As a cultural phenomenon, religious beliefs produce an impact on people’s life and mind. Different religious beliefs have different reflections in different idioms.
Most of westerners are Christians, who believe that the world is created by God. They think that God is omnipotent and sacred. 以后内容已省略.......And many phrases and stories in the Holy Bible have also functional as important sources of English idioms.
e.g: (1) As they sow, so they reap. 种瓜得瓜, 种豆得豆. (Galatians 6)
Paul wrote in his letter to Galatians that, “Do not be deceived: God can not be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.”
(2) Judas’s kiss. 犹大之吻 ( Matthew 26)
Judas, one of the Twelve, agrees to betray Jesus that the chief Priests counted out for him only thirty silver coins.
(3) the salt of the earth 社会中坚 (Matthew 5) This idiom comes from the Bible. 以后内容已省略....... 3.3 From custom
Every nation has its own customs. One nation’s custom is formed through a long history and firmly rooted in people’s mind. Custom differences between English and Chinese are in many aspects. Due to that, a lot of idioms turn out with varied dress.
Among English idioms, we often compare people’s action to the figure of dog such as “you are a lucky dog” (你是一个幸运儿), “every dog has his day” (凡人皆有得意日), “love me, love my dog” (爱屋及乌), “A good dog deserves a good bone.” (有功者受赏) and so on. Contrary to this, the dog is a kind of petty and low animal in Chinese. 3.4 From value orientation
From people’s working and living experience of one country, different values have been abstracted, accumulated and handed down from generation to generation. Because of different experience between countries, values originate from it also turns out to be largely varied and even totally opposite, which idioms are built on, therefore also differ greatly. Take praise for example. Praise is a means to get a harmonious interpersonal ship, and frequently used in communication.