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Dew’s Parker Adelaide 12, Nov. Dear Bob, I’m just writing to let you know our new address and to invite you to our house-warming party next Saturday. I’m sorry about the lack of warning, but we’ve been busy moving house and I’ve had little time for anything else. In any case, we only decided to hold the party last week when we found out that cost of moving was not as high as we thought and we had a little cash to spare. 。。。。。。 All the best Charles P.S. We can fix you up with a place to sleep – I guess you can put up with a mattress on the floor! 16.This passage is a letter of ____________.A.an informal invitation 17.When Charles writes, “I’m sorry about the lack of warning”, he means that he is sorry that ____________. D. he is not able to write this letter to Bob earlier 518.Charles and his wife decided to hold the house-warming Fparty, mainly because ____________B. they still had a little money left to oafford the party r19.From the letter we eknow that the new house that Charles moved in sis ____________.C. in a new housing estate t20. In the sentence “Barbara and I hope that you can make it …”, the phrase “make it” is used to say that ABob can ____________.A. vmanage to attend their party e n u短文理解5 e Dear Uncle Ric, We were very sorry to hear that you are in hospital again, but I feel sure you’ll be out and about again soon. It doesn’t sound very serious this time according to Auntie Ivy and in any case you have already recovered from the operation so quickly. 。。。。。。 21.It is certain that Uncle Ric is in hospital ____________. A. again after having fully recovered from an operation 22.It is ____________ who wants to study history. C. James’s elder brother 23. In the second paragraph, the sentence “…he is sitting some examinations…” means that Malcolm is ____________.D. going to take some examinations 24. From the letter, we know that James wants to become a professional player, ____________.B. but Robin, his mother, does not like the idea 25. This is a ____________.B. private letter 短文理解6 Good children must be good students at school. They should work hard at all subjects and do what is given to them on time. They should develop the ability to care for themselves, to try not to depend too much on their parents, to think independently and to work in a planned way. They ought to respect teachers, have a cooperative attit。。。。。。 26. The most suitable title for this passage would be ____________. C. What Good Children Should Be Like 27. One important ability good children are supposed to develop is ___________. A. to think independently 28. Good children should ____________.B. care for their parents, brothers and sisters 29. When there is disagreement between parents and children, good children should try to ____________.D.find a good resolution to the problem 30. In the last paragraph, the sentence “They never take it for granted that they are always in the right” means they never ____________. D.accept it as a matter of fact that they are always right 短文理解7 The AIDS virus has been around for a very long time, but the spread of the disease within the last twenty years or so on such a scale has caused real concern. It seems that in the 1980s the principal carriers of the disease were homosexuals, drug users and prostitutes. Now it is becoming evident that heterosexuals also spread the disease, that children can be born with the virus and that patients in hospitals are being infected too.。。。。。。 31. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? C.AIDS is a disease which has existed for a long time. 32. Who is easily infected with AIDS? D.All of the above. 33. In WHO’s opinion, what will help most effectively in fighting against the spread of AIDS? A.More education. 34. From the passage, we can see that the writer is not happy about ____________. B.the education the medical staff get on AIDS 35. Which of the following statements is not true according to the passage? C.Great care has been taken to prevent the spread of AIDS everywhere in the world now. 短文理解8 \asked this question, most people would say no. They don't think they are the happiest of the people around them. They 。。。。。。 36. According to the author, most people would ____________ they are the happiest in the world. D.not think that 37. The author thinks that people quite often compare themselves with ____________.C.anyone they think is happier 38. What is not true about the young man the author once met with? B.Everything goes effortlessly right for him. 39. After talking with the young man about the Internet, the author realizes ____________. A. that he is mistaken in thinking nothing unhappy existed in the latter’s life 40. The significant conclusion the author draws about happiness is that ____________. D.true happiness lies in struggling to be happy 短文理解9 No country in the world has more daily newspapers than the USA. There are almost 2,000 of them, as compared with 180 in Japan, 164 in Argentina and 111 in Britain. The quality of some American papers is extremely high and their views are quoted all over the world. Distinguished dailies like the Washington Po。。。。。。 41. There are more daily newspapers in ____________.B.the USA than in Britain or Japan 42. Most American newspapers try to entertain their readers because ____________. A. they have to compete with television 43. Many American newspapers attract readers of different political persuasions by ____________. A. printing articles representing different political viewpoints 44. The word “press” in the second paragraph means ____________.C.newspapers 45. This passage is mainly about ____________.D.the characteristics of American newspapers 短文理解10 Cash of all kinds, the French franc, the German mark, and the Italian lira, is bound to disappear physically. The paper notes and gold coins may soon become curious collections of the pre-electronic age. Digital money can replace every use of cash money. It is true that electronic money has been around for decades. 。。。。。。 46. The main point of the first paragraph in this passage is ____________. C.entire new forms of digital money will replace cash money 47. The advantage of digital money is ____________.A.it is efficient and easy to use 48. What is not true about the electronic cash, according to the passage? D.People don’t have to pay for anything when they go shopping anywhere. 49. In the sentence of the fourth paragraph, “The low cost of computer and communications has created a worldwide medium not just for finance…”, “a worldwide medium” refers to ____________.B.the Internet 50. The author is sure that ____________ will bring the whole world a brilliant future. C.IT projects of any kind 第五部分:短文理解(正误判断) 短文理解1 The Internet has become a part of everyday life for most Britons, says a report published this week by market research company Netinf。。。。。。 1. More than seven out of 10 people feel they can’t manage without the Internet. ______T 2. Young people use the Internet for emails mainly. ______NG 3. The most common use of the Internet is surfing the web. __F_____ 4. On average, people visit 13 websites a day. _______F 5. About 40% of adults use the Internet. _______T 短文理解2 Tiny Tonga Launches Space Tourism Plan The tiny poverty-stricken South Pacific state of Tonga has always had serious problems raising money, and so it has always been entrepreneurial. It has sold Tongan passports to Hong Kong businessmen; it sold possible satellite broadcasting locations in space; it even officially changed to a different time zone to be the first country to welcome the new millennium.。。。。。。 6. Tonga was previously a rich country. __F__ 7. Tonga was the first country to welcome the new millennium on 1st January 2000. ___T_ 8. The US government wants to use Tonga to launch rockets. _F____ 9. There will be training before the tourists go into space. __T___ 10. It costs about $ 20 million to launch a spacecraft. __NG___ 短文理解3 Poll reveals TV news too negative A recent Time/CNN poll in the USA has discovered that 75% of people agreed that the news media is \73% 63% found it \negative\and said they are \about the accuracy\of the news they are receiving. 。。。。。。 11. The majority of people polled think that the news media is accurate. F 12. There is not enough time to talk about a wider range of subjects on the news. T 13. 53% of all crimes committed are murders. F 14. Advertising companies invest in TV programmes with high ratings. T 15. TV stations make too much money from news. NG 短文理解4 When Steven King published his book Riding the Bullet, around two million people downloaded it from the Internet within hours. It was the first time that an electronic book had done big business, and it was a wake-up call for the publishing industry.。。。。。。 16. The writer warns that the publishing industry should be ready for an important change. T 17. E-books will become much cheaper in the near future. NG 18. One advantage of e-books is that you can find the meanings of individual words easily. T 19. Students will use libraries less in the future. NG 20. Sales of e-books are expected to increase rapidly in the future. F 阅读理解 5 Many people in the UK have done parachute or bungee jumps for charity. People like to help charities and if they can have a bit of fun at the same time then everyone is happy. Usually the person doing the jump has responded to an advertis。。。。。。 21. If you want to parachute or bungee jump in the UK you must do it for a charity. F 22. People like to have fun and help charities.T 23. A lot of sponsorship is needed before you can do a jump.NG 24. People always receive a certificate after doing a parachute or bungee jump.F 25. The sponsors pay their money after the person has done the jump.T 阅读理解 6 It is unusual these days for people not to have a TV, in fact many homes have two or three. However, more and more people are choosing to live without TV. The number of homes without a television in the UK has been growing steadily for over 10 years now. Many people choose not to have a TV because they are wor。。。。。。 26. The majority of homes in the UK have more than one television.NG 27. The trend of not having a television is not new.T 28. Joan’s son was an unhealthy child.F 29. Paul thinks his life has improved since he sold his TV.T 30. The latest trend is to have more than one television.F 第六部分:书面表达 题目1 因特网与现代社会 因特网对生活的影响 The Internet has become a symbol of modern society. For example, via the Internet, we can send a message to a friend or a relative in a distant place within seconds; we can talk to each other or even see each other; we can do shopping without going out; we can stay home and do business with foreign companies. In fact, we can do many things more easily and more cheaply using the Internet. So, I cannot imagine what society would be like without the Internet. 题目2 1.事件发生的时间和地点 2.人物 3.事件的经过 A Day to Remember (难忘的一天) It was Sunday. Our teacher Mr. Zhu led us to a park nearby. Usually we go to the park to spend our holiday. But today we went there to take part in voluntary labor. We got there at nine o’clock. Mr. Zhu divided us into three groups and then we began working. Group One was responsible to plant trees and water flowers. Group Two were busy collecting litter left by the tourists. I was in Group Three. We went to the children’s playground and cleaned all the equipment there. We worked very hard. At about eleven we finished work. We all were tired but very happy. I will never forget the day in my memory 题目3 (谈谈出国度假), 可以包括以下内容:1.How to choose a certain country.2.Why are you willing to go abroad for holiday.3.Advantages and disadvantages.4.What are you going to do in the country. In recent years, going abroad for a holiday has almost become a national pastime. Traveling is indeed fun. I am dreaming of going abroad for holiday. The ideal destination is Paris. Paris is very beautiful and full of romance. Still, going abroad will make me know more about the world and enrich my life. I can experience the different culture in another country. Going abroad for holiday can also be exciting. I will do a lot of shopping in Paris and buy presents for my friends. I hope my dream will come true one day. 题目4 写一篇论述短文,描述你本人学习英语的体会。可以包括以下内容:1.The importance of learning English.2.How to learn English well?3.What are your good experience and failing lesson? Why I like learning English? Firstly, English is very useful. English is the most widely used language in the world. If we make a visit to foreign countries or do business with foreigners, we need to communicate with them in English. Secondly, with China becoming stronger and stronger, we have more chances to go abroad. We can know the English-speaking countries much deeper if we know English. Both China and English-speaking countries have realized the importance of the culture exchanging. Above all, English is useful and important, we must master English. 题目5 1.接受邀请下星期到英国观光旅游2.希望对方能到机场接你3.告诉对方你抵达的日期和航班号等 Dear Mr. Brown, I would like to accept you invitation to go to Britain for holiday. Britain is my dream destination. Would it possible for you to meet me at the airport? The plane leaves Tianjin at 18:25 and arrives in London at 20:50 next Tuesday. My flight number is CA5027. I am really grateful for you kindly support. I am sure I will enjoy my stay in Britain. Bob Yours faithfully 题目6 1.你刚接到妻子电话2.你不得不回家带小孩上医院看病3.晚上跟老板联系 Dear Mr. Burns, I’m sorry to say that I cannot attend this afternoon’s meeting. I just received a phone call from my wife. She told me our child has a fever and is coughing all the time. He has refused to eat or drink anything since this morning, so I will have to go back home now and drive them to hospital. I will phone you this evening to discuss my new business plan. Sorry for the inconvenience. Bob



