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Read and choose (读一读,选出与划线部分发音不同的单词 分

1)A come 2) A up 3) A box 4) A pupil 5) A ball 6) A pi nk 7) A have 8) A bowl 9) A yellow

B orange B trunk B cold

B music B ballo n B chick B an imal B know B mouse

C mon key

C tube C ope n

D brother

D duck D home

D tune D tall D write D what D wi ndow D house


C butterfly C hall C big C black C how C mouth

10)A fish B fine C find D five

Read and arrange.(读一读,按划线部分发音归类)10分

please wait know pupil

library eat sky tiger leaf

play plate night three today

train yellow bowl write

gree n coat music

close super beautiful

1) cake __________________________________________ 2) sheep _________________________________________ 3) like


4) photo

5) tube

三、 Look,write and match ( 词, (

)(1)a e g n o r


并与汉语配对 A颜色

B黄色 C漂亮的 D橘子 E昆虫

F棕色的 G桃子 H叶子 I白色的 J树枝

()⑵ c e i n s t ()⑶ c l o o r u ()(4) a c e h p ()(5) e II o w y ()(6) e i a u f b I u t ()(7) r c h n a b ()(8) e h i e t ()(9) a e e I v s ()(10) b n o r w

四、.Think and write ( (1)在图书馆 ⑶我的球

(5) 一只黑色的蝴蝶



(2) 一只粉红色的风筝 (4)穿上我的鞋 (6)七只白色的鸭子

(8)厕所在哪里? Where is

(9)那只小船是什么颜色? 五.choose and write (


am is are

(1) There a chair and a desk.


(2) — Who _ inda ' friend ? — I Linda ' friend.

(3) — _he Da nny ? Y es, he ______ (4) Your ears big. Your nose small. _____ (5) This my sister. She tall and thin. (6) — _ u Jack ?

— No, I Peter. (7) — What _ ur brother ' n ame? — Henry. (8) Here __ three books for you. (9) — This my picture. Here you . —Thank you .

(10) — Where _ ur classroom? — Behi nd the tall tree 六Th ink and write.(


— ___ B Yes, I do.

C No, I don 'like

— Yes. And he ___ a white


(1) Do you like this coat ?

A . Yes,I like .

(2) — Your brother __ a blue shirt. one too.

A has have

B have has

C has has

— __ one.

C is there ,

(3) — How many cakes __ in the box ? A are there , There is There is

(4) — Look at the boy. ____ Bob ? A Is he

B Is she

B there are, There are

— Sorry. I don C Is it

'k now.

(5) — Is it a peach ? No, ___


A It 's a pear B It 's a peach C It isn 't

(6) — What are they ? — ______ A Chicks B Yes, they are chicks C It (7) — Is this your swing ? A it 's

B it is

— Yes,___

C it is a skateboard

's a chick

(8) — Is your ball blue and black ? A Yes, it is a ball. B No. It black.

(9) A re you hungry ? No. ___ hungry. A I 'm

B He's

C The cake is

's blue and green.

C It is blue and

(10) — What's this ? — _____ my coat. A It 's

B They 're

C I am

(11) — Who is __ ? — My brother. A he B she

C you

(12) — How many pencils __ on the table ? — ________ three. A there are There are B are there Have are (13) — ___ I help you ?

— Sure. Here are you.

A May, Can B Can , May C Can , can

(14) — What ___ are they ? — They are oranges. A / B colour C there

(15) — What _ are they? — They are orange.


C are there There

— ____ I have some flowers, please?

B colour C there




