Unit15 control system fundamentals
(1)Numerically controlled machines often weigh up to 100 tons and yet are required to position a cutting tool with an accuracy of the order of 0.002mm. The control system must move the tool at federates as high as 8cm/sec while encountering loads which may vary dramatically on a given path. The NC machine must have dynamic response characteristics that enable it to follow intricate contours with a minimum of path error. Clearly, these requirements dictate a control system that is matched to the mechanical characteristics of the machine it drives.
(2) A control system is a combination of devices that regulate an operation by administering the flow of energy and other resources to and from that operation . Essentially, a control system is made up of interrelated subsystems that perform tasks which in orthodox machining processes are managed
by an intelligent human operator.
(3) The control systems for NC machines therefore serve to replace the human machine operator and significantly improve upon even the best human performance. A direct analogy can be made between numerical controls and the human operators the replace. Both:
① Sense the current status of the machine;
② Make logical decisions which are required to accomplish a task;
③ Communicate decisions to the machine by actuating proper mechanical devices;
④ Have the ability to store information: instructions, data, and the results of logical decisions. ① 检测机器的现状;
② 做出完成任务所需的逻辑决策; ③ 通过操纵机械设备向机器传送决策信息;
④ 具有储存指令、数据、与逻辑决策结果等各种信息的能力。 (4) In summary, a machine control system is a combination of electronic circuitry, sensing devices, and mechanical components which guide the cutting tool along a predefined path.
(5) In the sections that follow, the reader is introduced to the theory of machine control.
(6) We have attributed four major characteristics to any control system: the ability to sense data; make logical decisions; communicate and actuate; and store information in a memory. If a system performs these functions without the aid of a human operator, by definition it automatically controls a given task. Let us consider one such simple operation. 译文:我们已经总结了所有控制系统具有的四个主要特征:监测数据的能力;做出逻辑决策;通讯及操纵机械;及在内存中存储信息。如果系统在不借助人工帮助下执行这些操作,根据定义它是自动地控
(7) Suppose that an electric motor is used to a freight conveyor between two floors of a building. To operate smoothly the conveyor must maintain a constant speed as additional loads are added from loading shoots. We can assume that the speed of rotation of an electric motor is directly proportional to the electric current supplied to it. Hence as the load increases on the conveyor, the torque requirement of the motor is increased and additional power must be supplied to maintain constant speed. This is usually achieved by increasing the supply voltage.
(8)If a motor speed indicator is within sight of a human operator, he can control the conveyor speed by increasing or decreasing the voltage supply manually. Such a system is illustrated schematically in Fig.15.1.
(9)As indicated by Fig.15.1 (a), the operator first senses that the speed is below the desired value. Logically, he determines at an increase in power will increase motor speed. He communicates a decision, by actuating the power supply control lever, to increase voltage until the desired speed reading is obtained. In Fig.15.1 (b) the desired speed is read; hence, the operator takes no action. If the load is decreased so that a speed greater than the desired value is registered in Fig.15.1 (c), the operator will decrease voltage. 如图15.1.a所示,操作员首先发现速度低于期望值。逻辑上来说,他决定提高功率来提高马达速度。他通过操纵动力供给控制杠杆来传递决策,并提高电压,直到获得所期望的读数。在图15.1.b中所期望的速度显示出来,因此操作员不做任何操作。如果载荷降低。导致记录的速度高于期望值,如图15.1.c操作员3降低电压。
(10) The process described above is illustrated schematically in Fig.15.2. The system indicated in the figure is not automatic. However, if the human operator block were replaced with a device that performed the functions shown, an automatic control system would be realized.