lose the opportunit of intervie for giving reader a terrible impression.
don’t plain or ritiize our former boss hen explaining reason of hanging our last job, hih does no good for our appliation.
a friendl and onfident tone is extremel important for a letter of this kind. exessivel modest ma make the result go to the opposite extreme.
pa more attention to the tin aspets, suh as puntuation, spelling and apital letter, to give a good first impression.
5. tpes of job appliation letter
there are to kinds of letter of job appliation – appliation letter ritten b graduate and appliation letter applied to job-hanging.
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in appliation letter ritten b graduate, the ontent ma be dull and less luxuriant for inexperiene. therefore, the appliant should plae great emphasis on eduation, relevant ourses, soial pratie and XXrds reeived in universit.
appliation for a position of english editor dept. of journalism fujian teahers universit
1 shoushan road, fuzhou 350006marh 23, 201X personnel department fujian dail 12 zhongshan road fuzhou, fujian 350001 dear sirs,
i am riting to ou in referene to our advertisement in fujian dail of marh for an english editor responsible for english s.
i am enlosing m resume, and i ould be greatl appreiated if ou ould seriousl onsider m appliation sine i believe that i am ell qualified for the position. as ou an see from m
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resume, i obtained double bahelor’s degrees in hinese and english from fujian teahers universit. i have a strong abilit to rite hinese and english. i think m eduation and
professional experiene ill enable me to offer helpful servies for our nespaper. the enlosed resume ill tell ou more about m personal information, inluding m referenes, to hom i an refer ou as to m harater and abilit.
should ou entertain m appliation favorabl, i ould spare no trouble to aquit mself to our satisfation. i look forard to our earl repl.
sinerel ours, li u enls: 1. m resume m XXdemi reord 3. 2 reent photos
appliation letter applied to job-hanging
in this ase, the appliation has alread got experiene hih is, doubtless, an
important selling point for him. it is ise to emphasize previous ahievements, speial skills, relevant training reeived before. furthermore, he must tell the reason h he ants to hange his job. for instane, he ants to obtain a more hallenging one or a different irumstane.
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appliation for a position of offie lerk
fujian exported pan, ltd5 usi road, gulou distritfuzhou 350001april 14, 201X personnel department
xiamen people’s insurane agen 356 siming avenue xiamen 610003 dear sirs,
please allo me to appl for the position of offie lerk hih ou advertised in xiamen evening nes of april 1
i am 27 ears of age and unmarried. after reeiving m b. b. a. from xiamen universit, i orked for three ears as an offie lerk at light industrial produts pan. for the last to ears, i have been a seretar to the general managerof fujian export pan ltd. in fuzhou. i am looking for a position of offie lerk to inrease m experiene in business.
i have a ide knoledge of business and thoroughl experiened in all tpes of offie ork. opies of testimonials are enlosed, and if ou are interested in m appliation, please
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give me an opportunit of a personal intervie at our onvenient date.
sinerel ours,qian fang 练习题:
1. the enlosed resume ill tell ou more about m personal information, inluding m referenes, to hom i an refer ou as to m harater and abilit
should ou entertain m appliation favorabl, i ould spare no trouble to aquit mself to our satisfation.
3. from the attahed resume, ou an see that i have learned several programming ourses and the sores suggested that i have got profound theoretial knoledge about programming.
4. at our onveniene, i ould like to meet ou to disuss ho m qualifiations ould benefit mirosoft.
5. i have had a ver extensive training in m field and bee more interested in the orld of marketing than ever.
1. 随函附寄的个人简历可为你们提供关于我的更多的个人情况,其中包括我的证明人,你们可以从他们那里了解到我的品德和能力。
3. 从简历中,您可以看出,我学了几门程序设计课程。这些课程的成绩说明,我在程序设计方面具有坚实的理论基础。
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