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牛津译林版九年级英语上学期Unit 6单元试卷(含部分答案)

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初三英语单元卷9A Unit6


1. Unluckily, the disease _____________________(进攻,攻击) his bones and made him disabled. 2.We can learn a lot about nature and ____________________(真实生活的) events from this programme. 3. Night Garden is many children’s favorite, though there is no ____________________ (对话) in it. 4. An____________________(最新的,现代的) report includes a lot of new information. 5. This programme___________________(报道) many different sports. 6. Tom prefers to watch____________________(喜剧) when he feels stressed.

7.Mr Smith is a ____________________ (富有的) businessman and he often donates money to Project Hope. 8. Can you tell us something about any of the______________________ (入室窃贼)? 9. The programme will be______________________(录制) first and sent out later. 10. It’s _________________(傻的,愚蠢的) of you to make the same mistake again. 11.Too many clothes bought but never worn are a ____________________ (浪费) of money.

12. You can see_________(景象,风光,现场) from India, one of the few places where tigers still live in the wild. 13.If you get _______________________(害怕,恐惧) easily, don’t read this___________________(恐怖) story. 14. We all think ____________________(记录片) have a lot of knowledge.

15. The host often____________________(宣布) the results at the end of the game show. 16. Have you got the ________________ (late) news on this program?

17. Hero is_______________ by the famous_______________ Zhang Yimou.(direct) 18. Different people have different TV_____________________(view) habits. 19. Most of the films are made in ____________________(studio).

20. How I wish to come across some famous film stars at the__________________(come) weekend. 二、单项填空:

( ) 1. __________ rainy weather we are having ! We’ve never had __________ rainy days .

A What, such B How, such C What a, so D How, so a

( ) 2. —Which basketball player do you like best, Kobe, James or Jordan? —__________of them . Lin Shuhao is my favourtite.

A. All

B. Either C. None D. Neither

( ) 3. You _________ believe what he has said. It ___________ be true.

A. needn’t to; shouldn’t B. needn’t; can’t C. don’t need; may not D. don’t need to; mustn’t ( ) 4. — You speak French so well. How long have you learned it? —__________ I was fifteen.

A. Until A. too

B. Since

C. When

D. Before D. so

( ) 5. —I don’t like music which I can’t sing along with. —Me, ___________.

B. also

C. either

( ) 6. —My plan is __________ videos at home. What are you going to do, Jenny?

—Well, I prefer __________ movies at the cinema.

A. to watch; see B. watching; see C. watching; to see

D. to watch; to see

( ) 7. ________________the students in our school_____________ over two thousand.

A. The number of, are B. The number of, is C. A number of , is D. A number of , are

( ) 8. How __________ the wind __________! I’m afraid he won’t arrive on time. A. terrible; is sounding B. terribly; sounds C. terribly; is sounding D. terrible; sounds

( ) 9.There are many trees on__________ side of the street, and__________ of the trees is still growing. A both; the number B either; the number C both; a number D either; a number ( ) 10.Is __________Russia __________ Asian or __________ European country? A the; an; a B \\; an; a C \\; an; an D \\; the; the


( )11.None of us knew what had happened__________ they told us about it.

A .when B. until C. after D. though

( ) 12. My father had __________ sleep last night so he felt __________sleepy today. A. a bit; a little B. bit; little C. a little; a bit D. a little; a bit little ( ) 13. You could hardly imagine __________ amazing the Great Wall was __________ you saw it with your

own eyes.

A. how, unless B. what, unless C. how, if D. what, until ( ) 14. I think the new film __________by Mr Zhang __________ seeing.

A. is directed; worth B. directed; worth C. is directed; is worth D. directed; be worth ( ) 15. When I came into the room, I found __________ on the floor, unable to move. A. him lying B. him lie C. he lying D. he lie

( ) 16. He seldom stays up late at night, __________ necessary, to keep himself full of energy the next day. A. if B. unless C. until D. while 三、用动词的正确形式填空:

1. --- Why were you so busy the whole afternoon last Sunday?

--- We ____________________( plan ) to have a fashion show for poor children.

2. If Steve finishes the job in time, he _____________________ (allow) to have a two-week off.

3. My penfriend in the USA__________________ (reply) to more than ten of my e-mails in the past three months. 4. Try to talk to your best friend while ___________________ (feel) blue.

5. Listening to light music is good for your mind and your body also _____________________ (relax). 6. All the people who were at the meeting _____________________(ask) to keep quiet yesterday. 7. Please stop talking, guys. I can’t hear what the youth worker ______________________(explain). 8. ___________________ (make) a living, he went to America ten years ago.

9. All the big pop stars _____________________ (attend) the presentation the coming Saturday.

10.. Some people knew the earth _______________________round the sun long time ago (go). 11. I’d rather___________________(stay) at home to watch cartoons at weekends.

12. I didn’t know if the young director______________________(direct) the film the next week. 13.I’m sorry. Mr Green ____________________(leave) for Japan. You can make a call to him. 14.It is said that the accident_______________________(happen) on a cold rainy night in a village.


1. 作为一个动物爱好者,我坚决反对不合理的动物放生。

_____________________________________, _______________________ improper animal release. 2. 电视节目“爸爸去哪儿”给电视观众们提供了一个近距离观察明星和他们的孩子们的机会。 The TV program Where Are We Going, Dad? provides the viewers ______________________________ ____________________________________________ some famous people and their children. 3. 花时间看竞赛节目真是浪费时间。

It’s really _______________________________________________________________. 4. 除非提前录制,不然这个节目将没法按时播出。

I’m afraid this programme___________________________________________________________ earlier. 5. 他们看到两个穿着校服的男生冲进教室,手里拿着书。

They saw two boys _________________________________, ____________________________their hands. 6. 如果你对音乐感兴趣的话,或许你可以选择为自己最喜欢的音乐视频进行网上投票。

If you are interested in music, you ______________________________________ your favorite music video. 7. 本周末有个访谈节目,你知道它会现场直播吗?

There is ______________________ this weekend. Do you know______________________________________? 8. 在影片中,一位富有的乡村医生被发现死在家中。

In the film, ___________________________________________________ in his house.



_________________________________________________________________,with up-to-date information. 10.尽管这节目没有许多对话,但是你可以发短信到10086,或许会赢一张免费的音乐会门票。

__________________________________in this programme, you can_________________________________ to 10086.You__________________________________. 五、完形填空:

There is an old English saying, “Laughter is the best medicine.” One person who certainly would have agreed with this is Norman Cousins.

Norman Cousins was the editor (编辑) of a magazine called Saturday Review for almost forty years. He also 1 and spoke about world peace and anti-war issues (反战议题), traveling to many different countries to share his ideas.

In the 1960s, after returning to the United States from a busy and tiring trip to Europe, Mr. Cousins got 2 . He discovered he had a strange disease that caused great pain in his bones. In less than a week after he got back, he could not 3 it. Every move was painful. He was not able to sleep at night. The doctor told Mr. Cousins that they did not know how to cure his problem and he might never 4 the illness. Mr. Cousins, however, refused to give up hope.

Mr. Cousins thought that the illness could be caused by 5 thoughts. He did not want to take medicine. Instead, he felt that happy thoughts or laughter might cure his illness.

He began to experiment (实验) on himself while still in the hospital by watching comedy shows. Mr. Cousins quickly found that ten minutes of 6 laughter gave him two hours of pain-free sleep at night.

Deciding that the doctors could not help him, Mr. Cousins left the hospital and checked into a hotel room where he could 7 his experiments with laughter. For eight days, Mr. Cousins 8 in the hotel room watching comedy shows, reading amusing books, and sleeping whenever he felt tired. Within three weeks, he felt well enough to take a vacation to Puerto Rico where he began running on the beach for 9 . After a few months, Mr. Cousins was 10 to carry on his work. He had laughed himself back to health. ( ) 1. A. laughed B. taught C. wrote D. copied ( ) 2. A. rich B. sick C. lonely D. famous ( ) 3. A. stand B. realize C. face D. improve ( ) 4. A. go through B. look after C. get over D. find out ( ) 5. A. unhappy B. pleasant C. silly D. clever ( ) 6. A. unusual B. false C. real D. wild ( ) 7. A. begin B. end C. continue D. report ( ) 8. A. rested B. worked C. studied D. played ( ) 9. A. help B. exercise C. freedom D. fun ( ) 10. A. able B. safe C. lazy D.uncertain 六、任务型阅读:(根据短文内容,完成下面的表格。每格填一词。)

Some people learn a second language easily. Other people have trouble learning a new language. How can you help yourself learn a new language, such as English? There are several ways to make learning English easier and more interesting.

The first step is to feel confident about learning English. If you believe that you can learn well, you will learn well. Be patient. You don’t have to understand everything all at once. It is natural to make mistakes when you learn something new. We can learn from our mistakes. In other words, do not worry about taking risks.

The second step is to practice your English. For example, keep a diary or make notes every day. You will be used to writing in English, and you will feel comfortable expressing your ideas in English. After several weeks, you will see that your writing is improving. Also, you must speak English every day. You can practice with your


牛津译林版九年级英语上学期Unit 6单元试卷(含部分答案)


