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义乌学外语:洋话连篇商务英语学习之商贸城晨练英语 来义乌做生意不得不学的几节英语课

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义乌学外语就来义乌洋话连篇外语培训学校,商贸城晨练英语学习资料为洋话连篇何老师整理分享,请不要做任何商业用途,违者必究! Lesson One Greeting

第一课 打招呼 Part one New Words新单词

take 带走 just 仅仅 time 时间 name 名字 card 卡片 again 再,又 welcome 欢迎 help帮助 like喜欢,想 seat座位 coffee咖啡 tea 茶 sure确信 can(may) 能,可以 Part two Useful Expressions实用表达 1. Glad to meet you. 很高兴见到你。

2. Please step(come) in and have a look. 请进来看一看。 3. Here you are. 给你。

4. Take your time. 随便看(慢慢看)。 5. May I have a seat? 我能坐下吗? 6. Take a seat please. 请坐。 7. Can I help you? 需要帮忙吗?

8. Would you like some coffee or tea? 你想要咖啡还是茶? 9. It's my pleasure. 不客气。

10. Welcome again(your next coming)! 欢迎再来!

Lesson Two Introduction [intr'dkn] 第二课 产品介绍 Part one Words(单词)

color ['kl] 颜色 sample ['smpl]样品 come out [km aut] 推出 popular ['ppjul] 流行的 anything ['eni,θi] 任何事 else [els] 其他的 also [':lsu] 也

Part two Sentences(句子)

A: How many colors do you have?你们有多少种颜色?

B: Many. This is our new sample. 很多。这是我们的新样品。 A: When did it come out? 什么时候出的?

B: 3 days ago. This is the most popular one. 3天前。这是现在最流行的款式。 A: Anything else? 还有其他的吗?

B: How about this one? It’s also popular. 这个怎么样?也很好卖。

Lesson Three Introduction [intr'dkn]

第三课 介绍 Part one New Words 新单词

sample ['smpl] 样品 material [m'tiril] 材料 quality ['kwlti] 质量 market ['mɑ:kit] 市场 durable ['djurbl] 耐用的 popular ['ppjul] 流行的 compare [km'pε] 比较 this way please 这边请 newest [nu:ist] 最新的 Part two Sentences 句子

1、The material is very durable. 这种材料很耐用。

2、You can compare them. 你可以比较一下它们。

3、Here is our sample room, this way please. 这是样品室,请跟我来。

4、Let me introduce our newest style to you. 我来给你介绍我们最新的款式。 Part three Dialogue 对话

A:Hello. What would you like ? 你好,想要些什么?

B:I’d like some gloves. Can you show me your newest samples ? 我想要一些手套。能给我看一下你们的新样品吗? A:OK, no problem. 好的,没问题。 B:Thank you. 谢谢。

A:Here you are. These are the most popular styles in the market this year. 给你,这些是今年市场上最流行的款式。 B:What’s the material ? 什么材料的? A:It’s woolen ['wuln] . 羊毛的。

B:How about the quality ? 质量怎么样? A:Don’t worry about the quality. It’s very high.

Lesson Four Bargaining ['bɑ:ɡini] 第四课 讨价还价 Part one New Words 新单词

bargain ['bɑ:ɡin] 讨价还价 wholesale ['hulseil] 批发 retail ['ri:teil] 零售

cost [kst] 成本 lowest ['luist] 最低的 almost [':lmust] 几乎 already [:l'redi] 已经 piece [pi:s] 件 satisfied ['stisfaid] 满意的 acceptable [k'septbl] 可以接受的 Part two Sentences 句子

1、It’s almost our cost price. 这几乎是我们的成本价了。 2、It can’t be cheaper. 不能再便宜了。

3、Are you satisfied with the price ? 你对价格满意吗? Part three Dialogue 对话

A:How much is it ? 这个多少钱?

B:Wholesale or retail ? 批发还是零售? A:The wholesale price. 批发价格。 B:It’s 9.5 RMB. 九块五。

A:It’s too much. Can it be cheaper ? 太贵了,能便宜点吗?

B:How many would you like ? The more the cheaper. 你想要多少?越多越便宜。

A:If the price is acceptable, I’d like to order 5,000 pieces. 如果价格合理的话,定五千件。 B:OK. The lowest price is 9 RMB. It’s already our cost price. 好吧,最低价九块。这已经是我们的成本价了。

A:All right. I’ll take it. 好的,我要了

Lesson Five Order 第五课 订单 Part one New Words 新单词

order ['d] 订单 定货 minimum ['mnmm] 最低的 size [saz] 尺寸

quantity ['kwntt] 数量 dollar ['dl] 美元 large [lɑd] 大号 medium ['midm] 中号 problem ['prblm] 问题 thousand ['θaznd]千 hundred ['hndrd] 百 red [red] 红色 green [grin] 绿色 blue [blu] 蓝色 white [wat] 白色 purple ['ppl] 紫色

Part two Dialogue 对话

A: What's your minimum quantity? 你们的最低起订量是多少? B: It's 10 thousand. 一万。

A: How many colors? 颜色有多少个呢?

B: Four. Red, white, purple, and green. 四种。红色、白色、紫色和绿色。 A: I'd like 50 thousand. Cheaper please? 我想定五万。便宜点? B: Ok. The last price is 15 dollars. 好的。最低价是15 美元。 A: Well. How many sizes do you have? 那行。尺寸有多少个? B: 3. Large , small and medium. 3种。大号、小号和中号。 A: I see. I'd like medium . 我明白了。给我中号。 B: No problem. 没问题。

Lesson Six Quality 第六课 质量

Part one New Words(新单词)

quality ['kwliti] 质量 satisfy ['stisfai] 满意 guarantee [,grn'ti:] 保证 material [m'tiril] 材料 price[prais] 价格 durable ['djurbl] 结实的 Part two Sentences(句子)

A: How about the quality? 质量如何?

B: I can guarantee you will be satisfied with the quality. 我保证您一定会对质量满意的。 A: Really? 真的?

B: Sure. The material is pretty good. 对。它是由上好的材料制成。 A: Good. Anything else? 还有吗?

B: They are durable. 它们还很结实,很耐用。

Lesson Seven Packing (1) 第七课 包装(1)

Part one New Words(单词)

pack [pk]包装 dozen ['dzn]打 inner ['in]内部的 outer [ aut ]外部的

save [seiv]节省 cost [kst]成本 carton[kɑ:tn]纸箱 according to['k:di tu:] 根据 Part Two Sentences(句子) A: How do you pack the goods? 你们是怎样包装的。

B: We use OPP bag for inner packing.And use carton for outer packing. 内包装我们会用OPP袋,外包装用纸箱。

A、1 piece in 1 OPP bag, 12 OPP bags in a dozen,20dozens in 1 carton. 每件一个塑料袋,一打12个OPP袋,一箱装20打。 B、This packing can save the shipping cost. 这种包装能节约运费。

A、Of course! We can also pack the goods according to your needs. 当然!我们也可以根据您的要求进行包装。

Lesson Eight Packing(2) 第八课 包装(2)

Part One Words(单词)

line with [lain] 用…做衬里 foam[fum] 塑料泡沫 reinforce [,ri:n'f:s] 加 strap [strp] 带 dimension [di'menn] 规格 container [kn'tein] 集装箱 regular ['regjul] 规范的 Part Two Sentences(句子)

A:Can you line the cartons with foam? 你们能在纸箱内衬塑料泡沫吗?

B:Sure. And we’ll reinforce the cartons with packing.straps.This packing is strong and easy to handle.我们会用打包带加固纸箱。这种包装很结实而且很好搬运。 A:What about the dimension? 规格是怎样的呢?

B: The dimensions are 60*40*50CM. 规格为长60, 宽40, 高50厘米。 A: And what’s the CBM? 那体积呢?

B: The CBM is 0.12CBM. 400 cartons in one 40 feet container.


Lesson Nine Payment(1) 第九课 付款(1) Part One Words(单词)

terms of payment [t:mz v'peimnt] 付款方式 cash [k] 现金

enough [i'nf]足够的 first [f:st] 首先 rest [rest] 余下的

check [tek]清点 account number ['kaunt 'nmb] 账号 transfer [ trnsf: ] 汇款 Part Two Sentences(句子)

A: What are your terms of payment? 你们的付款方式是怎样的?

B: You’d better pay cash. 你得付现金。

A: But I prefer T/T. 可以。但是我更喜欢电汇。

B: You can T/T 30% deposit first. And you have to pay the rest within 2 weeks after delivering. 你先电汇30%定金。发货后两星期内再付余款。 A: Good. Can I have your account number? 好的。你能给我你的账号吗?

B: Here is my business card, our ABC account No. is on it. And please transfer the money to my account on time.


Lesson Ten Payment(2) 第十课 付款(2)

Part One New Words 新单词

cash on delivery[k] [n] [di'livri] 货到付款 discount['diskaunt] 折扣 accept[k'sept] 接受 within[wi'in] 在……之内

full payment[ful] ['peimnt] 全额款项 after ['ɑ:ft] 在……之后 depend on [di'pend][n] 取决于 Part Two Dialogues 对话

义乌学外语:洋话连篇商务英语学习之商贸城晨练英语 来义乌做生意不得不学的几节英语课


