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And at the onset(起始) of walking, you have your biggest challenge yet. Your child is always on the go. You need to set your reading time for a time in the day when your child is preparing to settle down. This means bedtime. Remember, it is your right and. duty to teach your child about the power of, books. Of course, it doesn't happen overnight, but the returns are great!

28. Who does \A. The writer. B. The child. C. The parent. D. The teacher.

29. The best time of the day to read stories to a child is A. when the child is still active in the early evening B. when the parents finish the day's housework C. when the child has chew toy to play with D. when the child is quiet and peaceful

30. Parents may find it most difficult to read to their child when s/he A. is 6- 7 months old B. is one year old C. starts to walk D. starts to talk 第二节补全文章

根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂 黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。

There are few people who draw up life goals. Most people want to take one step at a time, and are frightened when they .have to set life goals. 31.

They can't be more wrong. Life goals are only a road map. They record what you want to be at the end of your life. 32 Others may want to be known as great builders or great sportspeople. In fact, there is no end to what you may want to be.

However, the only way you can achieve your dream is by writing down your goal. Once you have done that, you need to break this goal into several small goals. While writing the small goals, you must provide for change. 33 If you want to achieve your goals, you should be prepared to change them from time to time. This makes your goals really up-to-date.

Also, there cannot be just one life goal. There are at least five subjects that you need to address. These are: education, career(职业), family, health and money.34 For example, there can .be no career goals unless they are backed by education goals. Similarly, there can be no family goals unless they are based on practical financial(金融的) goals.

None of these goals is taught in college. Yes, there are some families that try to train their kids to think wisely, and plan for their life. 35 They know what they want to get in life, They are also mentally prepared for most of the difficulties they expect to meet on the way. A. These are happy families.

B. Good health helps you to realize your goals,

C. Nothing remains unchanged in this world.

D. Many people do not know how to set life goals.

E. to them, life is too big to be reduced to a few goals. F. You will find that all these goals are related. G. Some may want to be known as great scientists.



阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入相应空 白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

I became interested in writing at an early age. So when my fourth-grade teacher told me about a 36 writer's conference where students my age could 37 published writers, I decided to go. I began thinking about the writers whose stories I 38 --Judy Blume, Beverly Cleary, Shell Silverstein and 39 if they would be at this conference. Well, I went to the conference, but I was a little 40. None of them were there. But the conference was well 41, and every half hour we would move on to hear a new writer speak. Soon the42period of the day came. A man introduced himself and gave the same little speech we had heard since that morning. 43, he threw in a twist(转折).

\are more than just words thrown together,\he said. \are more than just 45 thrown together. You must also 46 the mood or the tone (语气) of your ideas. \He let that idea sink in and then 47 us about the difference between a house and a home. We all thought that was a 48 question, and made some wild guesses at it.\“Class,”he49, \tone. A house is the 50 --the wood, the bricks, the lighting, the refrigerator. A home is the love and warmth, and comfort you 51 as you walk through the 52\I've kept that 53 in my memory ever since that day. Writing is more than just filling up a blank page with54; it' s about expressing your ideas with clarity(清晰) and the mood. And that's why I 55 it. 36. A. Famous

B. new C. report D. School 37. A. become

B. Recognize C. meet D. Follow 38. A. Wrote

B. loved C. believed D. changed 39. A. cared

B. doubted C. imagined

D. wondered 40. A. Disappointed B. confused C. Surprised D. worried 41. A. Attended

B. Organized C. informed D. equipped 42. A. happy

B. late C. busy D. last 43. A. Anyhow

B. Again C. Then D. Therefore 44. A. Stories B. Lessons C. Lectures D. Languages 45. A. sounds

B. letters C. spellings D. meanings 46. A. enjoy

B. separate C. consider D. notice 47. A. Warned

B. taught C. told D. asked 48. A. Silly

B. difficult C. familiar D. serious 49. A. Agreed

B. Suggested C. Explained D. Attempted 50. A. Design

B. fortune C. Mood

D. building 51. A. lack

B. feel C. give D. need 52. A. house B. yard C. hall D. door

53. A. expression B. statement C. standard D. rule 54. A. words

B. facts C. numbers D. ideas 55. A. like

B. understand C. suggest D. stress 第二节语法填空 阅读下面对话,在空格处填人适当的单词或空格后括号内单词的正确形式,每空填写一个单词。请将答案写在答题卡上的相应位置。

John: Mary, I'm looking for something 56(interest) to read. Any suggestions? Mary: I can recommend (推荐) All Joy and No Fun, which 57 (be) out last week. It' s the sort of book that you find hard to stop reading once you start. I finished it within two days.

John: Sounds good: What's it about, then? Mary : It' s about being a parent. It focuses on58 it is like to be a parent rather59how to raise kids. It's 60 (total) different from other books on parenting. John: I guess so. At least the rifle(书名) suggests something new.

Mary: You're right. The author said she 61 (borrow) it from a friend who recently had a kid. It has just five words, 62 she finds it the best way of 63 (describe) the true nature of being a parent. The point is being a parent is full 64joy, but is no fun. After a long day at work, for example, you come home to a long \list: dinner, homework, bedtime and so on. How do you feel? John: The 65 (write) sees things from her own point of view. Mary: So she does.

John: Oh, I can't wait to get a copy and read it at once.





2.用你自己的语言表达,可改写对话中的句子,但不可照抄原句。注意: 1.词数80词左右,开头已为你写好;


John: Hi, Linda. I' m thinking of going camping this weekend with Mary and tom. Will you join us? Linda: I'd like to, but I' m going to help my grandfather. He's moving out this weekend. John: Oh, is he? That's an important thing. Where's your grandfather living now? Linda: In a two-story house here at Morris Plains. He doesn't like it. It's too big for him.

John: What's the new house like, then?

Linda: It's a small apartment. In fact, it' s the smallest one here in the neighborhood(居民区).

John: Is it near your house?

Linda: Yes, not even a mile away. He wants to be closer to me, you know.

John: Sounds like a perfect home for him. It must have taken your grandfather a long time to find the apartment.

Linda: Actually, I found this apartment for him. A year ago, he started to think about moving. He wanted a smaller apartment. He also wanted there to be a supermarket and a hospital in the neighborhood. John: A smaller apartment and closer to his granddaughter. So, your grandfather must be glad now.

Linda: You're right, John.


67.假定你是李明,要为朋友王平举办l8岁生日聚会,准备邀请英国朋友Bob参加。请你根据以下要点给Bob写一封电子邮件。 要点:1.聚会时间和地点; 2.聚会的活动安排; 3.请他回复。 注意:




第一部分听力、 1—5 ACBBA 6—10 CCAAB ll—15 CBCAC l6—20 AABCB 听力录音材料: Text 1

M: Are you going anywhere for Christmas?

W: I thought about going to my sister's in New York. How about you?



