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中考英语 基础语法十一 句子的类型Ⅰ 简单句和并列句

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01 命题趋势 考标导向化

近几年对简单句的考查主要体现在对陈述句、感叹句、疑问句和祈使句上,对并列句的考查主要是在并列句的构成、并列连词和从属连词上。预计2015年对简单句的考查仍以感叹句、反意疑问句为主,对并列句的考查以并列连词和从属连词为主。 02 定义 概念清晰化

简单句是只有一个主语(或并列主语)和一个谓语(或并列谓语)的句子。根据句子的功能可分为陈述句、疑问句、祈使句和感叹句。陈述句用来陈述一件事或表达一种看法,有肯定和否定两种形式,句末通常用句号。疑问句是用以提问的句子,句末用问号。疑问句又分为一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句和反意疑问句。祈使句是用以表示命令、请求或建议的句子,通常省略主语。感叹句是用以表达快乐、痛苦等强烈感情的句子,感叹句有用what或how开头的两种形式。并列句是指由两个或两个以上的并列分句构成的句子。并列句的分句间没有修饰和被修饰的关系,也没有限定或被限定的关系,其间的关联是靠并列连词实现的。 03 知识归类 知识网络化 ?简单句 分类图解 构成 类型 例句 由一个主1.S+Vi An accident happened 语(含并yesterday. 列主语)2.S+V+P Your idea sounds good. 和一个谓3.S+Vt+O We want to see him. 语(或并4.S+Vt+O+O My father made me a kite. 列谓语)5.S+Vt+O+C He made us stand here. 构成 ?陈述句。疑问句、祈使句和感叹句

分类图解 分类 用途 例句 陈 肯肯定的陈述,They usually go to school 述 定 表示“是如by bike. 句 此” I get up at six o’clock in the morning. 否否定的陈述,They won’t go to the park 定 表示“不是tomorrow. 如此” I can’t speak Chinese. 疑 一询问一件事Is this your schoolbag?

问 般 或情况是否Have you been to 句 疑属实 Shanghai? 问 句 特针对句子某What does your father do? 殊 一具体成分Where is Mike from? 疑提问 问 句 选提供两种或—Is your friend a boy or 择 两种以上的a girl? 疑情况供对方—He is a boy. 问 选择 句 反由陈述句+简—There is a book on the 意 短问句组成,desk, isn’t there? 疑问话者欲对—Yes, there is./ No, 问 陈述句部分there isn’t. 句 的内容做进一步证实 祈使句 表示命令、请Come in, please. 求、建议、劝Let’s go to school. 告等 感叹句 表示惊讶、喜What beautiful flowers! 悦、愤怒等感How clever the girl is! 情,常用what 或how引导 特例清单 1.否定的一般疑问句通常以be动词、情态动词或助动词与not的缩略形式开头,往往表示惊讶、赞叹、怀疑等语气。作简略回答时也要用yes或no,但其汉语翻译与其原意正好相反。如: —Don’t you hear of that?你没有听说过吗? —Yes,I do.不,我听说过。 —No,I don’t.是的,我没有听说过。 2.特殊的反意疑问句 (1)当陈述部分含有否定意义的词如hardly, few, little, no, nobody, no one, nothing等时,附加疑问部分须用肯定形式。但若陈述部分含有带否定前缀如im-,un-,in-,dis-等的派生词,仍作为肯定结构,附加疑问部分用否定式。 (2)I am…反意疑问句的附加疑问部分应为aren’t I。 (3)如果陈述部分是肯定或否定的祈使句,疑问部分须用will you。 1

(4)当陈述部分是let’s do sth.时,疑问部分须用shall we来反问;而当陈述部分是let sb.do sth.时,疑问部分仍然用will you来反问。

(5)当陈述部分主语是不定代词nobody,somebody,no one等时,疑问部分须用复数代词they,—To prepare for my final exam.

A.How B.Why C.When D.Where ( )5.(2014·湖州)—Excuse me,Sir. ____ is it from here to the nearest shopping mall?

—Well,only about five minutes’ walk. 也可以用he;当陈述部分主语是不定代词nothing,something时,疑问部分须用代词it。

(6)若陈述部分为there be句型,附加疑问部分仍用there。


(8)主从复合句的反意疑问句附加疑问部分的助动词与人称应与主句的谓语动词和人称保持一致。若宾语从句的主句为“I think/suppose/believe”等表示说话人的看法,反意疑问句的疑问部分应与宾语从句一致。

(9)陈述部分含情态动词ought to时,附加疑问部分有两种形式:oughtn’t+主语人称代词或shouldn’t+主语人称代词。


(1)because (因为),so(所以)不能出现在一个句子里,只能用其一。


Though he was tired, he still worked hard.虽然他很累,但他仍然努力工作。 【题组训练】 陈述句与疑问句

( )1.(2014·南宁)She doesn’t like pop music, _____?

A.does she B.is she

C.doesn’t she D.isn’t she

( )2.(2014·兰州)—Did you use to have long hair or short hair,Sally? —_________.

A.Yes l did B.No,I didn’t C.Long hair D.Curly hair

( )3.(2014·北京)—_______people are there in your family? —Three.

A.How often B.How long C.How many D.How much

( )4.(2014·济宁)—________ are you always staying up so late these days?

A.How often B.How long C.How far D.How soon 祈使句

( )6.(2014·广州)—Sorry I’m late.

—_______ tell me the bus broke down again! A.Never to B.Not C.Don’t D.No

( )7.(2014·重庆) ________wake up your sister,Ben. She needs a good sleep. A.Don’t B.Doesn’t C.Aren’t D.Can’t

( )8.(2014·黄石)—I’m leaving for Xisai Mountain this afternoon.

— _________you have packed everything. A.To be sure B.Been sure C.Being sure D.Be sure

( )9.(2014·黄冈)—What are the rules at your school?

—Don’t run in the hallways and ______arrive late for class.

A.not to B.won’t C.don’t D.no

( )10.(2014·梅州)____play with fire. _____with fire is dangerous.

A.Don’t;Playing B.Not;Playing C.Don’t;Play D.Not to;To play 感叹句

( )11.(2014·漳州)— ____beautiful blouse she is wearing!

—But it doesn’t look good against her skin. A.What B.What a C.How

( )12.(2014·咸宁)— _______sweet music!

—And I really like the Voice of China TV programs. A.What B.What a C.How D.How a

( )13.(2014·镇江)—Do you know the book One Hundred Years of Solitude(《百年孤独》)has been printed again?

—It is expected to be.______ unusual novel it is! A.What B.What a C.How D.What an

( )14.(2014·南京)— ________brave Zhang Hua is! —Yes. He helped his neighbour,Mrs Sun,out of the



A.What a B.How C.How a D.What

( )15.(2014·滨州)—_______ interesting the film is!

—Yes.I have seen it twice. A.What B.How

C.What an D.How an ?并列句 分类图解 构成 意义 常用连词 简单句+并表示引申 and,not only…but 列连词+简和并列 also…,as well 单句 as,neither…nor… 表示选择 or,either…or… 表示转折 but,while,only 表示缘由 for,so 特例清单 and和or用于否定句中:


I can’t sing or dance.我既不会唱歌,也不会跳舞。

Lucy and Lily can’t speak Chinese.露西和莉莉不会说汉语。


There is no water and no air on the moon.月球上既没有水,也没有空气。 【题组训练】

( )16.(2014·丽水)Good friends are like stars. You don’t always see them,_______ you know they are there.

A.as B.but C.for D.then

( )17.(2014·成都)Confucius once said,“Everything has beauty,_____ not everyone sees it.”

A.but B.or C.and

( )18.(2014·安徽)Spend more time talking with your parents,______ they may not well understand you.

A.or B.so C.and D.but

( )19.(2014·苏州)Read this article,______ you will understand that not everything can be bought with money.

A.or B.and C.but D.so

( )20.(2013·兰州)The thing that matters is not whether you fail or not,_______ whether you try or not.

A.and B.or C.so D.but 04 整合集训 反馈层级化

( )1. _______you wait a few more minutes? It’ll be your turn soon.

A.Must B.Should C.Could D.Might

( )2.— ______T-shirt do you like better, the red one or the blue one? —I prefer the red one.

A.How much B.How many C.Whose D .Which

( )3.— _______do you clean your room? —Every day.

A.How long B.How many C.How often D.How soon

( )4.—Lily, ______do you study for a math test? —By asking my teacher for help. A.how B.who C.why D.what

( )5.You’ve just finished your listening exam. Please get yourself ready for the next part,______? A.shall we B.will you C.do you D.are you

( )6.—You like listening to Sally’s songs, don’t you?

—_______.She has a sweet voice. A.Yes,I do B.Yes,she does C.No,I don’t D.No,she doesn’t

( )7.—Remember to turn off the lights when you leave the room. —______.

A.No,I won’t B.I know that C.It doesn’t matter D.OK.I will ( )8.Yoga helps people to keep healthy and relaxed, _____?

A.does it B.is it

C.doesn’t it D.isn’t it

( )9. _______exercising, and you’ll be healthier.

A.Keep B.To keep C.Keeping D.Kept


( )10. _______smoke here, Dad. Smoking has been banned (禁止) in public places. A.Don’t be B.Don’t C.Not to be D.Be not

( )11.______ me back my money, I’ll ring the police.

A.Giving;or B.Give;and C.To give;and D.Give;or

( )12.—Listen!Someone is playing the piano. —Wow!______ beautiful music!I like it very much. ( )18.— ______do you spend on your homework every day?

—Three hours.

A.How often B.How long C.How many D.How much

( )19.There will be a volleyball match in our school,_____?

A.be there B.is there

C.will there D.won’t there

( )20. ______sleep too late. It’s bad for your A.What B.How a C.What a D.How

( )13. _____nice day it is! Let’s go and fly a kite.

A.What B.What a C.How D.How a

( )14._________ interesting it is to go sailing in Qingdao in summer!

A.What B.What an C.How D.How an ( )15.—________today!

—Yes.Shall we have a picnic in the open air? A.What fine weather is B.How fine weather it is C.What a fine weather it is D.How fine the weather is ( )16.I like noisy music, _____ neither my parents nor my sister likes it.

A.and B.or C.but D.so

( )17.—My mom works as a teacher and she likes her students very much.

—____- great job it is! You know, being a teacher is my dream.

A.How B.How a C.What D.What a


(十一)句子的类型Ⅰ简单句和并列句 题组训练

1—5ACCBC6—10CADCA11—15BADBB 16—20BAABD 整合集训



A.Do B.Not

C.Don’t D.Please not ( )21.— _____ pencil is this?

—I think it’s Jane’s. I saw her use it just now. A.What B.Who C.Whose D.Which

( )22.—There are always many volunteers in great events,______?

—Yes.Many hands make light work!

A.aren’t there B.are there C.aren’t they D.are they

( )23.—You’ve never seen dinosaur eggs, have you?

—______.How I wish to visit the Dinosaur World! A.Yes,I have B.No,I haven’t

C.Certainly,I have D.Of course,I haven’t ( )24.Let’s go somewhere interesting to relax ourselves,______?

A.do we B.don’t we C.will you D.shall we

( )25. ______cross the road before the traffic lights turn green.

A.Not B.Won’t C.Don’t D.Doesn’t


中考英语 基础语法十一 句子的类型Ⅰ 简单句和并列句


