Telephone block terminals
申请(专利)号: KR19980004503U
专利号: KR200206655Y1 主分类号: H01R9/22 申请权利人: ??? 公开国代码: KR 优先权国家: KR
申请日: 1998-03-25 公开公告日: 2001-01-15
分类号: H01R9/22 发明设计人: ??? 申请国代码: KR
优先权: 19980325 KR
摘 要 附 图:
摘 要:
The telephone block terminal of the present invention consists of a lower base, an upper base, a block, a transparent protective cover, a lead length, a lead length mounting portion. This lead length mounting portion is integrally formed on the inner surface of the transparent protective cover. The loading station is fitted in this loading station installation. Therefore, it is
possible to prevent the terminal book from being lost and damaged. In addition, the captain is not attached to the transparent protective cover with adhesives, the appearance is clean, and the necessary information can be written on the back of the captain. 主权项:
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Telephone block terminals