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全新版大学英语综合教程第二册1~6单元a课文翻译及原文 整理版

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(The lights fade to black and come up on the Center Stage area where FATHER and the three children are seated around the dining room table. MOTHER enters carrying a dish, which she sets on the table. FATHER quickly rises and pulls out her chair. She sits. The family starts eating dinner. ) FATHER: I have a surprise for you, Diane.

DIANE: (Knows it can't be good. ) You have... a surprise

MOTHER: Well, whatever it is, dear, don't keep us in suspense. FATHER: Well, you know, Dan Lucas and I work together DIANE: Kyle's father

MOTHER: Don't interrupt, dear, your father is trying to tell you something. HEIDI: (Stage whisper to SEAN) Something Diane won't want to know, I'll bet. SEAN: (Whispering to HEIDI) Whatever would make you think that MOTHER: Sean, dear. Heidi, sweetheart, don't distract your father. SEAN and HEIDI: (Simultaneously) Sorry, Mom.


父亲: 我要给你一个惊喜,黛安。

黛安: (知道不会有好事)你要给我……一个惊喜 母亲: 哎,是什么事啊,亲爱的,别卖关子了。 父亲: 呃,你们知道,丹·卢卡斯和我是同事。 黛安: 凯尔的父亲

母亲: 别插嘴,亲爱的,你父亲正有事要跟你们说呢。 海蒂: (与肖恩耳语)我敢肯定准是黛安不要听的事儿。 肖恩: (与海蒂耳语)你怎么会知道

母亲: 肖恩,亲爱的。海蒂,宝贝儿,别打扰你们的父亲。 肖恩、海蒂:(同时地)对不起,妈妈。 8

FATHER: Now then. As I was saying, I know how much you like young Kyle. DIANE: Father!

FATHER: It's true, isn't it Didn't I hear you tell your mother that you wish Kyle would ask you to the senior prom SEAN: Uh-oh! HEIDI: Oops!

MOTHER: Please, children, please. Your father is trying to speak.

DIANE: (Through clenched teeth, the words are in a monotone and evenly spaced. ) Yes-I-said-that-why-are-you-asking FATHER: Well then.

DIANE: (Becoming hysterical)\ FATHER: What did I say Did I say something wrong HEIDI: (To SEAN) Not yet, he didn't.

SEAN: (To HEIDI) But you know it's coming.

MOTHER: Children, please. Do give your father the respect he deserves. HEIDI and SEAN: (Rolling their eyes) Yes, Mother.

父亲: 好吧。我说了,我知道你挺喜欢小凯尔。 黛安: 爸爸!

父亲: 是这么回事,对吗我不是听你跟你妈说,你希望凯尔邀请你在高年级舞会上跳舞吗 肖恩: 喔! 海蒂: 哎哟!

母亲: 静一下,孩子们,静一下。你们父亲在说话呢。

黛安: (咬紧牙,一字一顿地)对-我-是-说-过-你-问-这-干-嘛

父亲: 那就算了。

黛安: (歇斯底里地)什么算了 父亲: 我说什么啦我说错什么了吗

海蒂: (对肖恩)这会儿还没有,还没说错什么。 肖恩: (对海蒂)等着吧,这就来了。

母亲: 静一下,孩子们。对父亲应该尊敬一点。 海蒂、肖恩:(一边转着眼珠)是,妈妈。 9

FATHER: Well, today I saw Dan and asked if he'd like to go to lunch at that French restaurant on Third Street. You know the one, Mother. MOTHER: Well, yes, I believe I do.

FATHER: My treat, I told him. And, of course, he was glad to accept. MOTHER: Why wouldn't he be

FATHER: (Somewhat surprised) Well, yes. DIANE: What-has-this-to-do-with me!

MOTHER: Diane, sometimes I just don't understand your behavior. I try my best. DIANE: (Very short with her) I'm sorry.

MOTHER: Thank you, Diane. (To FATHER) Please do go on, dear. FATHER: As I said --

HEIDI: We know what you said, Daddy. FATHER: Er...uh, what's that

SEAN: She said,\ FATHER: Yes, yes, of course.

MOTHER: Do get on with it, dear. I've made the most glorious dessert. An old recipe handed down to me by my great Aunt Hilda -- DIANE: Mother, please! MOTHER: Yes, dear

父亲: 嗯,今天我见到丹时,问他想不想去第三街上的那家法国餐馆吃午饭。孩子他妈,你是知道那家餐馆的。 母亲: 对,是啊,我知道。

父亲: 我请客,我对他说。当然,他挺乐意去了。 母亲: 他哪能不乐意呢

父亲: (略为惊讶地)对,是啊。

黛安: 这-跟-我-有-什-么-关-系-呢

母亲: 黛安,你的行为有时我真弄不懂。无论怎样我就是弄不懂。 黛安: (没好气地)那就抱歉了。 母亲: 多谢了,黛安。(对父亲)请说下去,亲爱的。 父亲: 我说过……

海蒂: 我们知道你说过什么,爸爸。 父亲: 嗯……哦,你说什么 肖恩:她说,“我们知道你说过什么,爸爸。” 父亲: 是啊,是啊,当然。

母亲: 快说吧,亲爱的。我做了特别好吃的甜点。是我姨祖母希尔达传下来的老配方……

黛安: 妈妈,好了! 母亲: 怎么啦,宝贝 10

(DIANE shakes her head and lets her body fall against the back of the chair. )

FATHER: At any rate, Dan's a nice guy. Never knew him well. Found we have a lot of the same interests. Our families, our community, global peace, human welfare. HEIDI: (Mumbling to herself) That narrows it down, all right. SEAN: Father FATHER: Yes, son

SEAN: I do believe Diane would like to know the surprise.

DIANE: (Breathing hard as if exhausted, she turns to SEAN, nodding her head up and down repeatedly.) Thank you, Sean. I owe you one. (黛安摇着头,身体仰靠在椅背上。)

父亲: 不管怎么说,丹人不错。过去我跟他不熟。发现我俩还有不少志趣相同之处。家庭,社区,世界和平,人类幸福。 海蒂: (咕哝着自言自语)就要说到正题了。 肖恩: 爸爸 父亲: 嗳儿子

肖恩: 我肯定黛安很想知道是什么惊喜。

黛安: (粗粗地喘气,好像精疲力竭的样子,她转向肖恩,连连点头)多谢了,肖恩。我记着你的情。 11

FATHER: Well, yes. Here it is then. I told Dan of your interest in his son. DIANE: You what

MOTHER: Diane, what has come over you I just don't understand the younger generation. Why back in my day -- DIANE: Mother, please! MOTHER: What, what What

HEIDI: Mother, I believe she wants Father to continue. SEAN: (To himself) Get this over with, more likely.

DIANE: Daddy, please, tell me. Now. Right away. What did you say, Daddy Please. Tell me, what did you tell Mr. Lucas Tell me, please. Please tell me.

FATHER: Well, now, isn't this nice. It looks like my little scheme is a success. You're so eager to find out... makes a man feel as if it's all worthwhile.

父亲: 啊,对。我就说吧。我告诉丹,你对他儿子很感兴趣。 黛安: 你说什么

母亲: 黛安,你怎么啦我真不明白你们年轻人。唉,在我那个时候…… 黛安: 妈,好啦!

母亲: 怎么啦,怎么啦又怎么啦

海蒂: 妈妈,我知道她想听爸爸说完。

肖恩: (自言自语)还不如说是快把这份罪受完算了。

黛安: 爸爸,请你告诉我。现在,马上告诉我。你说什么啦,爸爸求你了,快说,你跟卢卡斯先生说什么啦请快告诉我。请快说。 父亲: 嗨,瞧,太妙了。看来我的小计策成功了。如今你急着想知道……这可让人觉得我做的这一切还真值。 12

HEIDI: (To SEAN) Can you believe this SEAN: (To HEIDI) Oh, sure. Can't you

FATHER: Yes, well, I told him how much you liked young Kyle, and how you'd been wishing he'd ask you to the prom. DIANE: You didn't! Tell me you didn't!

FATHER: Oh, yes. Anything for my children. DIANE: (Swallowing hard) And...and -- MOTHER: Diane, are you all right

DIANE: (She juts out her chin at MOTHER and quickly jerks her head around to face FATHER. ) Well...what did he say!

FATHER: Well, of course, being the sort of man he is -- frank, understanding, he said he'd speak to the young man, insist he give you a call. DIANE: (Angry scream! ) Whaaaaaat!

SEAN and HEIDI: (Together) Father, you know better than that. FATHER: I do Yes, yes, I guess I do. I've...done it again, haven't I 海蒂: (对肖恩)你能相信吗

肖恩: (对海蒂)啊,当然。你还不信

父亲: 嗯,对了,我告诉他你是多么喜欢小凯尔,一心希望他邀你在班级舞会上跳舞。

黛安: 你没这么说过!告诉我你没这么说过! 父亲: 说了,当然说了。只要为了我孩子好嘛。 黛安: (尽力忍住)那……那…… 母亲: 黛安,你没事吧

黛安: (冲着母亲撅起下巴,很快扭头面对父亲)那……他怎么说! 父亲: 嗯,当然啦,以他的为人——坦率,善解人意,他说他会去跟小伙子说的,一定让他给你打电话。

黛安: (愤怒地高喊)什——么!


父亲: 是吗对,对,我想是。我又……弄糟了,是吗 13

(The lights quickly fade to black and then come up a second or two later. DIANE stands alone at the Down Right edge of the stage. HEIDI and SEAN enter Down Left and cross to the edge of the stage. )

DIANE: Can you imagine how humiliated I was An honor student, class president. And Father was out asking people to have their sons call and ask me to the prom! But that's dear old dad. Actually, he is a dear. He just doesn't stop to think. And it's not just one of us who've felt the heavy hand of interference. Oh, no, all three of us live in constant dread knowing that at any time disaster can strike because: DIANE, HEIDI and SEAN: (Shouting in unison) Father knows better.

(灯光迅速暗下,旋即重新亮起。黛安独自站在舞台右前边沿。海蒂、肖恩自左前方上,走至舞台边。) 黛安: 你们能想象我觉得自己有多么丢人现眼吗堂堂的优秀生,班主席。父亲竟然去求别人叫他们的儿子打电话来邀我跳舞!可这就是我那可爱的老爸。他其实挺可爱的。他就是不好好想一想。不止我一个人深受他横加干预之苦。哦,绝非我一个人,我们兄妹三个整天提心吊胆,知道倒霉的事随时可能来临,因为: 黛安、海蒂、肖恩:(齐声)老爸英明! 14

(The lights fade to black and quickly come up again Stage Left where there is an executive-type desk and chair and two other chairs. Behind the desk sits MRS. HIGGINS, in charge of admitting new students to Benjamin Harrison High School. HEIDI and FATHER sit in the other chairs. ) : So this is our new student, is it FATHER: That's right.

: What's your name, young lady HEIDI: HEIDI Thompson.

: I'm sure you'll find the students friendly. And the teachers more than willing to answer questions.

FATHER: She is an exceptional young woman, you know. HEIDI: Daddy!


希金斯太太:你是我们新来的学生,是吗 父亲: 是的。

希金斯太太:你叫什么名字,小姐 海蒂: 海蒂·汤普森。


父亲: 您知道,她是个出类拔萃的姑娘。

全新版大学英语综合教程第二册1~6单元a课文翻译及原文 整理版


