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Unit5 Peter is writing.彼得正在写字。

过关单词: sleep sleeping睡觉 cook cooking做饭 play playing 玩 eat eating

drink drinking 喝 watch watching看 work working 工作 sweep sweeping扫 read reading看书,阅读 write writing写 dance dancing跳舞

过关句型:What are they doing?

Peter’s sister is reading.

Peter’s mother is cooking. 皮特的妈妈在做饭。

Peter is writing. 皮特正在写字。


1. 表达谁谁谁正在做什么的句型。 ... be动词 + V-ing(现在分词)。

Peter's mother is cooking.(皮特的妈妈正在做饭。) Peter is writing.(皮特正在写东西。)

检测过关题: 8题对___题,错___题。

1. ( )My mother _____ cooking.

A. is B. are C. the 2.( )Peter is _______ now.

A. painting B. paints C. Paint 3.( )What ___ I doing?

A. am B. is C. Are 4.( ) I want to ______.

A. playing B. plays C. Play

1. 给下列句子选择正确的答句。

( ) Is Lingling painting? A. Yes, I can. ( ) Can you write in English? B. Yes, I am.

( ) Are you writing a letter? C. She is playing the piano. ( ) What is Anne doing? D. Yes, she is.

总结: 未理解知识点 对自己想说的话

姓名:_________ 家长签字:_________


Unit6 What’s Anne doing? 安正在做什么?

过关单词: play basketball playing basketball 打篮球 play football playing football 踢足球

play table tennis playing table tennis 打网球skip skipping跳绳hop hopping单足跳 run running跑 swim swimming游泳 make making使得,做 playground操场

过关句型:What’s Anne doing? 安妮正在干什么?

She’s skipping. 她正在跳绳。

What are they doing? 他们正在干什么?

They are playing basketball. 他们正在打篮球。 She’s climbing她正在爬山。 She is hopping.她正在单足跳。


1. 问某某人正在干什么?

如: what's Miss Chen doing? (陈老师在干什么?) She is skipping.(她正在跳绳。)

自己模仿试试看,只需替换人的名字就可以了。 2. ★★★找找规律:hop-hopping(单足跳) skip-skipping(跳绳) run-running(跑步) swim-swimming(游泳)

规律在哪?找到了吗?单词以一个元音字母(a, e, i, o,u)+ 一个辅音字母(除5个元音以外的21个字母)结尾的,要双写辅音(即末尾字母)字母+ing。

检测过关题: 8题对___题,错___题。 ( )1. What’s Tim ______?

A. do B. doing C. Does ( ) 2. They are playing ____ basketball.

A. a B. \\ C. the ( ) 3. Dongdong ___ dancing in the living room. A. am B. is C. are ( ) 4.The children _____ playing in the garden. A. are B. is C. am 5. 写出下列单词的现在分词并归类: swim run make do play write skip dance climb work sweep sleep read listen hop 1. 直接加 ing:________________________________________________ 2. 去”e”加 ing: _______________________________________________ 3. 双写末尾字母加 ing:_______________________________________


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Unit7 Today is Saturday.今天星期六。

过关单词: today今天 Sunday 星期天 Monday 星期一 Tuesday 星期二 Wednesday 星期三 Thursday 星期四 Friday 星期五 Saturday 星期六 music 音乐 class 课程 tomorrow明天

过关句型:Today is Wednesday.今天星期三。I can play football today.

Today is Friday. 今天星期五。 Tomorrow is my birthday. Today is Saturday.今天星期。 Peter is happy today. Today is Tuesday .今天星期。


1. 掌握询问星期几的问句以及回答:What day is it today? (今天星期几?)回答:Today is Monday.(今天是星期一。)或者:It’s Monday .(今天是星期一。)

2. 用星期描述日常活动:具体到某天用介词on,如:在星期天 on Sunday. 我在星期一打篮球。I play basketball on Monday.

检测过关题: 10题对___题,错___题。

( ) 1. Today_____ Monday.

A. is B. are C. Am

( ) 2. Today is Wednesday and tomorrow is _______ . A. Tuesday B. Thursday C. Saturday ( ) 3. ——_________ is it today? ——It’s Sunday.

A. What B. What day C. What’s day ( ) 4. I have music class ____ Monday.

A. in B. on C. For ( )5. —What’s the weather like today? — It’s _____.

A. sun B. sunny C. Suny



( ) 6.Where are you going? A. She is playing the piano. ( ) 7.What day is it today? B. Yes, I am.

( ) 8.What’s Linda doing? C. I’m going to school. ( ) 9.Are you dancing? D. It’s Wednesday.






