【期刊名称】《计算机工程与设计》 【年(卷),期】2011(032)001
【摘要】为克服传统进度分析方法的不足,根据项目风险理论,提出了基于人员能力和风险事件的软件项目进度风险分析模型ScedRisk.该模型能在已有项目计划及任务人员分配信息的基础上,分析人员能力和风险事件对项目中每个任务影响,并采用蒙特卡洛仿真模拟项目执行过程,综合分析项目进度风险及导致项目延迟的主要风险源,为软件组织制定合理的风险规避策略和科学的项目进度计划提供决策依据.%To overcome the shortcomings of traditional methods, a new project schedule risk analysis model ScedRisk is proposed.With the inputs of project plan and the human assignment in each task, ScedRisk will analyze how human capability and risk events affect on each task in the project.And then, by simulating the execution process of the project with Monte Carlo simulation method, the project schedule risk and the main causes of the schedule risk are analyzed.ScedRisk model can help the organization make a reasonable project plan or risk mitigation strategy.
【关键词】软件开发;进度风险;人员能力;风险;仿真;关键路径法 【作者】吴克文;舒风笛;于本海;杨叶