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大学英语B 统考 第一次作业 交际用语

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c. No, I can’t see that d. So do I

反馈正确答案是:Neither do I 题目25

--- Excuse me, how much is the jacket?--- It's 499 Yuan. ______ a. Oh, no. That's OK!

b. Would you like to try it on? c. How do you like it? d. Which do you prefer?

反馈正确答案是:Would you like to try it on? 题目25

--- Marilyn, I'm afraid I have to be leaving now. --- ____________ a. Oh, so early? b. Not at all. c. Good luck!

d. That sounds wonderful. 反馈正确答案是:Oh, so early? 题目27

- May I speak to Mr. White? - I'm

afraid he isn't in. This is his secretary speaking. Can I help you? - _______

a. Well, I look forward to hearing from you.

b. Thanks, would you please take a message for me? c. Oh, what's a pity! d. I don't think so.

反馈正确答案是:Thanks, would you please take a message for me? 题目28

- Do you mind if I play some music? - _______. I’ve finished writing my assignment. a. Why not?

b. Of course I would. c. Not at all. Go ahead. d. I’d rather you didn’t. 反馈正确答案是:Not at all. Go ahead. 题目29

-Johnson: How often do you eat fast food?-Tom: _______. a. I like it very much. b. Every day. c. In the morning. d. At 1:30 p.m.

反馈正确答案是:Every day. 题目30

--- What are you majoring in? --- _________

a. At nine in the morning. b. Very hard. c. In a university. d. Mathematics.

反馈正确答案是:Mathematics. 题目31

--- Hello, may I talk to the director now? --- _________. a. Sorry, you can't b. I don't know

c. Sorry, he is busy at the moment d. No, you can't

反馈正确答案是:Sorry, he is busy at the moment 题目32

--- I'm sorry. I lost the key. --- ________.

a. You are wrong b. You are welcome c. No, it's all right d. Well, it's OK

反馈正确答案是:Well, it's OK 题目33

--- How are you feeling? --- Much better. ______. a. Don't mention it b. You look great

c. Thanks for coming to see me d. You are so kind

正确答案是:Thanks for coming to see me 题目34

- Do you have any fresh fish today? - ______

a. No, I still have a few. b. Yes, I have many.

c. No, I still have a little. d. Yes, I have some.

反馈正确答案是:Yes, I have some. 题目35

-Can I help you with your luggage?-______________________. a. No, I don’t need your help

b. Thank you. I can manage it myself c. No way. I can do it myself d. You do your things, please 反馈正确答案是:Thank you. I can manage it myself 题目36

-Jack: I heard you got a full mark in math exams. Congratulations! -Mike: ________.

a. That’s a small piece of cake for me.

b. That’s all right. The same to you.

c. Don’t mention it, I am so-so. d. Thanks! I'm sure you also did a good job.

反馈正确答案是:Thanks! I'm sure you also did a good job. 题目37

--- How many students do you teach? --- _________ a. Three mornings.

b. Quite a bit. c. More boys than girls. d. About 50.

反馈正确答案是:About 50. 题目38

-Kate: I wonder if you could give me a hand.-Jack: _______. a. No, I can’t do this

b. Yes, but I have to leave now c. Sure, I’d like to

d. Sorry, I have no extra hand 反馈正确答案是:Sure, I’d like to 题目39

76、-- Don't make faces in class. _____________. a. That's OK

b. Excuse me, I am wrong c. Sorry, I won't do it again d. Certainly, I will

反馈正确答案是:Sorry, I won't do it again 题目40

--- Doctor, I don't feel well. --- _______

a. You are fine. b. It doesn't matter. c. Don't take it seriously. d. What's the matter?

反馈正确答案是:What's the matter? 题目61

--Why not join us in the game? --______________. a. Oh, that's all right b. OK! I'm coming c. No, you do the same

d. Don't mention it

反馈正确答案是:OK! I'm coming 题目62

-I’m afraid I’ve got a terrible flu. -______________________. a. Keep away from me b. Never mind

c. You need to be more careful d. Better go and see a doctor. 反馈正确答案是:Better go and see a doctor. 题目63

--- How's your family? --- _________ a. Thanks all the same. b. Thanks for calling. c. Don't mention it. d. Not too bad.

反馈正确答案是:Not too bad. 题目64

--- Tomorrow is my birthday. --- _______

a. Many happy returns of the day!

b. I'm glad you like it. c. Oh, I have no idea. d. You must be very happy. 反馈正确答案是:Many happy returns of the day! 题目65

-- Hi, I'm glad to see you. -- ____________.

a. I'm glad to hear that b. My name is Mary c. Me, too d. Thank you

反馈正确答案是:Me, too 题目66

--- What does Tom's wife do for a living? --- _________. a. She has a happy life. b. She lives far from here. c. Tom loves his wife. d. She is a doctor.

反馈正确答案是:She is a doctor. 题目67

-- Thanks a lot. You've gone through so much trouble. -- _________ a. It's no trouble at all. b. That's good.

c. I don't think it's a trouble. d. That's very kind of you. 反馈正确答案是:It's no trouble at all. 题目68

- Shall we go out for dinner tonight? - _________

a. Sorry, I have a report to finish. b. Thank you, I don't want to. c. No, you can't. d. Yes, please.

反馈正确答案是:Sorry, I have a report to finish. 题目69

--- How much is this necklace? --- _________

a. It costs fifty pounds. b. It's a bargain.

大学英语B 统考 第一次作业 交际用语


