一、緊固件 Fasteners
標準緊固件 Standard Fasteners
非標準緊固件 Nonstandard Fasteners 特殊緊固件 Special Fasteners 汽車緊固件 Automotive Fasteners 銅制緊固件 Brass Fasteners
航天用緊固件 Aerospace Fasteners 精密緊固件 Precision Fasteners 化學緊固件 Chemical Fasteners 摩托車緊固件 Motorcycle Fasteners 不銹鋼緊固件 Stainless Steel Fasteners 鐵道緊固件 Railway Fasteners 防松緊固件 Self-locking Fasteners 高強度緊固件 High strength Fasteners PEM緊固件 PEM Fasteners
鋼結構緊固件 Steel Structural Fasteners 壓鉚緊固件 Self-Clinching Fasteners 鋁制緊固件 Aluminum Fasteners
鈦合金緊固件 Titanium Alloy Fasteners 尼龍緊固件 Nylon Fasteners 精制緊固件 Finished Fastener 粗制緊固件 Unfinished Fastener 螺紋緊固件 Threaded Fastener
半精制緊固件 Semi-Finished Fastener 抗剪緊固件 Shear Fastener 抗拉緊固件 Tension Fastener 面板緊固件 Panel Fasteners
二、螺栓 Bolts
六角頭螺栓 Hexagon Head Bolts 六角法蘭面螺栓Hexagon Flange Bolts 軌道螺栓(魚尾螺絲)Track Bolts 高強度螺栓 High Strength Bolts 地腳螺栓Eyelet Bolts 馬車螺栓 Carriage Bolts 護攔螺栓 Guardrail Bots 焊接螺栓 Weld Bolts
雙頭螺栓 Double End Bolts 鋼結構連接副 Structural Bolting 內六角螺栓 Hex Socket Bolts 合金鋼螺栓 Alloy Steel Bolts
方頭螺栓 Square Head Bolts/Square Bolts 鉤頭螺栓 Hook Bolts
不銹鋼螺栓 Stainless steel Bolts 異型螺栓 Special Bolts
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吊環螺栓 Lifting Eye Bolts 汽車螺栓 Automotive Bolts 法蘭螺栓 Flange Bolts 輪胎螺栓 Wheel Bolts T型螺栓 T Bolts
扁頭螺栓 Pan Head Bolts 蝶形螺栓 Wing Bolts
沉頭螺栓 Countersunk Bolts
沉頭方頸螺栓 Countersunk Square Neck Bolts 帶榫螺栓 Cup head Nib Bolts
沉頭雙榫螺栓 Flat Countersunk Double Nib Bolts 活節螺栓 Eye Bolts
壓鉚螺栓 Clinching Bolts 紅打螺栓 Hot Forging Bolts 圓頭螺栓 Round Head Bolts
圓頭方頸螺栓 Round Head Square Neck Bolts 圓頭雙榫螺栓 Round Head Fin Neck Bolts
米制圓頭方頸螺栓 Metric Round Head Square Neck Bolts T型帶孔螺栓 T bolts withHole
六角頭鉸制孔用螺栓 Hexagon Fit Bolts
六角頭螺桿帶孔螺栓 Hexagon Bolts with split pin hole on shank
鋼網架螺栓球節點用高強度螺栓 High Strength Bolts for joints ofspace grid structures 基礎螺栓 Foundation Bolts U型螺栓 U Bolts
高張力螺栓 High Strength Bolts 大尺寸螺栓 Big Size Bolts 螺椿栓 Stud Bolts 拉栓 Blind Bolts
重型六角頭螺栓 Heavy Hex Bolts 大頭馬車螺栓 Step Bolts 扭矩控制螺栓 T.C. Bolts
蛋形頸軌道用螺栓 Elliptic Neck Track Bolts
調節螺栓,調節螺釘 Pitch-Adjustable Bolts and Screws 加長非標雙頭螺栓 Lengthen Non-Standard Stud Bolts 電梯膨脹螺栓 Elevator Expansion Bolts
三、螺釘 Screws
六角螺釘Hex Head Cap Screws/Hex Screws 六角機械螺釘 Hex Head Machine Bolts 六角法蘭螺釘 Hex Flange Screws
內六角孔螺絲 Hex Socket Cap Screws
內六角沉頭螺釘 Hex Socket Flat Countersunk Head Cap Screws 緊定螺釘/固定螺釘 Set Screws 止付螺釘Socket Set Screws
方頭緊定螺釘 Square Head Slotted Head Set Screws 翼形螺釘/蝶形螺釘 Wing Screws 精密螺釘 Precision Screws 自攻螺釘 Self-Tapping Screws 自削螺釘 Thread Cutting Screws
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鉆尾螺釘 Self-Drilling Screws 旋入螺釘 Drive Screws 機械螺釘 Machine Screws 木螺釘 Wood Screws
家具螺釘 Furniture Screws
纖維板釘/塑板螺釘 Chipboard Screws 墻用螺釘 Drywall Screws
剪力釘(焊接螺釘) Welding Studs
螺絲附華司組合 Screws And Washers Assembled (Sems) 銅螺釘 Brass Screws 鋁螺釘 Aluminum Screws
合金鋼螺釘 Alloy Steel Screws 組合螺釘 SEM screws
電子螺釘 Electronic Screws 微小精密螺釘 Micro Screws 塑料螺釘 Plastic Screws
復合材料用螺釘 Particle Board Screws 鈦合金螺釘 Titanium Alloy Bolts
鈦、鋯、鉬、鈮等螺絲、零件、材料 Ti ,Zr ,Mo, Nb Pare Metal Bolts Parts 拇指螺絲 Thumb Screws
飛機特殊扣件 Source Control Bolts 電梯螺釘 Elevator Screws
四角頭固定螺釘 Square Set Screws 單向螺釘 One Way Lag Screws 管夾螺釘 Hose Clamp Screws
不銹鋼固定螺釘 Stainless Steel Hex Socket Cap Screws 不銹鋼內六角螺釘 Stainless Steel Hex Socket Cap Screws 鉸鏈螺釘 Hinge Screws 貨柜螺釘 Container Screws
復合材料鉆尾螺釘 Bi-Metal Self Drilling Screws 三角牙螺釘 Tri-lobular Thread Screws 高低牙螺釘 High Low Screws
夾板用螺釘 Particle Board Screws 馬桶螺釘 Toilet Closet Bolts
特長螺釘 Special Longer Screws 建業螺釘 Building Fasteners
不銹鋼六角螺絲 Stainless Steel Hex Socket Cap Screws 不銹鋼特殊螺釘 Special Stainless Steel Screws 寬牙螺釘(粗牙螺釘) Coarse Thread Screws 鏈帶螺釘 Collated Screws 水泥螺釘 Concrete Screws 板模螺釘 Construction Bolts
鋅蝶螺釘 Die Cast Wing Screws; Zinc Alloy 重型車釘 Heavy Duty Wheel Hub Bolts 內六角固定螺釘 Hex Socket Set Screws
復合材料用螺釘(夾板用) Particle Board Screws 犁壁螺釘 Plow Bolts
不銹鋼木螺絲 Stainless Steel Wood Screws 套掛螺栓及螺釘 Toggle Bolts
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鈦合金膨脹螺釘 Titanium Alloy Expansion Bolts
不銹鋼高低牙螺釘 Stainless Steel High-Low Thread Screws 不銹鋼機械螺釘 Stainless Steel Machine Screws 不銹鋼鉆尾螺釘 Stainless Steel Self Drilling Screws 不銹鋼自攻螺釘 Stainless Steel Self Tapping Screws 不銹鋼自削螺釘 Stainless Steel Thread Cutting Screws
不銹鋼三角牙螺釘 Stainless Steel Tri-Lobular Thread Screws 不銹鋼寬牙螺釘 Stainless Steel Coarse Thread Screws
開槽沉頭螺釘 Slotted Flat Countersunk Head Machine Screws 開槽盤頭螺釘 Slotted Pan Head Machine Screws
十字槽盤頭螺釘 Cross Recessed Pan Head Machine Screws 滾花頭臺階螺釘 Knurled Thurmb Screws 六角頭木螺釘 Hexagon Head Wood Screws 平頭滾花螺釘 Knurled Thin Thumb Screws
四、螺母/螺帽 Nuts
六角螺母 Hexagon Nuts 六角蓋形螺母 Hex Cap Nuts 六角鋸齒螺母 Hex Serrated Nuts 六角法蘭螺母 Hex Flange Nuts 六角平面螺母 Hex Flat Nuts 六角厚螺母 Hex Thick Nuts
重型六角開槽螺母 Heavy Hexagon Slotted Nuts 高腳螺母 Hex Coupling Nuts (High Nuts) 圓螺母 Round Nuts
四角螺母/四方螺母 Square Nuts 四方焊接螺母 Square Weld Nuts 四爪螺母Four-Claw Nuts 管用螺母 Pipe Nuts 輪殼螺母 Wheel Nuts 蝶型螺母 Wing Nuts U形螺母 U Nuts T形螺母 T Nuts 環首螺母 Eye Nuts 齒形螺母 Kep Nuts 齒花螺母 Clinch Nuts 焊接螺帽 Weld Nuts
壓鉚螺母 Self-clinching Nuts 高張力螺母 High Strength Nuts 建業用螺母 Structural Nuts
不銹鋼螺母 Stainless Steel Nuts 銅螺母 Brass Nuts 鋁螺母 Aluminum Nuts
合金鋼螺母 Alloy Steel Nuts
重型車螺母 Heavy Duty Wheel Hub Nuts 鐵器焊接袋帽 Acorn Cap Nuts
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金屬預置扭矩式螺母 All-Metal Prevailing Torque Type Nuts 壁虎螺母 Anchor Nuts 大尺寸螺母 Big Size Nuts
鐵蓋袋帽 Closed End Acorn Nuts 盤形華司螺母 Conical Washer Nuts
鐵蓋+尼龍圈組合蓋帽 Din 986 Domed Cap Nuts 法蘭尼龍蓋帽 Flange Nylon Insert Lock Nuts 平面華司螺母 Flat Washer Nuts 六角割溝螺母 Hex Slotted Nuts 自鎖螺母 Self-Locking Nuts 制止螺母 Sliding Nuts
SLN-自動防松螺母 SLN Self-Locking Nuts 特殊螺母 Special Nuts 彈簧螺母 Spring Nuts
不銹鋼法蘭螺母 Stainless Steel Flange Nuts
不銹鋼六角輪緣尼龍螺母 Stainless Steel Flange Nylon Insert Lock Nuts 不銹鋼六角重型螺母 Stainless Steel Heavy Hex Nuts 不銹鋼六角螺母 Stainless Steel Hex Nuts
不銹鋼尼龍嵌入螺母 Stainless Steel Nylon Insert Lock Nuts 普通六角螺母 Hex Nuts
六角重型螺母 Heavy Hex Nuts 薄型螺母 Hex Jam Nuts
尼龍嵌入防松螺母 Nylon Insert Lock Nuts 尼龍鎖緊螺母Nylon Cage Nuts
機械螺絲用六角螺母 Hex Machine Screw Nuts 米制六角開槽螺母 Metric Slotted Hex Nuts 軌道螺栓用方螺母 Track Bolt Nuts
米制六角金屬鎖緊螺母 Prevalling Torque Hexagon Nuts 開槽螺母Slotted Round Nuts
六角開槽薄螺母 Hexagon Slotted Thin Nuts
五、螺柱 Studs
壓鉚螺柱 Self-Clinching Studs 銅螺柱 Brass Studs 焊接螺柱 Weld Studs
雙頭螺柱 Double End Studs 六角螺柱 Hex Studs
支撐卡柱 Self-Clinching Standoffs
六、墊圈 Washers
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