【期刊名称】《腹部外科》 【年(卷),期】2012(025)004
【摘要】Objective To discuss safety, feasibility, and efficacy of extraction of the specimen through the natural channels during totally laparoscopic colorectal surgery. Methods The clinical data of 21 cases subject to extraction of the specimen through the natural channels during totally laparoscopic colorectal surgery were retrospectively analyzed. Results One case was subjected to totally laparoscopic sigmoidectomy through the vagina. 3 cases to totally laparoscopic resection of rectal cancer through the anus, 6 cases to totally laparoscopic resection of rectal cancer through the umbilicus, 5 cases to totally laparoscopic sigmoidectomy through the umbilicus, and 6 cases to totally laparoscopic right colonectomy through the umbilicus. The average operative time was( 145 ± 20) min. The average operative bleeding was (140 ±40) ml. Average postoperative hospital stay was 8. 2 days. There were no serious complications. The average number of mesentery lymph nodes dissected in specimens was 14 (10-25) and no positive node was reported. The margin of resection was clean. Short-time follow-up (4-13 months) showed no evidence of distal metastasis and local recurrence. Conclusion From our preliminary data, the
laparoscopic colon-rectal cancer resection with extraction of the samples from nature orifice is safe. In terms of cancer resection, it is able to resect all the tumors and drain lymph nodes.%目的 探讨经自然孔道取出标本完全腹腔镜下结直肠肿瘤切除术的安全性、可行性及其效果.方法 回顾分析2010年12月至2011年10月实施了经自然孔道取出标本完全腹腔镜下结直肠肿瘤切除术的21例临床资料.结果 经阴道完全腹腔镜下乙状结肠切除术1例,经肛门完全腹腔镜下直肠癌切除术3例,经脐完全腹腔镜直肠癌切除6例,经脐完全腹腔镜下乙状结肠切除术5例,经脐完全腹腔镜下右半结肠切除6例.手术时间为(145±20) min,出血量为(140±40) ml;术后平均住院8.2 d,无严重并发症.平均清扫淋巴结14枚(10~25枚),转移0枚,标本切缘均为阴性,所有病例短期随访4~13个月,均无局部复发及远处转移.结论 经自然孔道取出标本完全腹腔镜下结直肠肿瘤切除术具有切口小而隐蔽、术后恢复快、住院时间短、近期疗效好等优点,但远期疗效尚需继续观察. 【总页数】3页(237-239)
【关键词】外科手术,微创;腹腔镜检查;结直肠外科手术 【作者】康春博;李铎;刘金洪;李爱民;陈秀峰;李旭斌;王婷
【作者单位】100049 北京,航天中心医院(北京大学航天临床医学院)微创胃肠外科;100049 北京,航天中心医院(北京大学航天临床医学院)微创胃肠外科;100049 北京,航天中心医院(北京大学航天临床医学院)微创胃肠外科;100049 北京,航天中心医院(北京大学航天临床医学院)微创胃肠外科;100049 北京,航天中心医院(北京大学航天临床医学院)微创胃肠外科;100049 北京,航天中心医院(北京大学航天临床医学院)微创胃肠外
科;100049 北京,航天中心医院(北京大学航天临床医学院)微创胃肠外科 【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】 【文献来源】
https://www.zhangqiaokeyan.com/academic-journal-cn_journal-abdominal-surgery_thesis/0201233553704.html 【相关文献】
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