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一. 写单词

1. pop_lar 2. s_ngle 3. n_cklace 4. alb_m 5. Imp_ _t 6. w__ __ther 7. Austr__li__ 8. diff__ __ence 9. comp__te 10. te__per__ture 二. 根据要求写出下列单词(5)

1.cola(复数) 2.dollar(复数) 3.want(三单) 4.come(现在分词) 5.Simon(所有格) 6.much(比较级) 7.waiter(对应词) 8.eat(过去式) 9.have(过去式) 10.hungry(反义词) 三. 英汉互译下列短语(10分)

1两个汉堡 2三个可乐 3多少钱 4 进来

5 坐下 6我们所有的食品 7 Enjoy your meal 8 a cola for me

9 all our food 10 have our favourite dish

一. 英汉互译:(10)

1 在公园野餐 2 在12点半 3 围着湖散步 4 this afternoon 5 和我朋友踢足球 6 say goodnight 7 在树下 8在星期二


9 到公园玩 10 rest in the bedroom. 二. 根据要求完成下列单词:

1 have(现在分词) 2 these (对应词) 3 cold (对应词) 4 warm(对应词) 5 win(名词) 6 sunny(同义词) 7 hot(比较级) 8 rain(形容词) 9 after(对应词) 10 wet(对应词)

一. 按要求写出各词的形式:(10)

1.miss ( 三单 )_______ 2. shine(现在分词)_______ 3.swim(现在分词) ______ 4.SAT( 全写 )_________ 5.write(现在分词_______ 6. have (过去式)_______ 7.photo( 复数 )_____ 8.come( 现在分词)_______ 9.wear ( 过去式 )____ 10.day ( 反义词 )_______ 二.词组互译:(10)

1有趣的一天 2.sing in the tree 3.踢足球 4.have a picnic

5.上山 6.look out of the window 7.半夜 8.look for 9.在图书馆 10.spoil my fun

一. 写出单词的适当形式。(10分)

1 make (现在分词) _________ 2 carries (原形)________ 3 orange(复数)__________ 4 them (主格) __________ 5 sit (现在分词) ________ 6 standing (原形) ______ 7 photo (复数) _______ 8 can not (完全形式) _____ 9 say (第三人称单数) ________(三单音标) _______ 10 fly (过去式) ______


二. 英汉互译。(10分)

1在超市 ____________ 2 买苹果 ___________

3 help you __________ 4 make birthday card _________ 5 fly away____________ 6生日快乐 ____________ 7 fall down___________ 8拾起来 ___________ 9打扫楼梯__________ 10举行生日聚会 __________


1.hear (同音词) 2.get(现在分词) 3.dark (对应词) 4.high(同义词) 5.say(第三人称单数) 6.start(同义词) 7.up(对应词) 8.begin(现在分词) 9.he (宾格) 10.fly(现在分词) 二. 英汉互译:

1.吹小号 2.和他朋友谈话 3.进来 4.wave to say goodbye 5.walk to school 6.call out his name 7.do exercises 8.听收音机 9.吃冰淇淋 10.开始大声唱歌

一. 写出下列单词的适当形式(10)

1.buy(过去式 )_____ 2.stop(过去式 )_______ 3.play (现在分词 )_______ 4.give(过去式) ________ 5.watch (过去式 ) _____ 6.went( 原形 ) _________ 7.photo( 复数 )________ 8.eat ( 过去式 )________


9.win (过去式 ) _____ 10.is (过去式 )_________ 二. 英汉互译(10)

1. 打棒球 6. take….into

2. 给我买枝钢笔 7. buy some flowers for my mum 3. 棒球队 8.about space travel 4. 汤姆的小弟弟 9.put….. in 5. 在自行车上 10.buy me a bicycle

一. 英汉互译。(5分)

1 往外 2 飘走 3两只鸭子 4 十三美元 5进来 6 在树上

7 fall down 8 carry this bag 9 on Saturday 10 enjoy your meal 1 stop(现在分词) 2 talk (现在分词) 3 have(动词的第三人称单数) 4 say (第三人称单数) 5 sit(现在分词) 6 swim (过去式) 7 write (过去式) 8 help(过去式) 9 watch(过去式) 10 send(过去式)

二. 找出画线部分读音不同的单词,并把标号填入题前括号内。(5分) ( ) 1. A. banana B. cap C. glass D. father

( ) 2. A. happy B. any C. hurry D. yellow

( ) 3. A. much B. bus C. mug D. ruler

( ) 4. A. seat B. see C. the D. evening


( ) 5. A. pen B. great C. desk D. leg 三. 单词与短语。(10分)


(1) long (反义词)_________ (2) hare(同音词)_____________

(3 ) white (反义词)________ (4) they are (缩略形式)

(5 ) fat (反义词)________


(1)Sit down, please. ___________ (2)a red flag ____________ (3)How are you? _______________ (4)一只蓝色的鸟___________

(5)请打开窗户 ____________

四. 按要求完成句子。(每小题1.5分,共15分) 1. These are orange oranges. (改为单数句子) 2. My new jeans are eighty yuan. (对画线部分提问)

3. pants baby those my are new brother’s (.) (连词成句) 4. These red apples are big. (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定和否定回答) 5. It’s time for school. (改为同义句)

6. I like _____________________________.(白色毛衣配绿色的裙子) 7 . My uncle is young. (改为否定句)

8 . There are some English books on the teacher’s desk. 四. 改写句子:

1. We have already done our homework. (一般疑问句)


2. He is young. He can’t go to school .(用too…to连成一句) 3. She planted some pear trees last spring. (被动语态) 4. The cows were eating grass quietly. (否定句)

5. They have seen the film yesterday. (用She做主语) 五. 按要求改写下列句子,每空一词。(10分)

1. Open the window, please. (改为否定句)________ open the window, please.

2. I can see a bottle of water on the table. (就划线部分提问) ________ can you _________ on the table?

3. There are thirty students in the classroom. (对划线部分提问) _________ __________ are there in the classroom?

4. There are some birds in the picture. (改为一般疑问句句)__________ there ___________ birds in the picture?

5. They often play football on the playground.(就划线部分提问)________ ________ they often _______ football?




