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洪恩英语第一册 Unit 1 Hello 句型: Hi. Hello. Thank you. Goodbye 单词:

Teddy Kitty Puppy Nicky

Unit 2 Animals 句型: I’m a.... I’m a bear. I’m a cat. I’m a dog. I’m a mouse. I’m a rabbit. 单词:

bear cat dog mouse rabbit

Unit 3 Fruit 句型:I like ... I like apples. I like pears.

I like bananas. I like peaches. I like oranges. 单词:

apple pear banana orange

Unit 4 My head 句型:Touch your... Touch your ears. Touch your eyes. Touch your nose. Touch your mouth. Touch your head. 单词:

ear eye nose mouth head Letters A a a for apple. B b

b for banana.

peach C c C for cat D d d for dog.

Unit 5 Actions 句型:I can... I can walk. I can jump. I can run. I can tiptoe. I can crawl. 单词:

walk jump crawl

Unit 6 Food 句型:...is yummy. Honey is yummy. Fish is yummy. Meat is yummy. Ice cream is yummy. tiptoe Jelly is yummy. 单词:

honey fish meat ice cream jelly

Unit 7 My family 句型:I love you,... I love you,Daddy. I love you,Mommy. I love you,Grandpa. I love you,Grandma. I love you,Brother. I love you,Sister. 单词:

daddy mommy grandpa grandma brother sister

Unit 8 Colors

句型:What color is itIt’s ... What color is it It’s yellow. It’s read. It’s black. It’s blue.


It’s green. 单词:

It’s my shoe. It’s my sock. It’s my hat.

red yellow blue green It’s my dress. black Letters E e e for eye. F f f for face. G g g for go. H h h for hop.

洪恩英语第二册 Unit 1 Clothes 句型:It’s my ... It’s my T-shirt.


T-shirt shoe sock dress

Unit 2 Food 句型:Have some ... Have some pizza. Have some pie. Have some cheese. Have some cake. Have some candy. 单词:

pizza pie cake candy

Unit 3 Numbers

句型:How old are you I’m...How old are you I’m one. I’m two.

hat cheese I’m three. I’m four. I’m five. I’m six. 单词:

one two three four six

Unit 4 Zoo 句型:Look at... Look at the tiger. Look at the lion. Look at the zebra. Look at the elephant. Look at the wolf. 单词:

tiger lion elephant wolf Letters: I i

i for ice cream. J j

j for jelly.

five zebra K k k for kite. L l

l for light. Unit 5 Toys 句型:I want...

I want a yo-yo. I want a ball. I want a doll. I want a balloon. I want blocks. I want a dinosaur. 单词:

yo-yo ball doll blocks dinosaur

Unit 6 My Room

句型:What’s thisIt’s...What’s this It’s a rug. It’s a chair. It’s a bed. It’s a table. It’s a sofa.

balloon 单词:

rug chair bed table sofa Letters: M m

m for morning.

Unit 7 Actions 句型:

clap your hands. Nod your head. Shake your body. Stamp your feet. 单词:

clap nod shake stamp

Unit 8 Nature 句型:I can see... I can see a tree. I can see a bee. I can see a flower. I can see a leaf. I can see a ladybug. 单词:

tree bee flower leaf ladybug

N n

n for night. O o

o for orange. P p

p for pizza.

洪恩英语第三册 Unit 1 Greetings 句型: Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. Good night. How are you I’m you. What’s your name I’m Teddy.

Unit 2 Animals

句型:What can you seeI can see...What can you see



