The relationship between nature and human
We cannot deny the truth that there is an intimate relationship between nature and human. The nature offers a certain give and take that needed to human beings for what they needed to survive, and human beings, however, as one of the most important part in the food chain and the most intelligent species found by now, making a great effect on nature in its turn. We also can’t deny that our human beings might forever depending on nature for all we need, so there is a need of harmony between the interactions of humans and nature. Helping us to better understanding such this relationship, the authoritative scientists have induced the relationship into three phases that humans have undergone, primitive worship, exploitation, and harmony.
Initially, people were extremely devout to nature, for nature has gave birth to almost everything, in the same manner, everything was considered as a person in the early thought, in the loose meaning, they possessed personality by human imaginary, additionally, many such \were worshipped—earth, sun, moon, sea, wind, etc. This led later to more complete personification, people also created a large quantity of poets, ballads, or even mythologies to express their worship and respect to nature.
It’s true that our human beings have had a long period of time having worship to the nature, but when the decades have witnessed the
technical development in our society, we had made great exploitation to the nature, exhausting the resources. We present here a list of some of the major environmental catastrophes: climate change, deforestation, water pollution, and introduction of alien species etc. Personally, I think we need to acquaint ourselves with such these problems in brief in order to find out the solution to release or even solve it.
As we all known, With rising temperatures, rising sea levels, melting icebergs, shifting ocean currents, climate change is the most serious challenge facing the human race now. The livestock should be responsible for 18 percent of greenhouse gas emissions measured in CO2 equivalent.Deforestation is another severe problem confronting to our earth. The forest rate has decreased rapidly in a speed that you can hardly imagine. It is reported that we are losing forestland at a rate of 375 km2 each day. Adding it together, the world has already lost 80% of its original forests. What worse, at the world's current rates, deforestation will lead to 5-10% of tropical forest species extinct every decade.On the procession that we built our country to a technical one, we are forced to face to the water pollution. The major sources of pollution are from animal wastes, chemicals from factories, and fertilizers and pesticides used for feed crops. The alien species have been introduced either accidentally or intentionally to a new place for the reason of economics, aesthetics, or other reasons are probably become
invasive alien species that have significant harmful effects on both ecosystems and economies. To illustrate, it forced some species that cannot adapted to other places to move out of their habitats, which made some endangered species on the verge of the extinction. On the other hand, some species of faunas and floras are capable of invading well-protected ecosystem, they often invade the habitants altered by the humans, such as the agriculture fields human settlement, pools or even the roadways, the case in point is Shui Hulu, which invaded China years ago.
It is said that when the Earth was created, God gave man a prime directive to take his responsibility to, and stewardship of the planet. Granted, when we look around us today and see how polluted our world has became; we find that man has failed in his stewardship, but we still cannot loss our confidence on changing this situation, preventing our earth becoming worse and worse.
So, apparently, the third phase in the relationship between human and nature is to keep the harmony. It’s true that we also have a hard way to go on this way of protection, but we should strongly believe that to protect the environment, every individual can devote their own contribution to help. To illustrate, you may reduce your fossil fuel consumption, recycle and reduce consumption in general. The less you consume and the more you recycle, the less pressure will be on the