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2019-2020学年新教材高中英语 课时分层作业2(含解析)新人教版必修1

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The following are four adventure movies for kids.

Toy Story

In this story,toys come to life when nobody is watching. Woody,a cowboy doll,feels unhappy when a new spaceman figure Buzz takes his place as the favourite toy of six-year-old Andy.Buzz and Woody get into a fight and get trapped together in the next-door

neighbour's house and they have to find their way home.In that journey,they form a close friendship and work together through everything.

How to Train Your Dragon

Young man Viking Hiccup wants to fight against the dragons that continually attack his town.But after finally catching his first dragon whom he names Toothless,Hiccup realizes that he no longer wants to kill it and instead treats it kindly.He learns that his people have misjudged the species.


The story is about Carl Fredrickson,a 78-year-old man who sets out to realize his lifelong dream of seeing the wilds of South America. He ties thousands of balloons to float his house and to travel to Paradise Falls with an unwelcome companion (同伴) Russel,who is an eight-year-old explorer.

Despicable Me

Gru wants to become the greatest thief by stealing the moon right out of the sky but he meets a challenge.The three girls he had adopted (收养) change his life in a way nobody would consider possible.The world's greatest villain (坏人)ends up being from being super-bad to a super-dad.

【语篇解读】 语篇类型是应用文,主题语境是电影。本文介绍了四部适合儿童观看的冒险类电影。

1.What do we know about Buzz and Woody in the movie Toy Story? A.They fight with other toys. B.They win a contest together.

C.They become friends finally. D.They try to escape from Andy.

C [细节理解题。根据第二段中的In that journey,they form a close friendship and work together through everything可知,在共同经历了这次历险之后,他们学会了合作,成为朋友。]

2.Which movie shows there is no age limit for adventurers? A.Toy Story.

B.How to Train Your Dragon. C.Up.

D.Despicable Me.

C [细节理解题。根据第三部电影的介绍可知,78岁的Carl Fredrickson和8岁的Russel一起进行了一场历险,故这部电影告诉我们冒险没有年龄限制。]

3.What is special about the movie Despicable Me? A.It is acted out by real people. B.It is a funny family comedy. C.It is about a detective story. D.It is aimed at amusing kids.

B [推理判断题。根据第四部电影的介绍可知,《卑鄙的我》讲述了坏蛋格鲁在领养了三个小女孩之后的变化,是一部家庭喜剧。]


“Dad,I need your help.Come here!” My 5-year-old girl pulled me towards the computer.“Dad,please buy everything I have in the Amazon shopping cart (购物车).Here,take this cash from my savings!” The shopping cart showed ten items for a total of about 130 dollars.“Wait!” I replied.“That's too much money! Why do you need all these things?”“Please,Dad! These items will get here before Christmas.I have a surprise for everyone.No peeking (偷看)!” she explained,and I bought everything.

A couple of days later,she got everything.I saw her then wrapping (包装) all her gifts.“Can I help you?” I asked.“No,Dad.I told you these are special surprises.No peeking!” she replied.Her excitement was obvious.

The day came.She was all around her gifts,planning,protecting,arranging. Everything had to be perfect.As soon as dinner was over,she jumped from her chair and took her gifts.She went around giving each one of us her piece of love.These were small items,but it was the meaning of giving her heart that we were really feeling.As

she gave the gift to each person,she watched the expression on our faces.Our smiles were her greatest reward.Her last gift was for my 2-year-old boy-a toy car.It was hard to describe my little boy's delight at getting this gift! For several minutes,everyone's attention was focused on watching him go all around the house happily.

Seeing these acts of my 5-year-old helped me understand the power of giving-giving from the heart.Later that day,my girl received some gifts,but she didn't need them.She focused on others,not on herself.It was clear that she was the one feeling true joy.

【语篇解读】 语篇类型是记叙文,主题语境是日常生活。5岁的女儿为全家人准备了圣诞节礼物,作者从女儿身上懂得了给予的力量。

4.Why did the girl ask her father for help? A.She didn't have enough money. B.She needed him to keep the secret. C.She wanted to get his opinions on gifts. D.She couldn't make the online payment.

D [细节理解题。根据第一段中的Dad,please buy everything I have in the Amazon shopping cart.Here,take this cash from my savings可知,作者的女儿给他现金,只是请他帮忙网上付款。]

5.How did the girl feel when wrapping the gifts? A.She felt proud. C.She felt cautious.

B.She felt delighted. D.She felt satisfied.

B [细节理解题。根据第二段中的Her excitement was obvious可知B项正确。] 6.What did other family members think of the girl's acts? A.Pleasant. C.Reasonable.

B.Creative. D.Surprising.

A [推理判断题。根据第一、二段可知,作者非常支持女儿的行为;再根据第三段可知,其他家庭成员收到礼物后都很开心。由此推知,其他家庭成员认为作者女儿的行为是令人愉悦的。]

7.What is the author's purpose in writing the text? A.To praise his daughter for her generosity. B.To share his experience of raising his kids. C.To discuss how to find happiness in daily life. D.To share the lesson learned from his daughter.

D [写作意图题。根据最后一段第一句可知,作者写这篇文章的目的是为了分享他从女



Carl didn't talk much,but would always greet everyone with a big smile.He was a __1__ man.No one really knew him,__2__ he had lived in our neighborhood for over 50 years.

Carl had a slight limp (跛行) from the wound in a __3__.Watching him,we worried that although he had __4__ World War Ⅱ,he might not make it through the increasing __5__.

When our local church advertised a volunteer job of __6__ a garden,Carl __7__ the job.Later,the very thing we had always __8__ finally happened.

Carl was just finishing his __9__ when three young people approached him.__10__ their bad attempt (企图),he simply asked,“Would you like a drink from the hose (软管)?” The tallest said “Yeah,sure” with a(n) __11__ smile.As Carl offered the hose to him,the other two knocked him down and the tallest __12__ his watch and money.

Carl tried to stand up but failed until someone came to __13__ him.A few weeks later the three __14__.Carl again offered them a drink and they treated Carl as before.

And one day,Carl was __15__ by the sudden approach of someone-one of the three guys! Carl prepared himself for the expected __16__.“Don't worry.I'm not going to hurt you,” the young man spoke __17__,offering the watch and money to Carl.__18__, Carl asked,“Why would you help me now?” The man said,“I __19__ something from you.Every time we did something bad to you,you kept showing your __20__.”

After Carl was dead,another advertisement showed,“A person needed to take care of a garden”,and the young man took the job.

【语篇解读】 语篇类型是记叙文,主题语境是生活。Carl照看当地的一个花园期间被三个人多次欺负,然而他每次都会以善待人,从而感动和教化了其中一个人。

1.A.popular C.quiet

B.wise D.handsome

C [根据第一句中didn't talk much以及空后No one really knew him可知,Carl是个非常安静的人。]

2.A.as though C.since

B.even though D.if

B [根据空前没有人真正了解他可知,此空表转折,虽然他在这住了五十多年。]

3.A.battle C.game

B.fight D.match

A [根据下文World War Ⅱ可知,Carl参加过二战,在战斗中受了伤。] 4.A.survived C.won

B.forgot D.prevented

A [根据下文make it through可知,Carl虽然在二战中幸存了下来,但是作者却担心他在当地的处境。]

5.A.demand C.happiness

B.difficulty D.violence

D [根据下文那三个人的行为可知,此空指当地越来越多的暴力事件。] 6.A.building C.looking for

B.designing D.looking after

D [根据最后一段中take care of有提示可知,此空指照看花园。] 7.A.refused C.offered

B.got D.lost

B [根据下文内容可知,Carl得到了这份工作。] 8.A.feared C.regretted

B.expected D.experienced

A [根据第4空前的we worried以及下文内容可知,作者担心害怕的事情还是发生了。] 9.A.sleeping C.washing

B.watering D.drinking

B [根据下文hose可知,Carl刚给花园浇完水。] 10.A.Ignoring C.Hating

B.Rejecting D.Knowing

A [根据下文Carl说的话可知,Carl并没有注意到那三个人不好的意图。] 11.A.warm C.forced

B.bright D.unfriendly

D [根据下文那三个人的行为可知,他的笑应该是不友善的。] 12.A.bought C.stole

B.checked D.ruined

C [根据第17空后的offering the watch and money to Carl可知,个子最高的那个人偷走了Carl的手表与钱。]

13.A.see C.annoy

B.call D.help

2019-2020学年新教材高中英语 课时分层作业2(含解析)新人教版必修1


