文件编号: HXYA-021 管理部门: 特设维保部 编 制: 审 核: 批 准: 生效日期: 分 发 号:
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XX演艺有限公司 机械臂电机损坏应急预案 emergency plan for RA’s motor failure 一、事故类型与危险分析(accident pattern and hazard analysis) 事故类型:设备运行过程中,电机突然损坏,导致机械臂无法动作。 accident pattern: Process equipment operation, the motor suddenly damaged, causing the robot arm can not action 危险分析: 其损坏有可能导致演出时的CUE无法正常进行,也有可能砸向舞台。 hazard analysis: CUE damage it may cause performance when not normal, it is possible to pound arena 二、应急处理机构与职责(Emergency response organization and responsibilities) 公司安全管理小组为机械臂电机损坏应急处理机构,总经理为第一责任人,并任总指挥,下设警戒组、应急救护组、技术组、后勤保障组、外事组等小组。Company safety management team for motor of RA damaged emergency handling mechanism. The general manager is the first person responsible, the manager on duty is the commander, consists of guard group, Emergency rescue group,technical group, Logistics group, foreign affairs section etc. 总指挥总经理警戒组 应急救护组 技术组 外事组 后勤保障组 组别(groups) 职责(duty) 1、下达应急预案启动命令;start orders of contingency plans . 1. 总指挥2、依据集团管控标准规定进行集团通报;According to the standard rules of group to report. 3、指挥公司全员应对突发事件;Command company personnel to deal XX剧场安全生产标准化体系文件
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(commander) 编号:HXYA-021
版本/修改次数:A/0 with emergencies. 4、总经理不在岗,依据运营、人事、财务、营销各分管副总依次顶岗;If general manager not on-the-job, operations, personnel, finance, marketing, in charge of the deputy chief field in turn. 5、指挥各小组配合政府部门、集团事故处理组开展工作。Command of the team cooperate with government departments, work accident treatment from group 1、负责现场及周围的警戒,引导演员及其他相关人员离开机械臂覆盖区域,减少事件影响;Responsible for on-site and surrounding the alert, 2. 警戒组 (guard group) lead actor and divers leave the RAS, reduce the events. 2、确保疏散道的畅通。Ensure smooth evacuation way. 3、在接到总经理指令后安全有序的引导观众撤离剧场。After general manager instructed, safely and orderly guide evacuation theatre audience. 3. 应急救护组Emergency rescue group 2、在处理此故障过程中,如有人员负伤,负责事故现场伤员的救治、初期急救。In the process of repair RA, if there are any personnel were injured, responsible for the scene of the accident early treatment of the wounded and first aid. 1、确定设备损坏原因;Determine the cause of damage to the equipment 4. 技术支持组technical group 2、告知上级领导改用其它节目;Inform superiors switch to other programs 3、确保设备处于安全位置,并不产生其它危险;Ensure that the equipment is in a safe position, not otherwise be dangerous 4、做好应急抢修准备。Ready to do emergency repair 1、善后处理伤病员后续救治事宜及保险事宜;Handling and follow-up 5. 后勤保障组treatment and insurance. Logistics group 2、联络并跟进各小组工作。Contact and follow up the team work. 3、做好客户赔偿协调工作. Handle compensate to customer XX剧场安全生产标准化体系文件
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版本/修改次数:A/0 1、制定突发事件应对方案;Formulate emergency response program 2、作为唯一代表应对或者协调媒体采访和质询;As the only representative to deal with or coordination media interviews and 6. 外事组foreign inquiry. affairs section 3、监测媒体、社会化媒体对突发事件报道;Monitoring the media, social media reported to emergencies. 4、引导舆论导向或澄清事件本由。Guide the public opinion direction or clarify this by events. 三、处置流程(disposal processes) 阶段(STEP) 处置措施(disposal measures) 发现机械臂电机损坏后,应立即向总经理、值班经理汇报,并告知值班技术人员,赶赴漏水区域。值班经理应立即向总经理请示,启动应急预1.发现(detection) 案。Found motor of RA is damaged should immediately report to the general manager, the manager on duty, and told the technical personnel on duty, to water leakage area. The manager on duty shall report to the general manager, start the emergency plan a)总经理、值班经理应在5分钟内赶到事故现场,检查、询问设备损坏情况,评判事故影响。General manager, the manager on duty should arrived within 5 minutes at the scene of the accident, check damaged 2.影响评判Impact degree, judge the accident. evaluation b)根据技术支持组提供的设备状态信息,将设备运动到安全位置;According to the report from the technical support group, move the RA to safety situation. c)启动全体应急预案。Start the overall emergency plan. 预计会至少产生如下影响之一时,总经理应在事故发生后10分钟内向总部安监部电话汇报。When is expected to at least one of the following 3.事故上报report effects, the general manager shall reported to headquarters of the prison department within 10 minutes after the accident a) 媒体到场;News media is present. XX剧场安全生产标准化体系文件
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版本/修改次数:A/0 b) 发生群体性事件的;Mass incidents. c) 重伤1人以上的;Seriously more than one person. d) 被媒体报道给集团品牌带来负面影响的。Negative impact of report to group brand. 1、通知相关部门对演出作出适当调整,避开使用机械臂的节目。 Notify the relevant departments of the show to make appropriate adjustments to avoid the use of robotics programs
2、降下幕布,迅速通知操作人员收回机械臂至不影响演出位置 Lowering the curtain, promptly notify the operator to recover the robotic arm does not affect the performance location
3、演出结束后迅速组织人员进行故障排除,并告知相关部门排除故障时间,以便于相关部门配合。操作步奏如下:①、相关人员达到故障部位;②、断开电机供电电源;③、拆除电机控线,并做好原始记录;④、通4.现场处置知相关人员进行电机更换;⑤、接好点,控线并测试;⑥、人员工机具site disposal 归位。 After the show quickly organized personnel to troubleshoot and inform the relevant departments troubleshooting time in order to meet the relevant departments. Operating step-outs as follows: ①, personnel reached the fault location; ②, disconnect the electrical power supply; ③, dismantle the motor control line, and make the original records; ④, notify personnel replace the motor; ⑤, take a good point, control line and testing; ⑥, who homing equipment staff
4、故障排除后,告知相关部门; After troubleshooting, inform the relevant departments 原则上,事故导致观众的损失,全部转移至保险公司赔偿所有理赔材料5.事故跟进follow 提交保险公司后应每月跟进理赔进展。In principle, Audience's losses in up the accident the accident all transferred to the insurance company and follow up progress claims monthly. 6.预案终止(plan 当满足如下条件时,由总指挥宣布预案正式结束。(commander XX剧场安全生产标准化体系文件
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