龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn
作者:王辉 朱国维
摘 要:重力勘探是地球物理勘探的主要方法之一,生产实习是联系理论学习与实践技能的重要桥梁,通过生产实习,使学生能够按照行业技术规范,掌握测网设计、仪器性能测试、野外数据采集、数据处理以及反演解释所有环节的工作方法,提高学生的专业实践能力与综合素质。
中图分类号:G642 文献标志码:A 文章编号:2096-000X(2017)10-0078-03
Abstract: Gravity exploration is one of the main methods of geophysical exploration, gravity exploration and production practice is an important bridge between the theoretical study and practical skills, through production practice, so that students can be in accordance with technical specifications, complete measuring network instrument design, performance testing, field data collection, data processing and inversion of all links, improve the ability of professional practice with the comprehensive quality of students.
Keywords: geophysics; gravity exploration; production practice; teaching reform