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人教版新目标英语2020届毕业生中考语法专题复习易错题汇编 数词、形容词和副词、介词 、连词 (含答案)


( )1.Since 2009,there have been four visitors that have visited the famous farm and two the visitors are from Henan Province. A. hundred, hundred of B.hundreds, hundreds of C.hundred, hundreds of D.hundreds, hundred of ( )2.It`s a pity that Li Wenliang died in his .

A.thirty B.thirties C.thirtys D.threety ( )3.Thursday is the of a week.

A. fourth B.forth C.fifth D.fiveth ( )4.--How many students wear glasses in your class ?

---About of them .Because there are 35 out of 45 students in total.

A. half B.one third C.two thirds D. three quarters ( )5.--How do you say the time “1:58” in English ? --- It`s .

A. two past two B.fifty-eight past one C. two to two D.two to one

( )6. During fighting against the COVID-19,some doctors or nurses were born but they are also quite brave.

A. in 1990s B.in the 1990s C.in 1990 D.in the 1990s`

( )7. John is an boy. Next Sunday he will have his birthday. A.8-year-old, ninth B.8-years-old, ninth

C.8-year-old. nineth D.8-year-old, the ninth ( )8.---How long can you stay outside with your friend ?

---Only .Because I am not allowed by my mother.

A.an hour and half B.one and a half hour C.one and a half hours D.an and a half hours ( )9.--How far is it from your home to school ?--About .

A. ten minutes walk B.ten minutes` walk C.ten-minutes walk D.ten minute walk

( )10. ---How do you keep fit ?--There are floors in the building and I live

on floor. I keep walking once a day.

A. twelve, twelveth B.twelfth, twelfth C.twelve, twelfth D.twelve, the twelfth


( )1.His grandmother lives in a small village but she never feels because the villagers are very kind to her.

A. lonely, alone B.alone, lonely C.alone, alone D.lonely,lonely

( )2.It`s bad to sleep with your windows at night. You`d better keep

them to let fresh air in.

A. closed, open B.close, open C.open, close D.closed, opened ( )3.---How is your sister ?--- She is twenty years old.

A. old, older B.old, elder C.older, elder D.old, eld

( )4.Reading English is necessary .So you should read it every morning.

A. aloud B.loud C.loudly D. aloudly

( )5.The man who always makes his speech is one of the greatest

writers in the world.

A. lively , living B.lively, alive C.living, living D.alive,alive ( )6. We are all with the news because we can go out freely.

A. pleased, pleasant B.pleased, pleased C.pleasant, pleasant D.pleasant, pleased

( )7.There was a big fire in the neighborhood. no one was hurt.

A. Luckily B.Badly C.Unluckily D.Lucky

( )8.Mr. Wang works very and he goes to work late.

A. hard,hard B.hardly, hardly C.hard, hardly D.hardly,hard

( )9.This kind of cakes tastes , and they sell . I will buy some.

A. good,well B.well,well C.well, good D.good,good

( )10.If you are a person, you will do everything .

A. careful, careful B.careful, carefully C.carefully, carefully D.carefully, careful

( )11.The USA is a little from his hometown than the UK. But he has

decided to go to the USA for study.

A. farther, farther B.further, further C.farther, further D.further, farther

( )12. This one is the of the two.

A. best B.better C.good D.well

( )13.Nowadays people should care a lot about food safety,for they want to

eat .

A. healthy B.health C.healthily D.unhealthy ( )14.His mother`s look showed that he was ill.

A. worrying, terribly B.worried, terrible C.worrying, terrible D.worried, terribly

( )15.COVID-19 has spread quite . You can`t be careful with it! A. quickly, very B.quick, quite C.quick, so D.quickly,too

( )16.Tom`s made his decision among the kids.

A. wisest B.wiser C.the wisest D.wise

( )17.The Yellow River is the second river in China.

A. longer B.longest C.long D.the longest ( )18.The nurse seemed very to the little baby.

A. politely B. kindly C.friendly D.safely ( )19.According to a recent survey, three fifths of working mothers in

China don`t want to have a second child.

A. mostly B.partly C.nearly D.especially

( )20.You can`t surf the Internet. You must have a break from time to

time. Because it is bad for your eyes.

A. never B.always C.seldom D.sometimes

( )21. Peter has practiced playing tennis , for there will be a match

next month.

A. sometimes,sometimes B.some times, sometime C.some times, some time D.some time, sometime

( )22.The old man has been at home for days,but nobody found his death

until yesterday.

A. dying B.dead C.away D.out ( )23. you speak, your English will be.

A. The less, the more B.The more, the better C.The less, the better D.The more, the less ( )24.---Chinese isn`t as as English.

---You mean Chinese is than English, right ?

A. interesting, more interesting B.interested, less interested C.interesting, less interesting D.interested, more interested

( )25.The artist is so .He can make different changing pictures with sand.

A. common B.creative C.brave D.strict 三、介词:

( )1.---When did the traffic accident happen?

--- the evening March 13,2020.

A. In, of B.On, of C.In,on D.On,on

( )2.When the driver who sits the bus saw a boy the bus , he stopped

the bus at once.

A. in the front of, in front of B.in front of, in the front of C.in the front of, in the front of D.in front of, in front of

( )3.--How soon will you get the passport ?-- around two months.

A. For B.In C.During B.Among

( )4.There are two windows the wall but only one picture it.

A. on,on B.in,in C.in,on D.on,in ( )5.He got back from Beijing two weeks.

A. in B.after C.for D.before ( )6.It`s a little cold the whole winter this year.

A. across B.over C.through D.from

( )7.I have also learned Spanish English and French, but now I can only

remember some English words Spanish and French. A. besides, except B.except,besides C.besides,besides D.except, except ( )8.The plane is flying the clouds.

A. over B.on C.above D.under ( )9.There are many bridges the Changjiang River now.

A. over B.above C.in D.on

( )10.Wuhan which stands the Yangtze River is the north of Guangdong. A. on,to B.over, to C.by, on D.near, in

( )11.It is said our eyes,we can see more than 2.000 stars a clear night.

A. in, on B.at, at C.by, on D.with, on

( )12.Though my math teacher was my opinion, he didn`t come up his own.

A. for, with B.on, to C.against, with D.in, of ( )13.Unluckily, thirty passengers were hurt, five kids.

A. for B.without C.included D.including

( )14. Bill Gates is famous a scientist not a rich man in the world.

A. as B.like C.after D.for

( )15.Scared the loud noise, the mice ran off all directions.

A. by, on B.by, in C.at, at D.in, by 四、连词:

( )1.Hurry up, you`ll miss the early bus.

A. and B.but C.or D.so

( )2.---I don`t like playing the piano listening to the radio. How about you ? ---I don`t like listening to the radio all day, I like playing the piano.

A. and, or B.or, and C.and,and D.or, but

( )3. Gina Linda can go out with me. Because there is no more

room for three persons in my car.

A. Both,and B.Neither, nor C.Not only, but also D.Either, or ( )4.---What a mess! The sharing bikes are thrown everywhere.

----Let`s collect and put them in the right place they can be used


A. unless B.so that C.because D.so long as ( )5.They are little boys that they can do little work. A. so,so B.such, so C.so, such D.such, such ( )6.She set out early she could get there on time.

A. in order to B.in order that C.so as to D.such that ( )7.The blind man could see nothing the doctor did an operation

on his eyes.

A.when B.while C.since D.until

( )8.---Will you take part in Mary`s birthday party next Sunday evening ? ----No, I won`t I am invited.

A. if B. unless C.because D.though

( )9.The manager was waiting at the gate the guests arrived.

A. while B.when C.unless D.after

( )10.When in Rome, do the Romes do.

A. like B.as C.that D.how


一、1--5 ABCDC 6-10 BACBC

二、1--5 BABAB 6--10 AACAC 11-15 CBCDD 16--20 ABCCB

21--25 BBBCB

三、1-5 BABCB 6-10 CACAA 11-15 DCDAB 四、1--5 CDDBB 6-10 BDBBB



