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1.—Tina, I have a piece of good news to tell you. I have won first prize in the speech contest. —____________! You deserve it. A.Come on —We will_______. A.follow suit B.sink or swim together C.set eyes on it D.get to the bottom of it

3.—Linda, would you like to come and taste the dishes I have cooked? —Don’t ______. You even don’t know how to fry an egg. A.rain cats and dogs B.pull my leg

C.be all ears

D.be all thumbs

4.— _______ ?

—I got two tickets for the evening show, but they're not in the same row. A.What can I do for you C.What's your point —______! A.How lucky

B.You bet

C.Cheer up

D.Keep it up

6.---Even if we have had advanced technology, we can’t bring dinosaurs back to life. ---______. They died out long ago and their DNA was already destroyed. A.That’s it

B.That’s all right

C.It depends

D.It’s up to you

7.—There is a belief that the robots will take the place of human beings one day. — After all, they don't have their own thinking. A.Don't mention it. B.It depends. C.I don't think so. D.I have no idea.

8.––Why didn’t you come back last night? I waited long! ––_______. You were playing games the whole night. A.Don’t give me that C.Don’t trust to chance

9.— I will go on a diet tomorrow.

— _____. You’ve said that over a million times. A.Take your time -Yes,____________. A.you name it

B.that's the point

C.that's it

D.you deserve it

B.I don’t enjoy myself C.You got me there

D.I don’t buy it

10.—I can't remember his name clearly.Is it Brain Johnson?

B.Don’t lose your head D.Don’t dream away your time B.May I have your name D.Any luck at the booking office


C.Take it easy

D.Best wishes

2.—It is reported that the Shanghai auto show stops using models. How about yours?

5.—I have just made great progress in learning to drive.

11.—It’s very kind of you to give me a lift back home. —____________. I'm just driving your way. A.With pleasure

B.It doesn't matter.

C.That's right.

D.Think nothing of it.

12.—I ’ m travelling to Iceland next week. Would you tell me about your experiences there? —______. Let’s talk about it over coffee. A.By all means. C.That’s all right. A.nine


B.Take your time. D.It’s up to you. C.ten


13.The door to the secret garden was locked ____________ years ago.

14.— It’s reported that human got the first picture of a black hole on April 10, 2019. — ________ A.Good news.

B.All right.

C.So what?

D.How come?

15.—_________ I don’t think I’ve got what you said. —I was saying that I’d like there to be a wonderful party. A.What?


C.Once again.


16.— We shouldn’t waste time on playing computers games or reading novels. — ______. We’d better concentrate our attention to our study instead. A.I’d love to C.It’s up to you

B.I’m with you on that D.It’s my pleasure

17.—Your friend didn’t turn up at the wedding though she promised. —__________? She is a lady of her word. A.So what C.How come

B.Why not D.What for

18.—Don’t be nervous when you have a CT picture taken, OK? —________. A.Well, I won’ t

B.That’s true

C.Yes, I’d love to

D.OK, I will

19.—Sorry, I forgot to lock the door. —______ Mike can do it later. A.No way C.Nothing serious

—________.I’m not in a hurry. A.Enjoy yourself C.Do as you like

--- _______. But I have one suggestion. A.That’s a good idea C.It looks fine to me

B.You are too modest D.You should check it first B.Leave me alone D.Take your time B.Take your time D.You're welcome

20.—A second,please.I have another call coming through.

21.--- Jack, I’d like to have your opinions about my written report.

22.--- You could always put the decision off a little bit longer. --- _________ If I leave it much longer I might miss my chance. A.That’s reasonable advice

B.Isn’t it a good idea? C.Do you think so? D.I can’t agree more

23.Barcelona will __________ one more time in that its key player Lionel Messi claimed the 2019 Golden Boot Award, making him the player winning the award for a record—making sixth time.

A.reap what it sows C.kill the fatted calf

B.laugh its head off D.be green with envy

24.— We could invite John and Barbara to the Friday night party. — Yes, ________?I’ll give them a call right now. A.why not C.why

B.what for D.what

25.—Have you heard about the plan to sell the company? —Not at all. I am totally__________ A.out of the blue

B.in the dark

C.not all there

D.up in the air


一、选择题 1.B 解析:B 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】

考查情景交际。句意:——Tina,我有一个好消息要告诉你。我在演讲比赛中得了一等奖。——祝贺你!这是你应得的。A. Come on加油;B. Congratulations.祝贺;C. Take it easy放轻松;D. Best wishes一切都好。根据句意尤其I have won first prize in the speech contest可知,此处用“祝贺你”符合语境。故选B项。


解析:A 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】

考查习惯用语。句意:——据报道上海车展停止用模特。你们的呢?——我们将仿效。A. follow suit仿效(某人);B. sink or swim together同舟共济;C. set eyes on it第一次看见,注意到,如:Everyone keeps talking about Patrick, But I've never set eyes on the man.大家一直都在谈论派特利克,但我从来没见过这个人。D. get to the bottom of it找到起因;挖出祸根。结合句意可知,也将仿效对方不用模特。故选A。



