partner . You can use the sentences from this passage.
第四部分。Now we’ve got a very interesting picture here. There is something wrong with the animals. They are doing the wrong things. Let’s find out the mistakes. For example, the fish should swim in the river. It shouldn’t be on the grass. Do you know that? Who can find out another problem and talk about it?教师引导学生逐一找出问题。如:The octopus shouldn’t be in the grass. It should be in the water.
The panda shouldn’t be in the water. It should be on the grass. The horse shouldn’t fly in the air. It should be on the ground.
The butterfly shouldn’t be in the water. It should be on the flower.
教师给学生做出示范后,让学生两人一组找出其余的错误。Everybody. Listen carefully. You can only use English to talk about the pictures. Don’t talk in Chinese.
第五部分是两段小幽默。可以先让学生自己看,然后再提问学生。Look, we’ve got two humors here. I want you to read them first. Let’s see who can tell us the meaning of these humors. You can read them now. 如果学生能用中文解释,教师就不必再说。如果学生不知其中的意思,教师就可以重点解释一下feather duster.教师可以先问,Do you know feather?可以用图片,然后在黑板上画一个鸡毛掸子,问学生,Do you know feather duster?通常学生看到图片后,就不再有什么问题了。 第二部分。教师可以找一些平时考试用的卷子、中考的卷子等,对学生说,This test is difficult. This test is more difficult. This is the most difficult test I have ever done!可以将此句话的中文意思告诉大家,“这是我做过的卷子中最难的一个”。其次再给出第二中图片。Now you can look at the second group of pictures. You can also read the sentences next to the pictures. Let’s see whether you can understand them or not.
(1) Who can make correct sentences! 上课前,教师可以从教学图片中挑出许多有关动物的图片,并将其复印、放大及缩小,能用于表达大、比较大、最大即可。要复印若干套图片,保证上课每人一张。每种动物都是大、中、小。教师上课时将图片混在一起发给每一个学生,然后任意叫一个学生到前面。该学生应拿着自己的图片说出一个句子。当该生说完句子之后,紧接着拿起比其动物小的或比其大的要迅速跑到前面要造出一个比较级或最高级的句子。哪个句子造对了就给哪个组加分。之后,教师可以再叫另一个学生上去,继续说自己手里的动物。教师可以用英语这样说,Now I have animals. I’ll give each one of you one kind of animal. I want you to make sentences with these animals. OK. I’ll give you an example. Zhang Ming, please come to the front and say a sentence with the animal in your picture. 学生说, This is a dog. 教师马上问, Who has got a smaller dog? Come here quickly. 拿一只小点儿狗的学生上来说,This dog is smaller than that dog. 教师接着问, Who has got the biggest dog? Come here. 拿最大狗的学生上来说,My dog is the biggest of the three. 教师对全班说, If you say one correct sentence, you get 10 points for your group. Do you understand? Now, let’s begin this game.
(2) Let’s make sentences!
教师将学生分成每三人一组,在组里做句型练习。 同时为每组选一个监督员,检查竞赛结果。游戏开始时, 教师举一个单词给全班学生看。每组由一个学生迅速造出一个相关的句子,然后第二个学生造出一个比较级的句子,再由第三个学生造出一个最高级的句子。当第三个学生都造完时,小组的学生可以句举手示意,教师根据名次记分。第一名10分,第二名5分,第三名3分,第四名1分。然后,教师给出第二个单词,继续造句比赛。教师可以这样说,Now let’s have a competition. This time it’s sentence-making. I’ll divide you into groups. Three people in one group. I’ll give you a word. One person in your group makes a sentence quickly. The second person also makes a sentence. But it should be comparative degree. Then the third sentence should be superlative degree. We’ll find a person to check your group. The first group who has finished will get 10 points. The second gets 5 points. The third gets 3 points. The fourth gets 1 point. Do you understand? Let’s begin.
1.Make 5 sentences using superlative degrees and write them down on the exercise books.
2.Draw a picture of any kind, indicating the comparative and superlative degrees and write down three sentences under the picture.