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尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们,大家!我是来自高职学院机械一班的刘朋波!今天,我演讲的题目是《我的大学,我的梦!》。 九月-号我载着满满的行李箱来到了这——我的大学。记得那天,教学楼门前搭满了各个系的帐篷,帐篷里装满了穿着各种颜色系服的学姐学长们。体育馆里挤满了像我一样追寻梦想的大学生,满载而来。我远远地看见了我们系的帐篷。记得那天,我在学长们的温切问候中悄然度过···时间犹如白驹过隙,还没等我们回头,它却已从我们的指缝之间悄悄划过。在大学里,有的人确实过得很充实、很开心,深深留恋这块他们认为是一辈子都无法重复的净土。也有的人,从一踏进校园就很失望,觉得一切都跟自己想像的不一样,从此浑浑噩噩混日子,到最终醒悟的时候才猛然发觉,仿佛一夜之间,大学已经过去,随之逝去的还有自己宝贵的青春。然而,只有后悔大学混了几年的人,而不会有后悔上了大学的人。即使是那些在校时贬他的母校犹如人间地狱的人,多年以后,回忆起大学时光,也往往会感慨万分,甚至泪流满面。不管你大学过得如何,至少你要时刻提醒自己:人生只有一个大学阶段。在过去的旅途中,无论你是否拥有过欢笑,拥有过阳光,这都已成为永久的记忆。朋友,请加上一把锁将他们封闭起来吧。人生是对梦想的追求,梦想是人生的指示灯,失去了这灯的作用,就会失去生活的勇气。因此只有坚持远大的人生梦想,才不会在人生的海洋中迷失方向。梦想是我们通往成功的地图,只有付出了行动,迈出我们坚实的步伐,才能让我们到达成功的彼岸。确定了我们

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的目标,就要为了他努力拼搏。志当存高远!当你听到这里,同学们,你是否想到了自己的梦想?人生的花季是生命的春天,它美丽,却短暂。作为一名大学生就应该在这一时期,努力学习,奋发向上,找到一片属于自己的天空。 作为一名21世纪的大学生,我们必须得有自己的梦想,就像夜空必须拥有繁星,大地拥有生命那样,这样的大学才会硕果累累,这样的青春才会斗志昂扬,这样的生活才会动力十足,这样的人生才会充满胜利,充满喜悦。大学生活是多姿多彩的,我们应该学会去把握和深入体会。要有“吹尽狂沙始到金”的毅力,要有’直挂云帆及沧海”的勇气,去迎接人生的风风雨雨!“宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。”一份耕耘,一份收获。我们要以一颗勤劳的心去磨砺自己,播种未来!青春,在时代的眼里是个永远跳动的音符。梦想,在青春的字典里是个永恒的信念。而大学,在梦想的世界里永远是那么的美丽,那么的圣洁!我的大学我的梦,青春舞动,风同雨共。 我的大学我的梦,无怨无悔,心梦相随!\dream!\the higher vocational college, mechanical claLiuPengBo! Today, the topic of my speech is \September - no. I came to this - carrying suitcases full of my university. Remember that day, the building in front of the set with each department of tent, the tent is full of all sorts of color series clothing learn elder sister of the seniors. Stadiums filled with chase dreams of college

students, like me full. And I saw the tents in our department. Remember that day, I quietly in the cut warm greetings from

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seniors who have spent time... as if the blink, but before we look back, it has quietly between our fingers across.In college, some people really have a very full, very happy, they think deeply mithis is a can't repeat the pure land of the rest of my life. Also some people, from a step into the campus, and I was very disappointed, feel everything is not the same as you think, muddle along from then on, until eventually wake up suddenly found that, as if overnight, the university has in the past, so also lost their precious youth. However, only regret universitymix for a couple of years, but there won't be regret in the university. In school, even the fall of his Alma mater, is like hell on earth, who over the years, university of memories, also often with emotion, even tears. No matter how much you have a university, at least you should always remind yourself: life is only one university stage.Trip in the past, no matter whether you have that laughter, owns a sunshine, it has bee a permanent memory. Friend, please add a lock will they closed up. Life is the pursuit of dream, the dream is a lamp in life, lost the role of this lamp, will lose the courage to live. So only adhere to the lofty dreams in life, not the ocean of life lost. Dream is our map to success, only to pay action, a solid pace, we can we reach the shore of success. Determine our goals, must go to his hard work. When aim high! When you hear here,

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