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单元(章节)课题 Unit 3 A taste of English humour Using Language –Listening 本节课题 课标要求 Grasp the key information after listening to a passage and enable students to finish the listening exercises. Focus on improving students’ listening ability. 1.Students will be able to know more about English humor. 三维目标 2 .improve students’ ability of listening. 3.Develop students’ awareness of being humourous. 教材分析 Listening material in this class is still about English humour and students keep on learning more about it so that they can be aware of the importance of being humourous. Most importantly, students will be able to get their listening ability improved in this class after doing practice. 学情分析 The Ss are very familiar and interested in many kinds of humor, as well as the good habits of being humourous, but it’s still hard for most of them to grasp the key information after listening to the passage. So it’s necessary to introduce them some listening strategies. 教学重难点 Enable students to learn to grasp detailed information by listening. 提炼的课题 Improve students’ ability of listening by practice . 教学手段运用 教学资源选择 textbook PPT 教学过程 学生要解决的问题环节 或任务 教师教与学生学 教师个性化修改 Step 1 Lead-in Step 2 Presentation Step 3 Practice (Listening) Step4 Performance Step5 Discussion Step6 summary Step7 Evaluation 课堂检测 内容 课后作业 布置 预习内容 布置 1.Ask and answer some questions about the reading passage. 2.Learn some problems caused by cultural misunderstanding 3. Listen and finish the exercises. 4. Students make a performance to share their answers. 5.Summarize what is learnt in this class.( focus on the listening strategies.) 见PPT 第45期报纸 Preview grammar. Ask some questions about the types of English humor. Listen to the whole dialogue to get the main idea. 1. Listen again to choose the best answers. 2. Listen for the third time to fill in the blanks. 3. Listen the fourth time to check their answers. Ask some students to show their answers. Explain some difficult ones 1.Ask students to discuss Exercise 4 in the first reading passage. (Group work) 2.Show their opinions. Evaluate students’ show and choose the best group.


1、不管鸟的翅膀多么完美,如果不凭借空气,鸟就永远飞不到高空。想象力是翅膀,客观实际是空气,只有两方面紧密结合,才能取得显着成绩。 2、想停下来深情地沉湎一番,怎奈行驶的船却没有铁锚;想回过头去重温旧梦,怎奈身后早已没有了归途。因为时间的钟摆一刻也不曾停顿过,所以生命便赋予我们将在汹涌的大潮之中不停地颠簸。

3、真正痛苦的人,却在笑脸的背后,流着别人无法知道的眼泪,生活中我们笑得比谁都开心,可是当所有的人潮散去的时候,我们比谁都落寂。 4、温暖是飘飘洒洒的春雨;温暖是写在脸上的笑影;温暖是义无反顾的响应;温暖是一丝不苟的配合。





9、用不朽的“人”字支撑起来的美好风景,既有“虽体解吾犹未变兮”的执着吟哦,也有“我辈岂是蓬蒿人”的跌宕胸怀;既有“我以我血荐轩辕”的崇高追求,也有“敢教日月换新天”的豪放气魄。 33 我是一只蜜蜂,在祖国的花园里,飞来飞去,不知疲倦地为祖国酿制甘甜的蜂蜜;我是一只紫燕,在祖国的蓝天上,穿越千家万户,向祖国向人民报告春的信息;我是一滴雨点,在祖国的原野上,从天而降,滋润干渴的禾苗;我是一株青松,在祖国的边疆,傲然屹立,显示出庄严的身姿。




