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2020-2021年 中考英语阅读理解达标检测卷(有答案)1 

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2020-2021年 中考英语阅读理解达标检测卷(有答案)1

一、初三英语阅读理解(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读理解

As far back as he could remember, Larry had wanted to go to Hollywood and become a film star. The young man's hopes for success were broken again and again. However, Hollywood was just everything to him. When he first came to California? Larry had decided never to give up and return home without success. Therefore, he kept on trying. \chance would come.\

Larry found a job—parking cars at one of Hollywood's big restaurants. His pay was low, but since the guests were kind enough to give him more money, he managed to make a living. One day he recognized an important film director driving into the parking lot and getting out of his car. Larry had recently heard that the man was ready to make a new picture.

Larry got into the car and prepared to drive it on into the lot and park it. Then he stopped, jumped out, and ran over to the director. \it's now or never if you want me in your next picture. A lot of big companies are after me.\ Instead of pushing away the boy, the director laughed, then wrote something on a card and handed it to the young man. \ Larry got a small part in the director's next film. He was on his way! (1)It's clear that Larry's job—parking cars ________. A. helped him make a lot of money B. brought him the hope to be a film star

C. made him fail again and again in getting into Hollywood D. gave him few chances to meet stars

(2)The film director asked Larry to meet him the next day because _______. A. he needed a driver very much B. Larry would become a star

C. some big companies would give him a job D. Larry expressed his hope in a wise way (3)We can learn from the story that _______. A. the film director knew Larry's hard experience before B. Larry managed to be a part in the new film

C. the job parking cars could bring young people everything D. the new film was not so important for the director


A. he gave up and returned home B. he began to work towards success C. he drove the director's car to Hollywood D. he had a long way to go to be in the film (5)The story mainly wants to tell us _______. A. it was hard for Larry, to find a job in a restaurant in Hollywood B. Larry was so lucky to meet the director in the parking lot C. why Larry could remember many things before D. how Larry succeeded- in his new life in Hollywood 【答案】 (1)B

(2)D (3)B (4)B (5)D


(1)推理题。根据Larry found a job—parking cars at one of Hollywood's big restaurant 拉里找到了一份工作——在好莱坞的一家大餐馆停车One day he recognized an important film director driving into the parking lot and getting out of his car. Larry had recently heard that the man was ready to make a new picture 一天,他认出了一位重要的电影导演,他开车进了停车场,下了车。拉里最近听说这个人准备拍一张新照片 可知, 很明显拉里停车的工作是给他带来了成为电影明星的希望 , 故选B。

(2)推理题。根据 I think it's only fair to tell you that it's now or never if you want me in your next picture. A lot of big companies are after me.\ 我想告诉你现在或者永远都不会是你想让我出现在你的下一张照片里才是公平的。许多大公司都在追我 可知, 电影导演让拉里第二天见他,因为拉里以明智的方式表达了他的希望 , 故选D。

(3)细节题。根据 Larry got a small part in the director's next film 可知, 拉里设法在这部新电影中扮演了一个角色 ,故选B。

(4)推理题。根据拉里在导演的下一部电影中扮演了一个小角色可知,He was on his Way是他开始走向成功 , 故选B。

(5)主旨题。根据本文介绍了Larry在好莱坞寻求机会的故事可知本文讲述拉里是如何成功的——在好莱坞的新生活中 , 故选D。




A farmer had a brother in town who was a gardener, and his brother had a garden full of the finest fruit trees. So his skill and his beautiful trees were famous everywhere. One day the farmer went into the town to visit his brother, and was surprised at the trees that grew quite well. \and you, and your children, and your children's children will enjoy it.\

Then the gardener called his workmen and ordered them to take up the tree and carry it to his brother's farm. They did so, and the next morning the farmer began to wonder where he should plant it.

\I plant it on the hill,\he said to himself, \wind might catch it and shake down the delicious fruit before it is ripe. If I plant it close to the road, passersby will see it and take away the apples--but if I plant it too near the door of my house, my children may pick the fruit.\after he had thought the matter over, he planted the tree behind his barn (谷仓).

Time passed, but the tree had no fruit the first year, nor the second-then the farmer called his brother. When the gardener came, the farmer said angrily, %useless tree instead of a fruitful one. This is the third year and still it brings out nothing but leaves! \

The gardener laughed and said, \How could you expect flowers and fruit?\

(1)From the passage, we can see the farmer planted the apple tree

A. behind his barn B. on the hill C. close to the road D. near his house (2)The underlined word \

A. 挂果 B. 成熟 C. 开花 D. 成长 (3)What is NOT mentioned in the fifth paragraph?

A. What happened to the apple tree. B. Why the farmer got angry with his brother. C. What kind of man the farmer was. D. Why the farmer called his brother. (4)Which of the following is NOT true?

A. The farmer's brother had a garden full of the finest fruit trees. B. The gardener gave his brother the best apple tree from his garden. C. No flowers, fruit or leaves were on the apple tree. D. The farmer thought his brother gave him a useless tree. (5)What do you know from the end of the story?

A. The farmer moved the tree to the roadside. B. The gardener took the tree to the roadside. C. The tree will have no fruit any more. D. The gardener taught the farmer a lesson. 【答案】 (1)A (2)B (3)C (4)C (5)D


(1)细节理解。根据文章第四段So, after he had thought the matter over, he planted the tree behind his barn (谷仓).可知选A。



(4)细节理解。根据第五段This is the third year and still it brings out nothing but leaves! 可知树没有开花结果,但是长有叶子。故选C。

(5)推理判断。根据最后一段,园丁告诉农民树不结果的原因,故选D,给他上了一课。 【点评】阅读理解考查对篇章的把握和对细节的识别能力,答题时注意紧扣问题中的关键词,在文章中寻找答案。



A well-known old man was being interviewed and was asked if it was correct that he had just celebrated his ninety-ninth birthday.

“That's right.” said the old man. “Ninety-nine years old, and I haven't an enemy in the world. They're all dead.”

“Well, sir,” said the interviewer, “I hope very much to have the honour of interviewing you on your hundredth birthday.”

The old man looked at the young man closely, and said, “I can't see why you shouldn't look fit and healthy to me!”

(1)The old man said he had not an enemy in the world, which shows that he was a very _______.

A. friendly man---- he never made any enemies. B. healthy man---- he lived longer than all his enemies C. lucky man---- his enemies had all died D. terrible man---- he killed all his enemies

(2)When the interviewer said that he hoped very much to have the honour of interviewing the old man again the following year, ________.

A. he was trying to make the old man happy B. he wished he himself would live another year

C. he did not believe the old man would live to be one hundred D. he did not believe he would interview the old man again

(3)When the old man said, “I can't see why you shouldn't”, what he meant was _____________.

A. “You must try to live another year to interview me again next year.” B. “Of course you can see me again since you're so fit and healthy.” C. “If I live to a hundred years, you should interview me again.”

D. “Unless you live another year, you wouldn't be able to interview me again.”

【答案】 (1)B (2)A (3)B


(1)细节理解。根据老人说 I haven’t an enemy in the world. They’re all dead.可知老人是一个健康的人,他的敌人都死了。故选B。

(2)推理判断。根据句中的词hope;have the honour of等可知记者是祝愿老人健康长寿,故选A。




Almost every Chinese can recite the famous poem, \work(谁知盘中餐, 粒粒皆辛苦).\these lines:Don't waste food.

A CCTV programme, News One Plus One, reported that the food Chinese people throw away every year is enough to feed 200 million people for a year.

Do we have too much food? No, according to the UN World Food Programme, there were 925 million hungry people around the world in 2010, especially in developing countries.6 million children die of hunger every year.

Chinese people are well-known for being generous. Many even feel that they will lose face if their guests have eaten all the food on the table.

Luckily, a number of people have realized the importance of saving food. In November, 2011, Li Hong, a waitress in a restaurant in Nanjing, became famous because she took some leftover(剩余的)food home for her son. Many people stood by her side and agreed that it was not right to waste food.

What should we do in our daily lives to save food? Here are some tips:

Do not order too much in a restaurant. Only order what you want to eat. If you cannot eat all the food you ordered, take the rest of it home.

Don't be too picky(挑剔的)about food. Some food may not taste great, but your body needs it.

Keep an eye on what food you have at home. Don't buy too much, especially vegetables and fruit.

(1)According to News One Plus One, Chinese people . A. save enough food to feed 200 million people for a year

2020-2021年 中考英语阅读理解达标检测卷(有答案)1 


