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1. ______________________________ -What can I do for you? - A. Let me have a watch.

B. Could you show me the watch? 2. - I don't know how to thank you enough. -

C. Yes, you can. Give me the watch. D. The watch, please don't give me the pen.

A. No thanks B. Thank you, too

3. --- I'm sorry I broke your mirror. --- Oh, really? ____ . A. It doesn't matter C. Not at all B. Don't be sorry D. It's OK with me

C. Never mind D. It's nothing

4. - Could you help me put up the signs on the wall? - ________ . A. No problem B. I hope so

5. - Peter, don't step on the grass. - ___________ A. It doesn't matter B. I can't do it

6. --- The summer vacation is coming in a few days.

C. That's all right D. That's a good idea

C. Don't worry

D. Sorry, I won't do it again

I'll share the holidays with my daughter by traveling.

A. Congratulations! B. Nice to meet you!

7. ---What are Johnson's family like? ---_____ . A. His family is just like mine B. They all like sports and travel

C. Have a good trip! D. It's very kind of you.

C. Oh, it's really a big one

D. They are all warm-hearted and helpful

8. --- Is there a table for 4, please? ______ , please. Is the one near the backdoor OK? A. Take your time B. This way

C. You are welcome D. After you

9. -Would you mind closing the window? It is windy outside. - ________ A. Not at all. B. Sure, go ahead.

C. Why not? D. Yes, I would.

10. ---Can I get you a drink? --- ____ . But I have already got one. A. That's very nice of you

B. No, you don't have to

C. Yes, please D. With pleasure 11. --Hello, could I speak to Miss Fang, please? -- ____ I'll get her for you. A. Hold on, please. B. I'm Miss Fang.

C. Who are you? D. She is at work.

12. --- Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the post office? A. Don't ask that

B. Sorry, I'm a stranger here

13. --- Have you found anything wrong with my stomach?

'till mexsamining

' s nothing wrong

C. No, I can't say that

D. No, you're driving too fast - ______. I ' ll let you know the result next week. C. Yes, there is a serious problem D. I don ' t know

C. Yeah. I 'samving these seats for friends. D. Sure, it ' s really cheap.

A. Not yet, I

B. Oh, no, there

14. --- Excuse me. Is this table taken? --- ____________ A. Sorry, you should sit somewhere else. B. Yes, you can sit here. 15. A. B. C. D. 16.

--- ________ ? --- He teaches physics in a school. What does your father want to do Who is your father What is your father

Where is your father now

---I know you ' re busy, but youvehato put some time aside to play with your kids. --- _________

A. I should. But I have too much work to do these days. B. I think my children can play by themselves. C. Thank you, but it ' s none of your business. D. Thanks for your concern, and I won' t do that. 17. --- Doctor, I don't feel well. --- ___________ A. You are fine. B. It doesn't matter.

C. What's the matter? D. Don't take it seriously.

18. ---Excuse me, sir, could you tell me the way to People A. Sorry, I ' m a stranger here, too. B. Don' t bother me. C. I don ' t understand you. D. Why don ' t you take a taxi? 19. ---I missed yesterday's football final. --- ___________ A. It's a good idea. B. What a pity!

C. Remember to bring it next time. D. I'm glad to hear that. 20. --- John said he didn ' t like the film you went to last week. What did you think of it? --- ____ , a total waste of time. A. It was not bad B. It was pretty good C. It was boring and unrealistic D. I like it very much 21. ---Do you think it ' s going to rain over the weeke-n-d-_? _____ . A. I believe not

B. I don ' t believe it C. I don ' t believe D. I believe not so

22. --- What's the problem with your bike? --- __________ A. Not at all. B. Nothing serious. C. Good, thank you. D. Sure

23. --- Unbelievable! I have failed the driving test again! --- ____ . This is not the end of the world. A. Cheer up B. Good luck C. Go ahead D. No problem

24. --- Wow! This is a marvelous room! I've never known you're so artistic. --- _________ .

D. It's fineA. Great, I am very art-conscious

B. Don't mention it

C. Thanks for your compliments

--- _'__s__S_q_u_a_r_e_?

第二部分 阅读理解(来自课本文章及统考题库)

1. By defi niti on, heroes and hero ines are men and wome n disti nguished by un com mon courage, achieveme nts, and self-sacrifice made most for the ben efits of others - they are people aga inst whom we measure others. They are men and wome n people say that ours is an age where true heroes and heroines are hard to come by, where the very idea of heroism is something beyond us - an artifact of the past. Some maintain, that because the Cold War is over and because America is at peace, our age is essentially an unheroic one. Furthermore, the overall crime rate is down, poverty has bee n eased by a strong and grow ing economy, and adva nces con ti nue to be made in medical scie nee.

recog ni zed for shap ing our n ati on's con scious ness and developme nt as well as the lives of those who admire them. Yet, some

Cultural icons are hard to defi ne, but we know them whe n we see them. They are people who man age to go beyond celebrity (明星),who are legendary, who somehow mange to become mythic. But what makes some figures icons and others mere celebrities? That's hard to answer. In part, their lives have the quality of a story to tell. For instanee, the beautiful young Diana Spencer who at 19 married a prince, renounced marriage and the throne, and died at the moment she found true love. Good looks certainly help. So does a special indefinable charm, with the help of the media. But nothing con firms an icon more tha n a tragic death - such as Mart in Luther King, Jr., Joh n F. Kenn edy, and Prin cess Diana. 1. The passage mainly deals with _____ . A. life and death B. heroes and icons

C. heroes and heroines D. ic ons and celebrities

2. Heroes and heroines are usually _____ . A. courageous B. exemplary

3. Which of the followi ng stateme nts is wrong? __________ A. Poverty in America has bee n eased with the econo mic growth. B. Superstars are famous for being famous.

C. Heroes and heroines can only emerge in war times. D. On e's look can con tribute to being famous.

4. Beautiful young Diana Spencer found her genuine love _______ . A. just before her death B. whe n she became a prin cess

5. What is more likely to set an icon's status? _______ A. Good looks.

B. The quality of on e's story. 2.

C. Pers onal attracti on D. Tragic and early death. C. whe n she was 19

D. after she gave birth to a prince C. self-sacrifici ng D. all of the above The residents of 24 Acacia Grove were dissatisfied with the condition of the property, so John Preston called a meeti ng to

discuss things last week. At the meet ing Joh n suggested sett ing up a reside nts ' committ

worried and angry about the age nt ' inactivity that they agreed, and they elected Joh n as chairma n of the committee. Many reside nts said that they were tired of telepho ning the age nt and tired of compla ining about the flats. Although the age nt was respon sible for the flats, they thought that he did n

and say that they were disappo in ted with the man ageme nt of the flats.

The n ext service payme nt was due at the end of the mon th. However, they agreed not to pay it un til they were happy with the pla ns to improve the property. They decided to tell the age nt that he must start the work with in one mon th. They all went away very pleased with themselves. 1.

Why did Joh n Prest on call a meet ing last week?

A. Because the reside nts were dissatisfied with the prese nt reside nts

B. Because the residents were dissatisfied with the bad management of the flats. C. Because some reside nts requested to cha nge the prese nt reside nts D. Because he wan ted to become Chairma n of the committee. 2. 3.

Who elected Joh n as chairma n of the committee? A. The age nt. What does the word

B. The committee. C. The residents. D. Acacia Grove. “ inactivity

” mean in the third sentence in Para. 1?

' committee.

' committee.

' t do eno ughkedieefoite Johhewige nt

A. Lack of actions 4. 5.

B. Progress C. State D. Weak ness

What does the word “ due ” theafrr^nse ntence of Para. 2? A. large

A. At the end of the mon th. B. Within one mon th. C. The age nt would tell them.

D. When they were happy with the pla ns to improve the property. B. proper

C. owed

D. to be paid When did they agree to pay the next service payme nt?


Shyn ess is the cause of much un happ in ess for a great many people. Shy people are an xious and self-c on scious; that is, they are excessively concerned with their own appeara nee and actions. Worrisome thoughts are con sta ntly occurri ng in their min ds: What kind of impressi on am I making? Do they like me? Do I sound stupid? Am I weari ng un attractive clothes?

It is obvious that such uncomfortable feeling must negatively affect people. A person ' conception of himself or herself is reflected in the way he or she behaves, and the way a pers on behaves affects other people the way people th ink about themselves has a profo und effect on all areas of their lives.

Shy people, havi ng low self-esteem, are likely to be passive and easily in flue need by others. They n eed reassura nce that they are doing

“ the right thing. ” Shypsepletiare to criticism: they feel it con firms their feeli ngs of

“ You' re just

in feriority. They also find it difficult to be pleased by comp lime nt with a stateme nt like this one: sa

to make me feel good. I know it 'not true. ” is clear that, while self-awareness is a healthy quality, overdoing it is harmful.

Can shyness be completely eliminated, or at least reduced? Fortunately, people can overcome shyness with determ ined and patie nt efforts in buildi ng self-c on fide nce. Since shyn ess goes hand in hand with a lack of self-esteem, it is importa nt for people to accept their weak ness as well as their stre ngths. the easier it becomes to live up to our full potential. Let fulfilli ng life.

1. What does the author try to prove by cit ing

“ what kind of impressi on am I making?

” in Para.1?

Each one of us is a uniq ue, worthwhile in dividual, i nterested in our own pers onal ways. The better we un dersta nd ourselves,

' s not allow shyness to bldck our ch

A. Shy people ben efit from their cari ng about their appeara nce.

B. People ' s shyness made them care too much about their appearance and actions. C. It ' s natural that shy people don

' t believe other ' s compliments.

D. Shy people think they are different from others. 2. Accord ing to the writer, self-aware ness is _____ .

A. a weak pointy of shy people B. the cause of un happ in ess A. good B. un real

A. Shyn ess can block our cha nces for a rich life. B. Shyn ess en ables us to un dersta nd ourselves better. C. Shyn ess helps us to develop our pote ntial. D. Shyn ess has nothing to do with lack of self-esteem. 5. It can be in ferred from the passage that shy people _______ .

A. should find more of their weak ness

B. can get rid of their shyness while maintaining low self-esteem C. had better ignore their weak ness

D. should understand themselves in the right way 4. How men first learnt to invent words is unknown; in other words, the origin of Ianguage is a mystery. All we really know is that men, un like ani mals, somehow inven ted certa in sounds to express thought and feeli ngs, actions and thin gs, so that they could

C. harmful to people D. a good quality C. harmful D. very reas on able

3. That shy people react to a complime nt in such a way is ______ .

4. Which of the followi ng stateme nts is true accord ing to the passage?

com muni cate with each other; and that later they agreed upon certa in sig ns, called letters, which could be combined to present those sounds, and which could be written down. Those sounds, whether spoken or written in letters, we call words.

The power of words, the n, lies in their associati ons - the things they bring up before our min ds. Words become filled with meaning for us by experie nee; and the Ion ger we live, the more certa in words recall to us the glad and sad events of our past; and the more we read and lear n, the more the nu mber of words that mean someth ing in creases.

our mi nds and emotio ns. This charm ing and telli ng use of words is what we call literary style. Above all, the real poet is a master tears. We should therefore lear n to choose our words carefully and use them accurately, or they will make our speech silly and vulgar.

1. The origi n of Ian guage is_______ . A. a lege nd han ded dow n from the past B. a matter that is hidde n or secret C. a questi on difficult to an swer D. a problem not yet solved 2. What is true about words?

A. They are used to express feeli ngs on ly. B. They can not be written down. C. They are simply soun ds. D. They are mysterious.

3. The real power of words con sists in their _____ . A. properties B. characteristics C. peculiarity

D. represe ntative fun cti on

4. By “ association ” in the last paraQraphuthor means ________ . A. a special quality

B. a joining of ideas in the mind C. an appeara nee which is puzzli ng D. a stra nge feature

5. Which of the following statements about the real poet is NOT true? A. He is no more tha n a master of words. B. He can convey his ideas in words which sing like music. C. He can move men to tears. D. His style is always charm ing.

5、There are three kinds of goals: short-term, medium-range and Iong-term goals.

Short-term goals are those that usually deal with current activities, which we can apply on a daily basis. Such goals can be achieved in a week or less, or two weeks, or possibly, mon ths. It should be remembered that just as a build ing is no stronger than its foundation, Iong-term goals cannot amount to very munch without the achievement of solid short-term goals. Upon completing our short-term goals, we should date the occasion and then add new short-term goals that will build on those that have bee n completed.

The in termediate goals build on the foun dati on of the short-term goals. They might deal with just one term of school or the entire school year, or they could even extend for several years. Any time you move a step at a time, you should n ever allow yourself to become discouraged or overwhelmed. As you complete each step, you will enforce the belief in your ability to grow and succeed. And as your list of completion dates grow, your motivation and desire will in crease.

Long-term goals may be related to our dreams of the future. They might cover five years or more. Life is not a static thing. We should n ever allow a Ion g-term goal to limit us or our course of action. 1. Our Ion g-term goals mea n a lot ____ . A. if we cannot reach solid short-term goals B. if we complete the short-term goals Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also express these thoughts in words which appeal powerfully to

of words. He can convey his meaning in words which sing like music and which by their positi on and associati on can move men to



