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2019-2020学年高中新教材外研英语必修第三册课时分层作业:17 Using language

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1.He hurt his leg while riding(ride) a horse during the holiday. 2.If burnt(burn),rubber can give off a poisonous gas. 3.The young soldier lay there still,as if dead(die). 4.He opened his lips as if to say (say) something but he didn't. 5.English words are easily forgotten unless constantly repeated(repeat). 6.If he says he will come to your birthday party,he will. 7.He spent more money than his parents had expected(expect). 8.We are looking for someone who is reliable (rely) and hard-working. 9.She grabbed (grab) the child's hand and ran. 10.Of all China's rivers,the Yangtze River is the longest (long). Ⅱ.完形填空

I had a good day today.It 1 with a morning walk with my dogs under the moonlight before daybreak.It was so beautiful.After the 2 it was time for a warm breakfast followed by some exercise and prayer.Then I drove to the office.The warm sunlight made me 3 and since I was alone with nobody else to be disturbed,I 4 along with the CD playing in my car with a loud voice and a happy heart.

My good day was just beginning, 5 .I helped it along by giving cheerful greetings to everyone I met.I shared smiles and was happy to have them 6 .I offered a helping hand to one friend and a pat on the back to another.Later at the store I 7 the door for a lady with her arms full of packages.I told a 8 cashier what a good job she was doing and watched her whole face 9 .

When I got home I gave my daughter a hug,kissed my oldest son on the head,and 10 with my youngest son before doing some work on the computer.Then I answered letters 11 to share a loving thought or two with my friends around the world.Later in the evening I spent some 12 time reading a good book,petting my dogs on the head. 13 I ended the day the way I started it: walking my dogs under the moonlight, and having the 14 to live for one more good day.

Perhaps the key to having a great life is to live it one good day 15 .Perhaps the key to being happy in this world is to love all we have today.

【语篇解读】 作者通过自己美好的一天告诉人们:爱你今天所拥有的一切,开开心心过好每一天。

1.A.started out C.took over

B.got along D.broke out

A [根据第三段中的“I ended the day the way I started it: walking my dogs”可知,今天开始于清晨带着狗散步。start out开始从事,着手进行。故选A。]

2.A.class C.talk

B.walk D.experiment

B [根据常识可知,散步后是早饭时间,紧跟着是运动和祈祷。故选B。] 3.A.cough C.progress

B.smile D.shake

B [温暖的阳光使我微笑。smile微笑。故选B。] 4.A.jumped C.danced

B.practiced D.sang

D [根据“the CD playing in my car with a loud voice and a happy heart”可知我跟着CD唱歌。故选D。]

5.A.anyhow C.however

B.besides D.instead

C [根据下文的描述可知,此处句意为:然而,这只是我美好的一天的开始。however然而。故选C。]

6.A.afforded C.ignored

B.returned D.accepted

B [我分享微笑,很高兴他人回报微笑。return归还,返回。故选B。] 7.A.held


C.repaired D.knocked

A [后来我在商店门口为一位拿着包裹的女士扶住门。hold握住。故选A。] 8.A.sleepy C.tired

B.selfish D.proud

C [我对一个感到劳累的收银员说她在做一份好工作,看到她面露喜色。tired累的。故选C。]

9.A.show up C.pass away

B.calm down D.light up

D [参考上一题解析。light up露出喜色。故选D。] 10.A.played C.competed

B.drank D.argued

A [和最小的儿子玩耍。play玩。故选A。] 11.A.offering C.trying

B.agreeing D.remembering

C [我给朋友写回信,想和我全世界的朋友分享一两个充满爱意的想法。try尝试。故选C。]

12.A.quiet C.dark

B.rainy D.freezing

A [晚上晚点的时候我会花费安静的时间阅读一本好书。quiet安静的。故选A。] 13.A.Frequently C.Suddenly

B.Actually D.Finally

D [最后我以开始的方式结束了这一天。finally最后。故选D。] 14.A.goal C.chance

B.household D.schedule

C [有机会过又一个美好的一天。chance机会。故选C。] 15.A.right now

B.at a time

C.now and then D.at the same time

B [或许拥有美好生活的关键是好好过每一天。at a time一次。故选B。] Ⅲ.语法填空

Once,a gentleman found a parrot in the woods.The parrot 1. (lie) on the ground,flapping(拍动) its wings.The gentleman walked to it.When he got close and looked at it,he found the parrot had got injured.The gentleman was so kind-hearted that he took it home.

The parrot 2. (take) good care of at the gentleman's home.Some days later,the parrot recovered and could fly around again.But the parrot didn't go.Instead,it lived with the gentleman and learned such nice 3. (word) as “please” and “thank you”.

About two years later,when the parrot was flying around the house,a kid 4. (pass) by caught it and took it home.The gentleman searched 5. it everywhere after noticing it was gone but failed to find it,6. made the gentleman very sad.

About half a year later,one day when the gentleman was walking in a neighborhood nearby,he heard 7. voice shouting,“You stupid thing.Go away.” The gentleman was 8. (surprise).When he looked up,he found it was a parrot that was shouting at him.And when he looked 9. (careful),he recognized it was his missing parrot.

Though it was his missing parrot,it had forgotten all 10. (it) good manners.It formed the habit of speaking dirty words just like the people living there.

【语篇解读】 一只鹦鹉跟一位绅士住在一起的时候很有礼貌,换了环境后,它变得粗鲁起来。

1.was lying [考查动词的时态。那位绅士当时看到那只鹦鹉正躺在地上,故用过去进行时。]

2.was taken [考查动词的时态及语态。the parrot是take这个动作的承受者,又因为这个动作发生在过去,故需用一般过去时的被动语态。]

3.words [考查名词复数。根据“please” and “thank you”可知需用word的复数形式。] 4.passing [考查非谓语动词。此处现在分词作定语,意为“一个从这儿经过的小


5.for [考查介词。search for sth.意为“寻找某物”。]

6.which [考查关系代词。这里需填关系代词which引导非限制性定语从句,指代前面句子描述的事。]

7.a [考查冠词。这里不是特指某个声音,而是说听到一个声音,故用不定冠词。] 8.surprised [考查形容词。那位绅士感到很惊讶,故填surprised。]

9.carefully [考查副词。look是动词,需用副词修饰动词,故填careful的副词形式。] 10.its [考查代词。主语是it,故填形容词性物主代词its,指代“鹦鹉的”。]

2019-2020学年高中新教材外研英语必修第三册课时分层作业:17 Using language


