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八年级英语 (人教版)


1. 待在家里 ___________________ 2. 至少 _________________ 3. 擅长… ___________________ 4. 靠近 _________________ 5. 认为、想起 ___________________ 6. 长大 _________________ 7. 寻找,寻求 ___________________ 8. 打开 ________________ 9. 后天 ___________________ 10.过得高兴 _________ 二、单项选择。(1*10=10分)

( ) 1. My aunt ________ America this morning.

A. arrived B. arrived in C. got D. got on ( ) 2.Peter is ________ because he hardly ever exercises.

A. tired B. happy C. healthy D. unhealthy ( ) 3. Tina is ________ more better at physics than Tara.

A. more B. much C. very D. a lot of ( ) 4. Who listens ________, Tom, Jack or Bill. A. the most carefully B. more carefully C. the most careful D. more careful

( ) 5. _____do you ______ the weather? –I like it.

A. What; like B. How; think of C. What ; think of D. How; like

( ) 6. Next year he is going to ________ and work here. A. move B. move to Beijing

C. moving to Beijing D. moves to Beijing ( ) 7. It is impolite ________ us _______in public.

A. for; to smoke . B. for; smoking. C. of ; to smoke. D. of; smoking

( ) 8. – How many_____ do we need to make fruit salad?

–Two should be enough.

A. cabbage B. potatoes C. bananas D. lemon ( ) 9. He invited me ________ to his house to have dinner?

A. go B.going C. to go D. went


( ) 10. ___ we finish our homework by ourselves, our English teacher _______angry. A. If; will be B. Unless; will be

C. If; will not be D. Unless; will be not

三、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写出单词.(1*10=10分) 1. The weather in china is very d_____________ from that in English. 2. – Is you father as s_________ as your teacher? --Yes, I’m afraid of him. 3. Thanks for you i_________to visit your school next week. 4. Nothing ______ (be) impossible if you try your best. 5. They are trying to do something ______(help) the old.

6. I cannot _______ (promise) you anything at this moment, but I will try my best. 7. I’d love to go shopping with you, but I’m not _________ (有空的). 8. Let’s have a ___________ (感觉意外的)party for our English teacher! 9. I _________ (接受) his present the day before yesterday. 10. You can get lots of useful ____________ (信息)on the internet? 四、用所给词的适当形式填空(2*10=20分)

1--.Did you go out yesterday ?—No, I _______ ( stay) at home.

2. Yang Liping ________ (go) to Beijing with her friends by plane yesterday. 3.—Where _______ (do) Amy go on vacation last summer ? She went to the beach. 4. He visited ______ (he) aunt last spring .

5. Many __________ (visit) arrived at the Stone Forest in 2012. 6. He __________ (play) with his friends just now. 7. They ________ (swim) with their friends yesterday. 8.Did she go to the park with__________ (someone) last year? 9.Did you _______ (go) to Central Park with your family? 10. Mary ________ (be) on vacation yesterday afternoon. 11.Yunnan is a ____________ (wonder) place.


12. I have a lot of housework ________ (do). 13. The movie was very _________ (bored).

14.There were a lot of__________ (store) here in the past. 15. We __________ (buy) lots of delicious food in Yunnan last year. 16.I really enjoy _________ (talk) to you.

17.What is the ______________ (different) between you and her? 18.I find fishing more ____________ ( enjoy) than sleeping.

19.You should look after __________(your) when you study in Yunnan University. 20.There are some __________ (bird) singing on the tree. 五、句型转换。(2*10=20分)

1.If I go to the party, I'll bring them some flowers .(对划线部分提问) _____ ______ _____ bring ______if you go to the party? 2.Study hard, and you'll pass the English exam. ______ ______study hard, ______pass the English exam 3.Wear jeans, and we won't let you in.=

_____ ______wear jeans, we won't let you in.

4. I will study English hard. I will teach English in a school.(用if合并) _______________________________________________________________

5. Mary is eighteen years old.(同义句) Mary is __________________________________ girl.

6.We walked for another two hours.(同义句) We walked for ________________________ hours.

7.I go to dance three times a week.(对划线部分提问) _______________________ do you go to dance?

8.Do you want to come? (同义句) ____________ you ____________ to come? 9.Tom isn’t as good as Tim at playing the drum.(同义句)

Tom is ____________ at playing the drum ________________Tim.

10.She is taller than any other student in her class.(同义句) She is _______________ student in her class.




What will you do if it ________ ________ _______? 2. 我们需要两茶匙蜂蜜。

We need two ______ _______ honey. 3.没有人知道将来会发生什么事。

No one knows ______ _______ ______in the future. 4. 我的口语比听力好。

I’m ________ at speaking than ________. 5. 他认为乡村比城市更美。

He ___________ the country is _________ ______________ than the __________.

6. 由于糟糕的天气,我没能出发。 I couldn’t start ________ _______ the bad weather. 7. 谢谢你邀请我参加你的生日聚会。

Thank you for ________ me ________ _______your birthday party. 8. 她一句话也没说,离开了办公室。

She went out of the office ________ _______ a word. 9. 我讨厌做家务。I ________ _______ the chores.

10、他家离这里有多远? _________ _________ is _________ from here to his home? 七、书面表达(10分)


? Mary, 我最好的朋友,她的生日在1999年8月12日。

? 她的个子比我高一点,性格比我外向得多,我们一起坐公交车上学。 ? 去年,她花了太多的时间玩电脑游戏,所以她的英语成绩不好。

? 后来,Mrs. Brown 告诉她如果不努力学习英语,就无法考上理想的高中(enter a


good Senior High School),所以她努力的学习英语。

? 我正在帮助她学习英语,我相信她会成为我们班最好的学生。 要求:1、请不要逐句翻译,把你学到的单词、短语和句子用起来。 2、词数 70-90词





