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Unit 3《How Many》

Lesson two 教学案例与反思

一、Teaching contents and analysis

本课内容是人民教育出版社出版的小学英语三年级下册Unit3 《How

Many?》第二课。这节课是单词教学,要求学生能听懂老师的指令并完成相应的动作,练习并运用所学的数字。 二、Teaching Aims 1.知识目标

能听、说、认读thirteen,fourteen,fifteen三个数字 2.能力目标

(1)能用学习的数字进行简单的数学计算. (2)能较速说出老师和同学的QQ号码。 3.情感目标

(1)培养学生仔细观察,认真模仿的学习习惯. (2)激发学生学习英语的兴趣,提高学生的自信心。 三、Teaching Key points and difficulties

学习数字thirteen,fourteen,fifteen.能正确认读;重点是\的发音. 四、Teaching Aids

空中英语课堂资源,单词卡片 五、Teaching procedures 1,Warm up

(1)oral practice

T:Hello children.Nice to meet you! S:Nice to meet you too! T:How are you!

S:Fime,thank you,and you? T:very well! (2)Review

Listen to the teacher's instructions and to do some actoins T:show me one and two,show me three and four..... 2,Presentation

T:This class we are going to learn the third unit of how many,today,our friend Lily is coming, (look at the primary English on the air.) T:Let's say \ T:Hello,Lily.

S:Hello,Lily(go on )

T:Lily has brought us a question.How many candles can you see?Can you tell me ?

S:I can see ten.

T:Good,Let's count follow Lily.(look at the primary English on the air.) T:I will send you an English song.I hope you can like it.Let's listen to the music and sing it.(show me your hands) S:(sing together.)

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T:Just now we have counted candles and sung a song together,then let's see what lily will bring us?(look at the primary English on the air.)

T:As you see ,they are a group of our friends,some of which we leared before,some we dont,now let's read follw Lily.(look at the primary English on the air.)

T:Look,these are our old friends,please read together. S:(read together)

T:There are some figures that we do not know,who are they ,let lily tell us!(look at the primary English on the air)

T:these are our new friends.let's repeat after sally,please look at sally's mouth carefully and pay attention to your pronunciation. S:(repeat after sally)

T:look at the board,these figures have one thing in common,can you tell me?

S:with the same\

T:Yes ,these figure ended with the same \ 3,Practice

T:Then let's practice,I will give you some math problems.Look!I have many gifts,if you answer right,you can win the gift, let me see ,who is the winner,ok? S:(practice in pairs)

T:Just now we have done some exercises,then let's play a game,what the rules of the game,listen carefully,please count form one to fifteen,if it's mustiple of four,please clap you hands S:(In game)

4,Consolidation and extension

T:Do you know ,in the west there is an Easter Day ,What Easter is a holiday? let lily tell us .

S:(look at the primary English on the air)

T:peole will send the Easter egg each other,who received more eggs,who's lucy will be better,then look at the cartoon,let's have a look,who has more eggs,Mike or Amy?

S:Mike has twenty eggs,Amy has eleven eggs!Mike has more! T:Now take out a piece of paper and a pen,let's check ,ok?.

S:(Listen to the tape and write down the right answer on the paper.)

T:Today I'm very happy,you are all very clever,I like you very much,I want to make friends with you,I give you my QQ number,please write down my QQ number.please give me your QQ number. S:Students said their QQ number. 5,Wrap up

T:So much for this ,who can sum up the points of this class. S:Students answer.

T:we have played a game,done some exercise,known the Easter,now let's take a look at how lily will sum up.

S:(look at the primary English on the air)

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T:Today I'm very happy,I hope you can remember this class,thanks for yourcooperation,thank you children goodbye. S:Goodbye! 六、教学反思





