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the same….as 和…同样的/相同的 the same…that和…同一个的

6) Such…as 引导的定语从句与such…that引导的状语从句的区别。

He is such a clever boy as everyone likes,(定语从句)

He is such a clever boy that everyone likes him.(状语从句) 第一个句子为定语从句,因为从句中缺成分,而第二句为状语从句,从句不缺任何成分。 (填一填)______ is often the case, we have worked out the production plan.


The school (which/that) he once studied in is very famous. The school in which he once studied is very famous.

Tomorrow I'll bring here the magazine (which/ that) you asked for. Tomorrow I'll bring here the magazine for which you asked.

We'll go to hear the famous singer(whom/who/that)we have often talked about. We'll go to hear the famous singer about whom we have often talked.

The manager whose company I work in pays much attention to improving our working conditions. The manager in whose company I work pays much attention to improving our working conditions.



There used to be a time when the Chinese people struggled for freedom.=There used to be a time at which /during which the Chinese people struggled for freedom. 代替where在定语从句作地点状语

This is the office where/in which I used to work. 代替why在定语从句中做原因状语

I’d like you to explain the reason why/for which you were absent. 代替that在定语从句中作方式状语

There are varieties of ways that/in which we can solve this problem. “名词/代词+介词+关系代词”结构

此类结构常见的有:some/several/a few/a little/many /more/ most/ the largest(land)of which/whom等形式

Here are the questions, some of which I thought difficult for you.


He lived in a big house ,in front of which stood a big tree. “介词+which/whom+不定式“结构

The poor man has no house in which to live. = The poor man has no house to live in.= The poor man has no house in which he can live

The beggar has no money with which to buy food. =The beggar has no money to buy food with, =The beggar has no money that he can buy food with, ②关系代词前介词的确定


I bought a great many books, on which I spent all my money that I saved.

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I’ll never forget the time during which I spent my childhood in the country. 根据所表达的意思来确定

The colorless gas without which we cannot live is called oxygen.

注意:1)含有介词的短语动词一般不拆开,介词扔放在短语动词的后面 [误]This is the right tape for which I’m looking.

[正]This is the right tape which I’m looking for.(这就是我正在找的磁带) [误]The babies after whom the nurse is looking are very healthy.

[正]The babies(whom/who/that) the nurse is looking after are very healthy. 常见的不可拆开的动词词组有:

care for喜欢,关心 deal with处理 对付look for/after 寻找/照顾 send for 派人去请 get through 通过,到达,接通电话 hear from/of收到某人的来信/听说 see to 照管,料理 2)若介词放在关系代词前,关系代词指人时只可用whom, 不可用who, that;关系代词指物时只可用which,不可用that.关系代词是所有格时用whose [误]The man with that/ who you talked just now is my neighbor. [正]The man with whom you talked just now is my neighbor. [误]The plane in that we flew to Canada was really comfortable. [正]The plane in which we flew to Canada was really comfortable.

3)“介词+关系代词”前还可有some, any , none, all, both, neither, many, most, each, few等代词或者数词。

He loves his parents deeply, both of whom are very kind to him.

Up to now, he has written ten stories, three of which are about country life.


Way 后面的定语从句

如果先行词way后面的定语从句中缺少宾语或主语,则用that或which。如果定语从句中缺少方式状语,则用in which,that或省略引导词。 that

The way which he explained to us was quite simple. 不填

(他向我们解释的那种方法很简单) that

The way in which he explained the sentence to us was not difficult to understand. 不填



This is the second time (that) the President has visited the country.

This was at a time when /during which there were no radios ,no telephones or no TV sets. but引导的定语从句

but 引导定语从句,多用于否定句中,but 相当于that/which...not.如: There are few of us but respect you.=that don't respect you. There is not a single room in this hotel but is empty.= which is not empty. 7 / 11


1).主句中的先行词和从句中的谓语动词的一致 The recorder that has been give to me is home-made. I didn’t meet the guests who were here last week.


Henry is doing experiments in the laboratory which are important to his studies of certain chemicals.(which的先行词只能是experiments,而不是laboratory,因为which后的谓语动词是复数)

Peter and John often take their aunt in a car to the parks which has been given to them as a present.(which指的是单数的car,而不是复数的parks,因为一般car才能作为礼物送给人) 2)关系代词as或which作主语指的是它前面的整个主句时,动词要用单数 He comes early,as is always his habit.

3)当先行词是“one of the+复数名词(短语)”,并且关系代词在从句中作主语时,从句的谓语动词通常用复数。

This is one of the questions that have been raised by the audience.

注意:当“one of the+复数名词”这个短语前有the only, the very 等时,关系代词所代表的是一个单数的概念。

The Schoolmaster is the only one of his short stories that is not well written. 4) 其他情况

I, who am your teacher ,will try my best to help you .

To own a computer in families, which was thought impossible twenty years ago, now becomes true.

高考中的易错点 易错点1:选择定语从句的引导词要辨别出替代人还是物,在从句中担当什么成分,是否是


His movie won several awards at the film festival, which was beyond his widest dream.



He is one of the boys who like English.(who 替代boys为复数,故用like的原形) He is the only one of the boys who likes English.(who 替代the only one,是三单,故用likes)



1) 介词有定语从句中的动词搭配决定,如turn to ,accuse sb of sth等

There is nobody in the street to whom I can turn for help.(turn to sb for help)

(改错)Wind power is an ancient source of energy from which we may return in the near future.

2) 当从句提到的事物是从总数中分出的一部分时,常用介词of,或由整句话的意思决定.

I have many friends here ,some of whom are businessmen.

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He graduated from the school, after which he went abroad.

The journey around the world took the old sailor nine months, of which the sailing time was 226 days. (选一选)The factory produces half a million pairs of shoes every year,80%______ are sold abroad.

A. of which B. which of C. of them D. of that 3) 介词由先行词决定

Is this the school in which you studied ten years ago.


1) 定语从句与并列句或短语.

这类题目的选项设置为的是让考生在连词与代词或副词之间进行选择.解决这类题目只需要判断是不是从句即可,是从句选连词,否则选代词或副词.如: There are 200 workers in the factory, most of them women.

There are 200 workers in the factory; most of them are women.(;相当于连词) There are 200 workers in the factory and most of them are women.(句中已有and) 比较:There are 200 workers in the factory, most of whom are women. (填一填)Some pre-school children go to a day care center, _______they learn simple games and songs. 2) 定语从句与强调句


①做题时要判断准确从句是定语从句还是强调句,然后选择恰当的引导词。(若把it is/was和连词去掉,句子仍然成立,就是强调句)。如:

It was eight last night when he came back.(这是定语从句,关系副词代替时间,在从句中充当状语,故用when)

比较:It was at eight last night that he came back.(这是强调句,所以选用that) ②注意有时强调句中套定语从句。如:

It was in the factory where she worked(定语从句) that I got to know her(强调句)。 ③强调句中套定语从句,但强调句承前省略。 ---Where did you get to know her?

-----It was on the farm where we worked.(强调句that I got to know her承前省略了,可判断是定语从句)

3) 定语从句与状语从句

注意in which 只用于引导定语从句,可与when或where互换使用,它不可以引导状语从句。

地点状语从句只要在where前加上to/in/from the place,便可变为定语从句。如: This kind of plants can grow well where it is warm and wet.(状语从句)

比较:This kind of plants can grow well in the place where(in which)it is warm and wet.(定语从句)

(填一填)There were dirty marks on her trousers _____ she had wiped her hands.

4) 定语从句与同位语从句

这类题目主要设置考查which,that的选择。which不可以引导同位语从句。 Word came that he got first in the competition.(同位语从句)

This is the news that (which或不填) he told us yesterday.(定语从句)

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在定语从句中有时会出现插入现象(I think; I suppose; I know等),它丝毫不影响定语从句的正常语序和主谓一致。如:

I suggest you choose someone who you think is kind and friendly. I went to Mary, who I know will help me whenever I am in trouble. You should call him first, who I am afraid will come, too.


在where,介词+which引导的定语从句中,有时会出现倒装语序,where, 介词+which在从句中作地点状语。如:

This is our school, in front of which lies a lake. We got to a farm where lived a farmer and his wife.

如何解题 方法1:准确判断是不是定语从句

考例1:George Orwell, __ was Eric Arthur, wrote man political novels and essays.

A. the real name B. what his real name C. his real name D. whose real name 考例2:It is none of your business ___ other people think about you. Believe yourself. A. how B. what C. which D. when

(解析:由句子结构可知,it是形式主语,后面从句是真正的主语。what 引导主语从句,且在从句中作介词about 的宾语。)


方法2:充分利用定语从句引导词词的三个作用:替代、连接、在从句中充当成分 根据替代的先行词和从句缺少的成分选择相应引导词与主谓一致问题。

考例:In an hour, we can travel to places___ would have taken our ancestors days to reach. A. where B. when C. which D. what

(解析:本体考查定语从句的引导词替代前面句子的意思,在从句中作主语。) 方法3:注意几个特殊的先行词后的定语从句引导词的选择 当先行词是point, business, case或situation时,若从句中主语和宾语完整,需用where引导定语从句。

当先行词是occasion时, 若从句中主语和宾语完整,需用when引导定语从句。 考例:We 're just trying to reach a point ___ both sides will sit down together and talk. A. where B. that C. when D. which 考场模拟

1.________ John Kennedy put it, \for your country.\

2. ---What will you major in when entering college?

---Well, I choose law, to be a lawyer, _______ I have been intended for. 3.Ahead of me I saw a women ________ I thought was my aunt.

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4.I'm glad to introduce Mr. Smith to you, without_________ consideration our project would have ended in failure.

5.There are many kinds of birds in Australia, and over 140 species of snakes, many of ________ extremely dangerous.

6.I hope that the little _________ I have been able to do does good to them all.

7.The small mountain village ________ we spent our holiday last month lies in ________ is now part of Hubei. (改错)

1.On the long flight to Hawaii, the memory of my childhood, which I was my father's shadow, came flooding back.

2.These houses are sold at such a low price which people expected. 3.The bike is mine. This is the same bike as I have lost.

4. Quite a few use them to keep in touch with their families and friends, that, of course, is convenient.

5. It is working in a team instead of on m own who has freed me of trouble and made me work more efficient.

6.When the child was a little boy, the mother was so poor that she had to send him to a rich couple which had no children.

7.One evening, the lady died quietly of a serious illness and on her bed the doctor found a letter, in it he discovered the truth and felt the love of a great mother.

8. The job was hard and bored and seemed endless, it made me so tired that I nearly stopped it halfway.

9. Now, I understand that labor means.

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