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广东大埔县 2017 高考英语一轮语法填空综合训练(4)

2016 高考语法填空。

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于 3 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

While thousands of college students headed for warm climate to enjoy sun and fun during their week off from classes, seven local students had other plans.

The Northern Essex Community College (NECC) students and one of their teachers spent part of their spring break in New York City, helping repair an area 61

(destroy) by the hurricane. 62 it

“I wanted to see for myself what happened,” said Terry. “I couldn’t imagine is like to lose your home and everything that you know and the 63

(power) effect the

hurricane had on those people. I wanted to do something, to understand their feeling of helplessness.”

The group headed into Brooklyn’s Red Hook district, which was hit hard by the hurricane. There they met people from other parts of the country, 64 had also volunteered to help. Together, those volunteers and the NECC students 65 (work) to clear rubbish out of a three-story building. They put on protective suits and gloves 66

they entered the building.

Inside the building, the students saw nothing but broken walls and doors and pieces of the building

67 (lie) all over the place.

69 The students returned to school with 68 sense of achievement, a feeling that

helped people in need. I was remarkable how a community lost so much and was still able to recover, and this left the deepest impression 70 the students. 语法填空

61. destroyed 62. what

63. powerful 64. who 68. a

69. they

65. worked 70. On

66. before

67. lying

语法填空。阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使 用括号中词语的正确形式填空。

Levi Strauss was born in 1829 in Germany. He was the fifth of six children. In 1845,his father died. All six children decided 1.

(go) to the United States. Strauss went to the


southeastern part of the US. For eight years,he walked along the country roads 2.




dry goods from door to door—just like his father in Germany.

In 1853,Strauss decided to move to San Francisco,3. for gold.4. one thing 5.

thousands of people were looking

his way to California,Strauss sold almost all of his dry goods. He had only (leave)some canvas (帆布).

In California,Strauss tried to sell the canvas to the gold miners. He said they could make tents from the canvas. But they weren’t 6. 7.

(interest) in canvas for tents. Strauss didn’t know

to do with the canvas. Before long Strauss found the miners needed new pants. There

the cloth wasn’t strong. He decided to make the canvas

were holes in their pants 8. 9.

pants.They called them “Levi’s”.Later, Strauss stopped using canvas and used a

different cloth. It was a heavy cotton cloth—the same kind people wear today.

Levi Strauss died in 1902.He never married and left money to his nephews. He left the world much more—the jeans 10. 【参考答案及解析】

so many people wear.

1. to go [decide to do sth.“决定做某事”,为固定用法。]

2. selling [动词 sell 与主语 he 为主动关系,故用其现在分词形式作伴随状语。]

3.where [where 引导非限制性定语从句,相当于 in which,在从句中作状语。] 4.On [on one’s way to...“在去……的路上”,为固定搭配。]

5.left [动词 leave 与宾语 one thing 之间为动宾关系,故用其过去分词形式作补语。] 6.interested [be interested in...“对……感兴趣”。]

7. what [what 引导宾语从句,且在从句中作动词 do 的宾语。]

8. because [根据文意可知,此处为因果关系。因为布不结实,所以他们的裤子上有窟窿。] 9.into [make...into...“把……制成……”,为固定搭配。]

10.that/which [此处 that/which 引导定语从句,修饰 the jeans,且在从句中作 wear 的宾语。]

2016 高考训练题。

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。请将答案写在答题卡上, 写在本试卷上无效。

The Internet is an amazing information resource. Students, teachers, and researchers use it as 61_ investigative tool. Journalists use it to find information for stories. Doctors use it to learn more about unfamiliar diseases and the 62_ (late) medical development.




Ordinary people use it for shopping, banking, bill-paying, and communicating with family and friends. People all over the world use it to connect with individuals from cultures. However, 64

there are many positive developments



63 countries and

(associate) with the

Internet, there are also certain fears and concerns. of control over 67

concern relates to a lack

appears on the Internet. With television and radio there are editors

to check the accuracy or appropriateness of the content of programs, and with television there are 68 (restrict) on what kinds of programs can 69 (broadcast) and at what times of the day. With the Internet, parents cannot check a published guide to determine what is suitable 70 their children to see.


61.an 66.One

62.latest 67.what

63.other/different 68.restrictions

64.while 65.associated


69. be broadcast(ed)

【语法填空】A Unique Theme Park

As soon as our shuttle got close to the theme park to life and put on cloth sneakers in advance for 2

1 the freeway, everyone came 3 (translate) the sunlight. well preserved outing. Our

paid for the admission, and we started enjoying the various attractions 4

According to the travel brochure, this unique park is famous for 5

minority culture. We experienced many deeds of the early settlers, such as swinging across rivers, hunting creatures in the jungle, or 6 (take) part in swords fighting tournaments.

This park is also famous for its wooden souvenirs. Whichever we bought in the central shop

7 (make) of wood, and 8 we went we could see minority carpenters 9 (work).

They made wooden tools, wooden cartoon figures, wooden athletic products and so on. They even built a huge wooden engine with a length of 20 metres, 10

was modeled after a real one.

This theme park is really a fantasy amusement park. No wonder it has become the brand of local tourism.


1. by

2. an 3. translator 4. in 5. its 9. working

10. which

6. taking

7. was made 8. wherever




