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Unit 5 Why do you like pandas


1.This is B elephant and elephant is from Africa. A.a;the B.an;the C.an;an


2.Let’s B to the park this weekend. A.to go B.go C.goes D.going

3.—Why do you like the TV program The Animal World? — D it’s really interesting and I love animals. A.But C.If

B.So D.Because

4.The students from Beijing want C the pandas in danger. A.save C.to save

B.saves D.saving

5.—My pet dog can walk D two legs.What about ? —My pet dog can do it,too. A.in;your C.on;your

B.in;yours D.on;yours

6.—Why C you like math?

—Because it’s too and boring. A.do;difficult




7.Martha is a B girl.She always smiles and says hello to others. A.shy C.crazy

B.friendly D.healthy

8. Koalas are B interesting but tigers are really scary. A.a kind of C.kinds of

B.kind of D.all kinds of

9.— D do they kill elephants? —They kill elephants their ivory. A.What;on C.Why;on

B.What;for D.Why;for

10.Don’t B trees and we should love nature. A.cut up C.cut off

B.cut down D.cut out

Ⅱ.完形填空(每小题1.5分 共15分)

Welcome to the City Zoo! There are many 11. C in the zoo.Let’s see the koalas first.Koalas are 12. B Australia.They are quiet,13. A and cute.Children like them very much.The kangaroos(袋鼠)are also from 14. D .They are quiet and interesting,15. B they are not friendly.

The giraffes come from Africa.They have a 16. C neck(脖子).They like to eat leaves.The lions are also from Africa.They are exciting,but a little 17. D .Many people don’t like 18. D .We also have pandas.They are from China.They are very cute and friendly,but they are very shy.So please be 19. C .

You can also see many other animals in the zoo.Have 20. B and enjoy yourself here! 11.A.children C.animals

B.flowers D.vegetables

12.A.at C.in

13.A.friendly C.ugly 14.A.Canada C.America 15.A.or C.and 16.A.short C.long 17.A.smart C.shy 18.A.it C.us 19.A.busy C.quiet

B.from D.with B.successful D.difficult B.China D.Australia B.but D.so B.big D.small B.clever D.scary B.you D.them B.clean D.new

C.dinner D.food

20.A.music B.fun



When people think of tigers,they think they are strong and dangerous.But now,the big animal is calling for our help.

There were once eight kinds of tigers in the world,but three died out during the 20th century.The Siberian tiger has been in danger of dying out completely.If the government doesn’t make any efforts(努力),it’s quite possible that there will be no more Siberian tigers in China in ten to twenty years.

In order to double the number of wild tigers in the next ten years,the World Wildlife Fund(世界野生动物基金会) has started a program recently.It aims to save wild tigers and put an end to tiger hunting(打猎)and killing.China,together with twelve other countries,has joined in.

Wild animals,such as red deer and wild pigs,are the main food of the tigers.The hunting of these animals is the greatest threat(威胁) to tigers.So the most important thing is to save the animals that tigers eat.To protect the wild tigers,we need to call on more people to stop eating and hunting wild animals. 根据短文内容,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)

( T )21.In people’s eyes,tigers are strong and dangerous.

( F )22.There are only eight kinds of tigers left in the world now.

( T )23.The WWF has started a program recently to stop poaching and save wild tigers. ( T )24.The wild tigers mainly eat wild animals,such as red deer and wild pigs. ( F )25.To protect the wild tigers,we need to hunt other wild animals.


Elephants have very strong legs.Their legs are like trees.They usually walk slowly because they are so big,but they walk very quietly.

Wild elephants living in the jungle(丛林) usually stay together in big families.Usually one old elephant leads them.The others follow their leader.They usually move about at night,looking for food.In the hot daytime,they go to sleep in the cool shade of the trees.Elephants are kind animals.When one of them is hurt and cannot pull itself to its feet,the other elephants lift it up and help it to walk.

Some people say that elephants never forget.They remember people who are kind or bad to them.

26.Elephants usually walk slowly because A .

A.they are very big B.they are quiet C.they are very strong

D.they want to eat leaves along the way

27.Wild elephants living C usually stay together in big families. A.in the zoo B.in the suburbs C.in the jungle D.in the cities

28.When an elephant is hurt and cannot keep itself to its feet,the others A . A.lift it up and help it to walk B.run away as soon as possible C.kill it immediately D.carry it to a safe place

29.If you hurt an elephant,what may happen when you meet it again five years later? B

A.It may not remember you and walk away. B.It may kick you or do something to hurt you. C.It may eat the food you give it. D.It may let you take photos with it. 30.When elephants stay together, C . A.not all the elephants follow their leader B.the youngest elephant leads them C.there is a leader D.there is no leader




