新视野大学英语3第二版读写教 程答案含中文
When I think of people in this world who have really made a differenee, I think of my parents. They were truly saints among ordinary people. I was one of the ten ehildre n my pare nts adopted. They rescue (挽
救)each of us from a life of poverty and Ion eli ness. They were hardly
able to restrain (克制)themselves from bringing home more ehildren to care for. If they had had the resources (资源) they eertainly would have.
Most people do not realize how much they appreciated (感激) some one un til they pass away. My sisters and brothers and I did not want this to happe n before we uttered (说) the words \nts.
Although we have all grown up and scattered (散落) about the coun
try, we got back together to tha nk our pare nts. My brother Tom un dertook (从事,承担)
the task of organizing the eve nt. Every
Friday ni ght, Mom and Dad have had the ham dinner special at the same restaura nt for the last twe nty years. That is where we waited without their knowing. When we first caught a glimpse (瞥一眼) of them coming across the street, we all hid undern eath( 在…之下) a big table. Whe n they en tered, we leapt out and shouted, \Mom and Dad.\(提供)them with a card and we all hugged. My Dad pretended that he had known we were un der the table all along.
当我想到的人在这个世界上真的有区别,我认为 我的父母。他们是真正的圣徒在普通人中间。我 是十个孩子的父母。他们拯救(挽救)我们每个人 从贫穷和孤独的生活。他们几乎能够抑制(克制) 把更多的孩子带回家照顾自己。如果他们有资源 (资源)他们肯定会。大多数人都没有意识到他们 欣赏(感激)的人,直到他们去世。我和我的兄弟姐 妹不希望这样的事情发生在我们说出的话 )
“谢谢”我们的父母。虽然我们都长大了,分散(散 落)的国家,我们一起回来,感谢我们的父母,
我的 哥哥汤姆进行了(从事,承担)的任务组织事件。每 一个星期五的晚上,妈妈和爸爸有火腿晚餐特别 在同一餐厅过去二十年了。我们等了不知道。当 我们第一次瞥见(瞥一眼)的街对面,我们都躲在 (在…之下)一个大表。当他们进入,我们跳出,喊道:
“谢谢你,妈妈和爸爸。”我弟弟汤姆提出(提供) 卡和我们都拥抱。我爸爸假装他知道我们是在桌 子底下。
1. 无论你是多么富有经验的演说家,无论你做了多么充分的准备,你 都很难
在这样嘈杂招待会上发表演讲(no matter how )
No matter how experieneed a speaker you are, and how well you have prepared your speech, you will have difficulty making a speech at such a no isy receptio n. 2.
就像吉米妹妹(just as )
Just as all his sister' s friends cared about him, Jimmy cared about them. 3.
车的几处都印有汽车识别号码, 车辆
以便帮助找回被 盗