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Happy En glish Book 4

Unit Three Topic Lesson 1 Weather Situati on 早晨,房间里,天天还没起床,妈妈站在窗前和天天说话:T: Mum,how's the weather today? M: It's sunny. It ' s sunny sunny cloudy windy rainy snowy 1、 一课时完成。 2、 基本要求:听懂、会说本课词汇;较高要求:学习基础较好的学生 听懂、会Structure Vocabulary Teach ing suggesti on 说本课的句子;更高要求:认读本课词汇。 3、 所学:-Hi! How s the weather today? -A sunny day, isn ' t it? Lesson 2 -Yeah!引出本课内容。 Let ' s chant! 1、 理解歌谣的大意并能跟随录音模仿说;对歌谣中的个别词汇不作教 学要求。 Teach ing suggesti on 2、 Is it rainy? No/ Yes 舞鮎 Lesson 3 Let' s sing! 1、 理解歌曲的大意并能跟随录音模仿唱;对歌曲中的个别词汇不作教 学要求。 Teach ing suggesti on 2、 Let s fly kites together. 学生第一次接触。 …Let s go out and play. 学生第一次 通过复习以前-It ' s fine. Lesson 4 I. Let ' s listen and number. 1. cloudy. 2. windy 3.s unny 4. snowy 5. rainy II . Let ' s listen and match. How's the weather in Beijing? It's fine. How's the weather in Tianji n? It's rainy. How's the weather in Nanjing? It's cloudy. How's the weather in Hong Kong? It's win dy. How's the weather in London? It's sno wy. III. Let ' s draw and talk. IV. Let ' s listen. 同学们,让我们一起来听一段英语小短剧吧! (早晨的闹铃声,一个小女孩在与妈妈对话) (G=girl M=mum) G: Good morning. Mum! M: Morni ng!

G: How's the weather today? M: It's sunny.

G: Great! Let's go to the park. OK? M: OK. Let ' s go.

G: Can I wear my new dress? M: Sure.

G: Tha nk you, Mum.

1、 本课最后一项Let ' s listen.为情境化的听力赏析栏目,将本单元 词汇置于

Teach ing suggesti on

一个完整的语言情境中,让学生学会听关键词,理解对话、短 文、或歌谣的大意,体会英语语言的韵味美,体验到学习英语的快乐和 成功。

特别注意:注重理解,其中的新语言知识不做教学要求。 2、 在听前,给学生提出几个问题,让学生带着问题听。 1、 我能用英语说出本单元天气的名称 2、 我能说唱本单元的歌曲和歌谣

Self-assessme nt

3、 我能用英语谈论天气 4、 听力赏析活动我能听懂




