【期刊名称】《微计算机信息》 【年(卷),期】2014(000)017
【摘要】The study of the mine rock series features two iron ore mining Gongchangling, ore characteristics, structure and composition of the ore group characteristics. The results show that the ore by undersea volcanic jet, the deposition-by regional metamorphism of banded iron formation amphibole(hornblende), quartz magnet lean ore by migmatization hydrothermal stage, through desilication role in the formation of the bulk magnet bonanza, and mine for a variety of causes complex deposits.%分析、研究了弓长岭铁矿二矿区的矿岩系特征、矿体特征、矿石组构和成分特征。研究结果显示,该铁矿受海底火山的喷气、沉积作用--经区域变质形成的条带状铁闪石(角闪石),石英磁铁贫矿经混合岩化热液交代阶段,通过脱硅作用形成了块状磁铁富矿,且该矿为多种成因的复合矿床。 【总页数】2页(156-157)
【关键词】铁矿;矿体特征;花岗岩;鞍钢 【作者】李永
【作者单位】山西省地勘局二一七地质队,山西 大同 037008 【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】P618.2 【相关文献】