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Ⅰ. 阅读理解

(2019·四川乐山模拟)Easy to make and cheap to buy, instant noodles have long been China's ultimate convenience food.

Since it was a snack for students, a meal on the train, or just the go to choice for hungry workers, more than 46.2 billion packets were sold in China in 2013. But it seems this industry has gone off the boil. By 2016 those sales had declined to 38.5 billion, according to the World Instant Noodle Association, a drop of almost 17%.

“This phenomenon shows an unnoticeable while continuous change in China's consumption (消费) patterns,” said Zhao Ping of the Academy of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade. He told the China Daily, “Consumers are more interested in life quality than just filling their bellies these days.”

About 730 million people in China now have access to the Internet according to government figures. And about 95% of those are using smart phones to connect. And apps that offer food delivery to your home, office or wherever you happen to be are a real fast developing industry.

Their menus are undoubtedly more expensive than a pot of instant noodles. But these meals can still be inexpensive, and arguably more tasty, depending on your favor.

But put in the global background, China is still easily the biggest market for instant noodles. In fact, China's consumption was roughly equal to Indonesia, Japan, Vietnam, India, the US, South Korea and the Philippines combined.

And that means global noodle manufacturers are unlikely to turn

away from the Chinese market. Japan's instant noodle business Nissin Foods, for example, is planning to land on the stock market, in Hong Kong, by which operation it hopes to raise about 145 million dollars. It is rare for a Japanese firm to list in Hong Kong, but Nissin is talking up its prospects in China, where it is already the fifth biggest brand.

“Some consumers stopped consuming instant noodles, but most consumers want to increase the quality (of food they consume),” chief executive Kiyotaka Ando told CNBC last week.

“We can supply high-quality products so we have more possibility to develop our business.”

1. The phrase “go off the boil” in Paragraph 2 is close in meaning to ________. A. stop boiling C. develop rapidly food choices.

A. the development of food manufacturing industry B. the fall of price in foods beyond instant noodles C. the technological development on communication D. people's doubt on instant noodles' food safety

3. Which of the following descriptions is TRUE according to the text? A. China consumes more instant noodle than any other country does. B. China is beginning to lose its first place in instant noodle business. C. Nissin is the fifth biggest brand of Japan's instant noodle business. D. Nissin is planning to build an instant noodle factory in Hong Kong. 4. We can infer from the text that ________.

A. China's instant noodle consumption will continue to drop B. Chinese people will favor cheaper instant noodles to save money

B. turn down D. get out of control

2. According to the text, it is because of ________ that people have more

C. instant noodles will have a pessimistic prospect in the future D. instant noodle manufacturers will focus more on its food quality 答案与解析

【文章大意】 这篇文章主要讲了因为在交流方面技术的发展,所以人们有了更多食物的选择,速食面产业的销量在下降,但是中国消费的速食面仍然比其他国家要多。 1. 答案 B

解析 词义猜测题。由“By 2016 those sales had declined to 38.5 billion, according to the World Instant Noodle Association, a drop of almost 17%.”可猜测出这句话的意思是看起来这个产业在减少,所以“go off the boil”的意思是“减少”,故B项正确。 2. 答案 C

解析 判断推理题。根据“About 730 million people in China now have access to the Internet according to government figures. And about 95% of those are using smart phones to connect. And apps that offer food delivery to your home, office or wherever you happen to be are a real fast-developing industry.”可推断出,因为在交流方面技术的发展,所以人们有了更多的食物选择余地。 3. 答案 A

解析 细节理解题。由“But put in the global background, China is still easily the biggest market for instant noodles. In fact, China's consumption was roughly equal to Indonesia, Japan, Vietnam, India, the US, South Korea and the Philippines combined.”可知,中国消费的速食面比其他

任何国家要多。 4. 答案 D

解析 推理判断题。由“We can supply high-quality products so we have more possibility to develop our business.”可推断出,速食面产业将会更加关注产品的质量。 Ⅱ. 阅读填句

When someone new moves into the neighborhood, it's a good opportunity to make a friend. __1__ So making the first move will be a welcome gesture.__2__ Make the first step by paying a visit to your neighbor. Make your visit brief at first, just a few minutes, so you don't completely overwhelm(淹没)them in the beginning. Once you break the ice, conversations will be easier going forward. Your neighbor will be more apt(有……倾向)to ask you things about the area, get restaurant suggestions, or just gossip about their day. __3__ They'll want to know about any new children in the neighborhood they can play with, too.

__4__ Offer to show them around your area by pointing out the grocery stores, playgrounds, and restaurants. This is an especially good option for inward individuals, who can enjoy some one on one conversation while you explore your neighborhood. End your tour with a stop at the coffee shop, where you buy them a cup of Joe before heading home.

Invite Them to a Community Event

__5__ This will help you welcome the new people on the block and anyone else you haven't connected with yet. You can do this by having a block party or inviting a group to a community event, farmer's market,

library sale, or something similar. A. Have Dinner With Them. B. Give Them a Walking Tour. C. Introduce Yourself and Say Hello.

D. If you have kids, be sure to bring them along.

E. Some people feel comfortable inviting new people over for a home-cooked meal.

F. Your neighbor will want to get acquainted with everyone and even the all new city.

G. What better way to get closer to your neighbors than by inviting them to an event? 答案与解析

【文章大意】 本文是一篇说明文,文章介绍了如何与新搬来邻居结识和相处。一、主动介绍自己与对方结识;二、带邻居四处走走;三、带邻居参加社区活动。 1. 答案 F

解析 根据下文中的“So making the first move will be a welcome gesture”可知,本题应该与下文构成因果关系。唯有F选项能够与下文构成因果关系。 2. 答案 C

解析 本段首句“Make the first step by paying a visit to your neighbor.”中的paying a visit与F选项中的visit前后呼应,利用关键词复现法可确定答案为C项。 3. 答案 D



