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Section Ⅴ Writing——想象类作文





2.要用一个明确的主题。想象类作文虽然题材广泛,但所选的材料必须紧扣这个主题。 3.要有现实依据。

4.任何文章首先要确定时态(一般将来时为主)、人称(可采用第一人称或第三人称来叙述)和写作手法,想象类作文也不例外。一般来说这类作文中描述性词句比较多。写作时多用表示将来的句型:will,will be doing,be to do等;正确运用表示推测的情态动词:may,might,could,would等;选择运用表达可能性的词汇:possible,probable,likely,may,maybe等。



Sometimes I dream about life in the future. I imagine life in the future from time to time. I am curious about future life.

It's fascinating to imagine life in the future. 2.表达预测的常用句式: Maybe in the future we can...

There is a possibility that human beings will... Perhaps some people will... We will be living...in the future. 3.结尾常用句式:

I believe the dream will come true some day.

In my opinion,the dream will be turned into reality one day. As far as I'm concerned,we will realize the dream sooner or later.



假如你叫李华,将参加某英文报刊开展的一次主题为“Life in 2050”的征文活动。请你根据下列要点




2.交通方面:一些超速的自行车或一些使用太阳能为动力的汽车会流行起来。 3.居住:人们有可能生活在地下或其他星球上。 [审题谋篇] 体裁 主题 结构 [遣词造句] Ⅰ.对接模块词汇 1.save energy 2.be made of 3.use solar energy 4.become popular 5.live underground

节约能源 用……做成 使用太阳能 流行起来 生活在地下

说明文 未来生活 时态 人称 第一段:介绍未来的生活, 第二段:谈谈个人的感想。 一般将来时 第一人称 6.in all/in conclusion/in a word 总之 Ⅱ.巧用模块句式、语法 (一)完成句子


If we work with a strong will,we can overcome any difficulty, no matter how great it is.


He didn't come today,making it necessary for us to find someone to do his work. 3.有向导带路,我们准时到达了那里。

With the guide leading the way,we got there on time. 4.到那时,改变办公室工作人员的工作方式是很有可能的。

Then it will be possible to change the way people work in any office. 5.二十年后我们将生活在什么地方?

Where will we be living in twenty years' time? 6.不是所有的书都特别有用。 Not all the books are of great use. (二)句式升级

7.No one knows for sure,but it's sure to change a lot.(用it is certain that改写句子)

No one knows for sure,but it's certain that it will change a lot.


8.We will wear clothes and these clothes are made of special materials.They can change into the color and temperature we like.(用过去分词作定语和非限制性定语从句改写句子)

We will wear clothes made of special materials,which can change into the color and temperature we like.



Life in 2050

What will our life in 2050 be like? No one knows for sure,but it's certain that it will change a lot.In my opinion,in our life,mobile phones and computers will be more and more popular,but they will be powered by solar or wind energy because more energy should be saved.Besides,we will wear clothes made of special materials,which can change into the color and temperature we like.In 2050,I think some super-speed bikes will appear and cars using solar energy will be more popular.People will be likely to be living underground or on other planets.

In conclusion,life in 2050 will not be quite like what it is now.



