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B6unit4Global Warming语言点学案 - 第一张

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Book 6 Unit 4 Global Warming语言点学案


Despite the fact that the temperature of the earth ________(rise) about one degree ________ (probable) doesn’t seem much to you or me, it is a rapid increase when___________ _______ (与...相比较)other natural changes. _______ ______ ________ __________ ________(毫无疑问) it is human activity and the burning of more and more__________ ___________(化石燃料) _______has_______________ _________ (导致)global warming rather than a______________(随意的) but natural____________________(现象), which all scientists ______ __________(同意).Some______________(副产品) of burning fossil fuels are called___________________(温室) gases, the most important of__________ is carbon dioxide. When small amounts of gases in the atmosphere like carbon dioxide, _____________(甲烷)and water vapour trap heat from the sun, thus _________ (warm) the earth, it is_______ scientists call “greenhouse effect ” , without ______________, the earth ________________(be) about thirty-three degrees Celsius cooler than it is .However,the problem comes when huge____________ ______ (大量的)extra carbon dioxide__________ (add) into the atmosphere,which means that more heat energy_______ _______ _____ _________________(往往被困住) in the atmosphere___________(cause) the global temperature to_____ ___(上升). It was a scientist ______ was called Charles Keeling______ ______ __________ ____________(做了准确的测量) of the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from 1957 to 1977.He found between theses years the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere went up from around 315 parts to around 370 parts per million. This______ (数据) _______________ (accept) by all scientists and they also reach an agreement ___________ it is the burning of fossil fuels ________ has contributed to the increase in carbondioxide.

However, attitudes of scientists ___________ this rise are ___________________(complete) different. On the one hand, Dr Foster hold the view that any__________(趋势) in which the temperature increased____ 5 degrees would lead to a ______________(灾难), such as a rise of several meters in the sea level, severe storms, _______ (洪灾),_____________(dry), _____________(饥荒), the spread of diseases and the disappearance of species. On the other hand, George Hambley who_____ _________ ____ (反对)this view _______________(陈述) that any warming will be mild with few bad environmental__________________(后果), which will encourage________ ________ _________ ____(一些列) animals and make life for human beings better. _________ ________(尽管)we are making great efforts to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide, greenhouse gases continue to build up in the atmosphere and the climate is going to__________ ______(继续)warming for decades or centuries. What can we do about global warming? What can we do about global warming?

Ouyang Guang who is doing a project about global warming ___ ________ ___(代表)his school is not sure _________ to start his project. Therefore, he is writing to seek some suggestions from Earth Care on what he can do about global warming. In spite of the fact that he feels________ (个体)have little effect on such huge environmental problems, he still hopes that people should ___________(提倡) _____________(change) the way that people __________________(使用/消耗) energy. The Earth Care subscribes to the view that people

_______(have) a __________________ (责任心)have the power to do whatever they can _____________(improve) our environment. They hold the belief that together ____________ _____ _______ __ __________ (个人能起重要的作用)and we don’t have to_____ ____ ______ ____________(忍受污染).Firstly, it makes sense that we should___________ ____ ________ ____________(关闭电器) _____ ___ ____(只要) we’re not using them,


which we shouldn’t ____ ______ _______(大意). Besides, it is suggested that we should appeal to people __________ (work)or ride a bike if possible instead of _________ _________ ______(机动车), __________(make) a great difference to cutting the emission of carbon dioxide. Moreover, it is vital that we should try to buy things that _____________(make) of ____________( 回收的) materials and are ______________ ________ with energy(节约能源的产品), such as smaller things like fridges and ___________________(微波炉), which can be of great benefit to reducing energy ________________(减少能源消耗). What’s more, it is high time that we ________ (recycle)things like cans, bottles and newspapers if________________ (条件)allow us to. By ___________ ________ ________ materials that can be___________(充分利用可循环使用的材料) , everybody can play a part in saving energy. In addition, it is advisable that we should plant trees for the reason that trees can _____________( 吸收)CO2 from the air and ______ _______ _________(使你精神振奋)when we look at them. Last but not least, it should be kept in mind that we could be an _____________(教育者) to help people to ________________________________________________(提高人们的环保意识).Only when everyone _________ ____________ ___________ environmental protection (参与环境保护) can our _________________ ______________(贡献才有价值).

Task one: Important sentences patterns:

It is a rapid increase when compared with/to other natural changes. 1. 与…比起来;较之(作状语) 把A和B相比较 (作谓语) 把A比作B

___________ renewable energy, non-renewable energy can be used up easily.

Citizens feel like _________ our school ____ YD Middle school. _____________ YD middle school, ours is more beautiful with advanced teaching equipment and _____________ the cradle of YD’s civilization.(文化的摇篮) 2.强调句与其他从句连用的情况:

It is the fact__________ nobody subscribes to his opinion_________resulted in his desperation/despair.

It is the data___________was offered by the government________showed a huge quantity of animals is dying out. It is in the bookstore________ I often go to buy books________ we met for the first time. It was Charles Keeling________ is always bad-tempered_________committed the mistake.

It was__________the world war II broke out in 1936________ they were recruited into the army(被招收入伍). Task2 :利用字典或练习册找出以下词汇词性转换、搭配、也可以摘抄一些好的例句等,并把它写到笔记本上 一、名词

1. 现象n.________________;(复数________________)

名词变复数的不规则变化: medium→_____________媒体; criterion→______________标准;

datum→___________数据; bacterium→_____________细菌

2. 燃料;为身体提供能量的食物; (维持,增加感情的)刺激物;n. ________; 给…加燃料;增强;刺激v._________; Government forces are running out of fuel. His comments are bound to add fuel to the debate. 他的话必将为争论推波助澜. Research suggests warm colors fuel our appetites. 3. 量;数量n. ______________; 质量_______________;



4. 衡量;测量;尺寸n.____________________;n.措施 v.衡量;估量 _____________;



5. 环境保护论者n.___________________ ; 环境n. ________________;环境的adj. ________________; 环境的adv. _______________________;


6. 结果;后果;影响n. ___________________;adj.随之发生的;必然的;合乎逻辑的___________________;


搭配:结果___________________________________;因为____________________________________; 7.生存;存在n._________________; vt. _____________;


9.投入;奉献;承诺;许诺;保证承诺的事;责任n.___________________; .犯 (错误、罪行等);承诺;(使) 承担义务;(使) 作出保证;投入vt./vi_______________; 投入的;尽责的adj._________________;

搭配:(动词)犯错________________________; 犯罪_____________________;自杀____________________; 承担义务/承诺/保证做某事___________________________________________; 投入时间/金钱做某事_________________________________________;

(名词)承担义务/承诺/保证做某事___________________________________________; (形容词)致力于;献身于;投入的;忠于__________________________________; I’m overworked at the moment — I’ve taken on too many commitments. A career as an actor requires one hundred percent commitment. She has made a commitment to going bottle-free. Smoking is committing suicide slowly.

The world has already committed to establishing a Climate Adaptation Fund. (气候应对基金) He commits an hour to reading the newspapers every morning. A lot of money has been committed to the project.

He loved playing this instrument, and was committed to practicing it. If you have a girlfriend, you should be committed to her only.

10. 污染;弄脏n. ___________污染物n_____________; 污染v.__________;被污染的adj_______________; 11. 环境;情况n.______________________;

搭配: 在这样的情况下___________________________; 在任何情况下__________________________; 绝不_______________________________________________(放在句首要倒装) Our circumstances are so desperate that it is uncertain whether life will return to normal. Under/In the circumstances, it seems better not to tell him about the accident. It’s an experimental model, so don’t touch it under/in any circumstances. Under/In no circumstances can you subscribe to his view.

12.贡献n._________________; 对…做出贡献 v. ________________ 搭配:做贡献/捐助/投稿/导致;促使__________________________;


13.显示;演出;呈现;演示n. _________________; v. 呈现;展示;赠送____________; adj. 在场的;出席的______________; n.礼物;目前;现在_______________;



1. 消费;消耗;耗尽;吃完vt.___________; n._________________; 消费者n.______________; adj.费时的_____________________;

搭配:减少能源消耗_______________________________________; In our daily life, we usually consume a lot of energy.

His death resulted from consuming a huge quantity of alcohol. Looking after the children, cooking and cleaning are time-consuming. The law has led to a reduction in fuel consumption in the US.

2. vt.签署文件;捐助;vi.同意;捐赠;订阅_______________;n.订阅费;捐款;捐助;会员费________________; 搭配:同意;赞成赞成(观点;计划;理论);订购(报刊;杂志)_________________________; My main reason for subscribing to New Scientist is to keep myself informed of advances in science. I subscribe to a few favourite charities regularly. 3. 照顾;护理;倾向;往往会;趋向;趋于vt.___________;

趋势;倾向;走向n._____________; 同义词:n._______________;

往往做;易于做;倾向于做 _____________________(v.);____________________________(n.); 做…正成为增加的趋势_____________________________________________; She tends to lose her temper easily when people are opposed to her ideas.

Hearing the news that his son was sick, he was eager to go back home to tend (to) his son. In our culture, girls are brought up to tend to the needs of the family. These plants have a tendency to grow in the more rural areas. There is a growing tendency for people to advocate walking to work. There is a growing upward trend in gasoline prices.

4. 反对;反抗;与某人较量vt.______________;反对的;对立的adj._____________; n.(强烈的)反对;抵制___________________;

相反的人或事物)n. /相反的;对立的adj. /在…的对面 prep._________________;

搭配:反对(某人)做某事____________________________(动作); ______________________________(状态); I strongly oppose the rule that students should come to school before 6:50 am. He opposed banning senior three students from taking part in outdoor activities. He is strongly opposed to consuming a huge quantity of energy in our daily life. Strangely, Mr. Green, also opposed to the new policy, made no remark in the discussion. Good habits always lead to high efficiency, while bad ones bring the opposite All the cars driving in the opposite direction should have their headlights on. The hotel is located opposite the post office.

5. 陈述,声明;说明vt._________; n.________________; 国家; 州; 状况,情况__________; 搭配:据说_________________________;处于…的状态_______________________________________; 国有企业_____________________________;

He stated his opinion about the plan that a state-owned company would be built in the city. He stated that he can’t put up with his bad temper.

It is stated that a huge quantity of carbon dioxide is released into the air, resulting in severe pollution.

8. 个人;个体n.________________; adj.单独的;个别的________________; adv. __________________; I've personally never subscribed to the view that either sex is superior to the other.

It was stated that he was in a rigid state when hearing the news. 6.看一下;扫视vi. _____________;一瞥n._____________;

搭配:瞥一眼_________________; 盯着看;凝视__________________;怒视_________________; 7.拥护;提倡;主张vt.____________;n.提倡者; (辩护) 律师; 支持者_______________; 搭配:主张(做)某事_____________________________;

主张;提倡做____________________________________________; Many experts advocate rewarding your child for good behaviour.

It is advocated that we (should) encourage more and more people to wear traditional clothes.

The Chinese government advocates that a low-carbon lifestyle be adopted to protect our environment.

8. 同一范围内类似的一系列事物;年龄,价格等变动的范围;幅度;距离;界限;山脉n._______________; (在一定范围内)变动;变化;排列v. _____________;



在射程外;在范围外_______________________; 近距离地_______________________________; 动词的搭配:在…范围内变动;包括; 由…到…之间的各类事物________________________________; College students are of many different ages and come from a wide range of social, cultural and economic backgrounds. In addition to these traditional activities, we have a wider range of choices such as travelling and visiting friends. The price of the house is so high that it is well out of /beyond our range.

The price of the car ranges from 20,000 dollars to 30,000 dollars, which is in/within his range. He is the manager, hiring and firing are within the range of his responsibilities.

Do not miss this opportunity to see whales at close range on their annual migration south to the Antarctic. Between Italy and France, there is a mountain range called the Alps. He has a number of interests, ranging from playing chess to swimming. The listeners are mostly middle school students, ranging between 12 and 18.

9. vt.使恢复;使振作____________; adj. 使人振作的____________; adj. 振作的;精神的___________; 搭配: 使记忆犹新____________________________________;

使某人自己振作/恢复精神_____________________________________________; 三. 形容词&副词

1. 能再生的;可更新的adj.__________________; v.更新;续借____________; 2. 胡乱的;任意的adj.________________; 胡乱地;任意地______________; 搭配:胡乱地;任意地________________________;

3. 平稳的;持续的;稳固的adj.______________;adv._________________;

4. 经济的;节约的adj._________________; 经济上的_____________;adv. _________________; 5. 平均;平均数;一般水平;平均标准n.________________;

平均的;中等的;适中的(normal or typical)平常的;普遍的(not special/ordinary);adj._______________; 名词的搭配:平均是..._________________________平均地;一般地_____________________; 在平均水平以上________________________; 在平均水平以下______________________; 形容词:智力一般的孩子_______________________________________; 中等身高_____________________________

The average of 3, 8 and 10 is 7. I spend an average of about $200 a year on books.


On average we have five classes a day.

He was a good student and scored above (the) average in most subjects.

Scientists believe the world’s average temperature has risen by about 0.8℃ since 1900. Only one in six children whose parents were of average weight became overweight. Freddy was an average student, but not an average person.

6.电的;与电有关的adj.________________;电子的adj. _______________;

电动的; 带电的; 发电的,导电的_______________;



7. 随便的,非正式;漫不经心的;偶然的;碰巧;adj. _____________; adv.随意地;漫不经心地______________; 对...很随意____________________________;便装_______________________; 非正式的友好问候___________________________________ 短语:

1.发生;造成________________;2.怎么发生的呢/怎么会呢?_______________________________________; 3. 上升;增长;升起______________; 4. 导致________________________________________________; 5. 即使__________________________; 6. 继续__________________;

7. 大体上;基本上_________________________; 8.代表…一方;作为…的代言人_____________________; 9. 忍受;容忍____________________________; 10. 只要_______________; 11.等等_________________; 12.人们普遍关注_________________________________________;


1.There is a __________ _____________(普遍现象) that________ __________ ____ ___________ ______ ___ ______ _______ ____ ________ ____________ _____ ___________(很多消费者往往随意购买大量商品) because sellers offer___ ______ ________ ___(大范围的)sales promotion.

___________ _________(与...比起来)travelling by train, travelling by air is less ____________ (耗时的) but to a certain extent it is riskier.

2. To fight global warming, we should try every means____ _________ _________ ______________(降低能耗). The_________________ _____________ (环境保护论者主张)that_____________ ________ _______ ___ _____________ ____ ____________ ___________(个人要为环保作出贡献) by not____________ _______ ____ (用化石燃料) and buy _______________ ____________ (环保的)products.

3. To expand vocabulary, not only______ ____ ________ __________ ____students __________(花费) a great deal of time in memorizing the words, but they also __________ ____(订阅) the English version of China Daily. (quantity) 4. ____ _________ ____________ ____(大量的)teachers ___________ ____(同意)the opinion that it is ____ ____ _____________ __ (因为)lack of time that students________ ____ ____________ their homework _____ ____________(往往随意完成作业), _____ ____ ____________, they failed in the exams.

With the___________________ from the kind-hearted people, the teacher_______________ ____ some magazines and newspapers for the poor children in the mountain area. (subscribe) .

B6unit4Global Warming语言点学案 - 第一张


